Award ceremony
In 2017, the Italian Association of Urban History AISU awarded the "Roberta Morelli" Prize, intended for young scholars aged 35 and over, to Simone Fatuzzo for the publication of the unpublished monograph "I Pallavicino and Cortemaggiore. History, architecture, documents".
The award was established by AISU in 2017 to commemorate the scholar Roberta Morelli, full professor of economic history at the University of Roma Tre and member of the AISU board of directors since its foundation. His figure and his scientific activity represent a remarkable example of a wide and open interest in the themes of the city and its history, capable of dealing with different disciplinary approaches in an enlarged context, national and international, attentive to its current heritage. Therefore, they express in the most complete and appreciable way the sense of commitment and work undertaken by the AISU.
These scientific and human qualities, which we have had the opportunity to appreciate in building conferences and various initiatives of the Association, have been extraordinary and remain unforgettable, like his smile. We have admired, and we miss, his rigorous and light style at the same time; never as superficial as, rather, a sign of that lightness that Calvino spoke of in his American lessons, which is "gliding over things from above, not having boulders on the heart".
We want to remember you with the same generous and enthusiastic commitment that you have always dedicated to the AISU community with an award that, with you, looks to young people, to whom we want to convey your teaching.
Rosa Tamborrino
Associazione Italiana di Storia Urbana
When four years ago Roberta Morelli left us after a long illness, we lost, not only a very dear colleague, but also a friend and a person with an uncommon value who gave us a great testimony of life, even before being scientific. Among the fields of study in which Roberta poured his pyrotechnic intelligence and his sensitivity as a race historian, the city certainly occupies an important place, scrutinized and investigated in the perspective of an economic and social historian with a marked preference for unusual observation points.
It is therefore not surprising that Roberta has been, since its foundation, one of the pillars on which the house of the Italian Association of Urban History was built and it was therefore natural that the friends and colleagues protagonists with her of that adventure immediately thought, after his disappearance, in a way that allowed him to remember its figure and value. Roberta was also a person with a great open-mindedness and characterized by a great sensitivity towards young people, which allowed her, among other things, to establish lasting relationships of friendship whose most beautiful fruit is the book of splendid poems she wrote and published by his pupil Micol Ferrara. Thinking about what Roberta would have liked, it was quite natural for us to think about the establishment of a prize for young scholars who had as their objective the publication of their first research tests.
The first edition of the prize named after Roberta Morelli immediately collected a significant number of proposals, several of which are of great value, and during the conference of the Italian Association of Urban History held in Genoa in June 2018, Simone Fatuzzo was awarded as winner, the author of the book you are about to read. It is not my job, others will do, to illustrate the work of the young author that I still had the opportunity to appreciate in my capacity as a member of the commission that awarded the prize. I limit myself to underlining once again its value, the richness of ideas and the maturity of writing.
What I really want to do, to conclude, is to embrace Roberta once again, who has always remained in the hearts of her friends, with the certainty that, in her memory, to help young scholars to undertake the path that she has practiced so well, it will certainly make you very happy.
Luca Mocarelli
Vice president
Associazione Italiana di Storia Urbana
Winning scrolls

Art. 1 - The Roberta Morelli Prize (1950-2014) is established and awarded by the Italian Association of Urban History (AISU) and intends to remember the scholar who made a significant scientific contribution to urban history and was among the founders of the Association.
Art. 2 - The Prize consists in the publication of an unpublished monograph on an urban history theme, drawn up by a young scholar not older than 35 years old (at the time of the expiry of this announcement). The volume of the selected author will be published under the patronage of AISU in the context of the series "Studies of Urban History", published by CROMA Roma Tre University. In addition to the publication, the Award also provides for a net contribution of 1,000 euros in cash to research activities.
Art. 3 - Studies prepared by multiple authors are allowed, provided that they comply with all the requirements of art. 2. Works in Italian, English, French and Spanish can be presented. The text must be delivered in digital format together with the application for admission to the competition, with a curriculum vitae and a copy of a signed identification document attached. These documents must be delivered by hand, or sent by post (by registered mail), by December 31, 2017, to the following address: "AISU - AISU Award Jury Roberta Morelli, c / o Politecnico di Torino - DIST Department - 10125 Turin . The postmark will be valid for the shipping date. Applications can also be submitted via Certified Electronic Mail (PEC) exclusively to the address by the same date indicated above, provided that the author is identified. Applications received by Certified E-mail from users other than personal will not be accepted.
Art. 4 - The work submitted for the competition will be subjected to peer review. The publication is subject to acceptance of any comments that will be made to the author. The prize may not be awarded in the absence of valid works.
Art. 5 - The jury will be appointed by the AISU Board of Directors. The judgment of the commission is unquestionable.
Art. 6 - All documentation sent by candidates will not be returned.
Art. 7 - Participation in the competition implies acceptance of all the articles of this announcement.