EAUH 2026 Conference. City Networks in Europe and beyond
È aperta la Call for session del 17 Convegno di Storia Urbana e fino al 15 Aprile 2025. Il Convegno si svolgerà a Barcellona 2-5 Settembre 2026 LINK AL SITO: http://www.eauh.eu/eauh2026
È aperta la Call for session del 17 Convegno di Storia Urbana e fino al 15 Aprile 2025. Il Convegno si svolgerà a Barcellona 2-5 Settembre 2026 LINK AL SITO: http://www.eauh.eu/eauh2026
Is available at the website of the Congress the Final Programme.
EAUH conference has two fee categories: member and non-member fee. Everyone interested in becoming a member can join the EAUH during the registration process by ticking the box “EAUH member”.
Call for Papers has been extended until 20 October 2023. All information can be found in Guideline for Participants and Authors (LINK)
The deadline for the submission of paper proposals is September 30, 2023. Next, please be sure to check the guidelines before filling out the template.
Session proposals submission Call for Sessions is open. Deadline for sending the Registration Form is 15 March 2023. LINK TO THE PAGE Use the Registration form for Call for Sessions. Save the file on your computer. Fill it out. Send the completed form to e-mail: eauh2024@osu.cz. If you have any problem, please contact congress organizators…
The sixteenth conference of the European Association for Urban History (EAUH) will take place in Ostrava, Czech Republic, from 4 to 7 September 2024. The Local Organizing Committee is pleased to host the interdisciplinary EAUH 2024 Conference and to follow up on the highly successful 15th EAUH Conference in Antwerp. In 2024 the theme of…
The Ordinary General Meeting of the EAUH will be held during the EAUH 2022 Antwerp conference on Friday, 2 September at 18:30–19:30.
The following have been published: The social program and keynote - LINK Scientific program (Sessions and documents) - LINK The agenda of the EAUH General Assembly - LINK
On Wednesday 1 September 2021 the European Association for Urban History, in collaboration with the Centre for Urban History at the University of Antwerp, is hosting an online event: “Urban History. Old Paradigms and New Perspectives”.
Because of the long time-gap between the Call for sessions for the 2020 conference in 2019 and the Conference in 2022, a new Call for Sessions and a new Call for Papers has opened on 1 May 2021 and will run until 30 October 2021, so new research and new researchers get the opportunity to…
The International Committee of the EAUH and the local organizing committee of the Antwerp Conference have sadly come to the conclusion that organizing the Antwerp Conference in the beginning of September this year would under current corona circumstances constitute too great a risk. For all these reasons the International Committee has decided to postpone once…
Are available the guidelines for session organizers, delegates, paper presenters and bursaries.
It is with the utmost regret that the international committee of the EAUH has decided to postpone its 15th conference on Urban History in Antwerp 2-5 September 2020 to next year 1-4 September 2021. The chronology of the current worldwide pandemic and the outbreak of Covid-19 is too unpredictable, as are the national schedules of loosening…
We have decided that the early-bird registration period will be prolonged from 15 May to 1 July 2020.
The Conference will be organized around the general theme of “Cities in Motion”
The Conference will be organized around the general theme of “Cities in Motion”