CIRICE 2023 10th International Conference - Naples, 8/10 June 2023
Registration is now open for the next CIRICE International Conference entitled "CITIES AND WAR Defenses, destruction, permanence of memories and the urban image"
Registration is now open for the next CIRICE International Conference entitled "CITIES AND WAR Defenses, destruction, permanence of memories and the urban image"
The international seminar entitled "Da migranti a coloni" will be held in the Morzo Hall of the Faculty of Humanities of Cagliari on 6/7 March 2020
The conference "Historic cities, intangible heritage and carnival holidays" will be held on Friday 7 February 2020 as part of the Campania Region Project on the enhancement of intangible assets with the group of the Interdepartmental Center for Urban Research "Alberto Calza Bini"
The call for papers of the IX CIRICE National Conference entitled "La città palinsesto" will be open from 20 to 20 October 2020 in Naples