Art. 1 – The Roberta Morelli Prize is sponsored by and awarded by AISU, Associazione Italiana di Storia Urbana in memory of a scholar who was one of the Association's founders.
Art. 2 – The Prize consists in the publication, in print and in e-book format of PhD or Specialisations Schools thesis on questions of urban history, which has been presented since 2015 (inclusive). The author or authors will also be awarded a total of 30 copies of the volume.
Art. 3 – Texts drawn up by more than one author are admissible provided that they meet the requirements laid out in art. 2. Works may be presented in Italian, English, French and Spanish. Only members regularly enrolled in the present year are eligible.
Art. 4 – The chosen work will be published by AISU International in its Urban History/Storia Urbana collection in English for a more effective international reach. AISU will deal with translation, where necessary, and cover the costs thereof. The printed work will consist in a volume composed of a text of up to 100,000 words with up to 25 illustrations (approximately 250 pages). To this end, the author or authors of the thesis shall present a text that complies with these requirements, if necessary moving other documentation and additional illustrations to an appendix for the electronic version. All illustrations provided shall be copyright-free.
Art. 5 – The author/s of the winning work shall undertake to submit the text for publication in accordance with the collection's editorial guidelines, along with high-resolution images, and to verify the correctness of the translation. All illustrations shall be provided copyright-free.
Art. 6 – The text to be submitted for selection shall be submitted in digital format together with: the application for admission to the contest; the curriculum vitae of each author; a copy of the identity document of each author. N.B. In the event of multiple authors, each author shall sign the admission application. The text and aforementioned documents shall be sent together to AISU's certified e-mail account by 15th June 2020..
Art. 7 – An honourable mention may be made of another work demonstrating particular merits.
Art. 8 – The panel of judges will be composed of the editorial board of the Urban History/Storia Urbana collection and by another member appointed by AISU's board of directors. The panel's decision shall be final and incontestable. The panel reserves the right not to award the prize in the event that no work submitted displays the necessary meritworthiness.
Art. 9 – Documentation received will not be returned.
Art. 10 – Participation in the contest implies acceptance of all the articles of this call.