Proposals accepted and new placement in a session different from the one proposed.

FrancescoAlbertiRECOVERING LANDSCAPE Nuovi sentieri di sviluppo per le comunità locali4.14 Resilience and cultural heritage
JonathanAmakawaPresenting the 1908 Springfield Race Riots through Augmented Reality6.01 E-culture: pandemic formats and beyond. Digital and cultural heritage on question
YuliiaBatkovaReconstructing space and place: ephemeral form between monument and performance4.17 Adaptive public space
AntonioBoccaCentri minori, energia e rigenerazione urbana7.1 Moving from cities to small towns. Historical dynamics and current prospects
AndreaCancliniLa morte e la vita della casa unifamiliare. Il boom economico come manifesto di un fallimento, tra mutazioni antropologiche, La vita agra e Teorema2.14 Inhabiting change. Studying ordinary transformations of the urban residential stock
Caterina F.CarocciPoggioreale antica: alla ricerca della memoria perduta6.14 Heritage, landscape and community: research and experiences between knowledge, enhancement and development
ElisaDalla RosaAlluvioni e interventi adattivi nella Verona novecentesca.4.10 The cities answer to hydraulic canalization networks. Geographical, economic, and cultural transformations in water cities from 1800 to today
AngelaDiceglieMasserie Fortificate del XVI secolo a difesa del territorio e casa tra gli ulivi oggi a difesa del paesaggio pugliese.4.09 Historic centers, procurement of materials and construction history
GianlucaFeniliLa valorizzazione dei centri storici: ricerca storica e analisi dell’edificato7.1 Moving from cities to small towns. Historical dynamics and current prospects
YananFuDigital Development of Intangible Cultural Heritage Based on XR Technology: New Tools for Sustainable Development of Traditional Handicraft6.07 Expressing the longue durée, 3D Modeling Change over Time
WladekFuchsStrutture di spettacolo romane – la persistenza dei metodi di progettazione.4.15 Survival and adaptation of Roman amphitheaters and ancient buildings for public spectacles
SandJulienEugenics in Luxembourg and Zurich: Examples of resistance and adaptivity2.09 Forms of control and resistance in the city between the Nineteenth and Twentieth centuries. Case studies through the analysis of sources expressed by the urban area
FigenKivilcim CorakbasMemory and Oblivion of Byzantine-Ottoman Cross-Cultural Transitions: A Comparative Architectural Analysis of Hagia Sofia of Nicea and Green Mosque4.09 Historic centers, procurement of materials and construction history
GiampieroLombardiniDopo l’abbandono: i piccoli centri tra paura di morire e diritto di vivere. Il caso della Liguria interna7.1 Moving from cities to small towns. Historical dynamics and current prospects
GiuliaLucianiIL DELTA DEL TEVERE. RIPARTIRE DALL’ACQUA PER UN PROGETTO DI TERRITORIO4.10 The cities answer to hydraulic canalization networks. Geographical, economic, and cultural transformations in water cities from 1800 to today
Nick M. L.MolsFaces of Resilient Adaptability: Leon Battista Alberti’s Edification and the Palazzo Rucellai.2.02 Norms and rules, between adaptiveness and resistance, in towns and settlements: archival documents and true realisations
PatríciaMonteiroArchitectural heritage of southern Portugal: disruptive practices and sustainability strategies for its preservation4.14 Resilience and cultural heritage
AlessandraPaniccoIl paesaggio resiliente della valle di Susa: la prevostura di Oulx2.08 Rule, adaptation and resilience: transformations of spaces and functions of complexes for religious life
AuraRacioppi“Un hospitale per pellegrini, escursionisti e turisti”. Soluzioni per un turismo consapevole e regolamentato, nel rispetto di una comunità antica4.12 Adaptive reuse of religious disused or under-used heritage. Integrated strategic projects and methodological approaches for the adaptive reuse of disused or under-used churches and historic religious buildings
AwildaRodriguez CarrionImperiled industrial patrimony: Re-envisioning a Puerto Rico’s sugar mill through dreamscapes and future mixed reality scenarios.6.05 Production Landscapes in Transformation. Towards a Patrimonial Interpretation of Energy Transitions throughout Industrial and Post-industrial History
Carmelo GiuseppeSeverinoElaborare il lutto per i caduti assegnandone la memoria ai posteri. Monumenti e targhe commemorative dopo la Grande Guerra: il caso di Roma Esquilino2.02 Norms and rules, between adaptiveness and resistance, in towns and settlements: archival documents and true realisations
MassimoVisoneNapoli e il Campus veteris extra moenia2.07 Urban walls, guasto, and infrastructures: the Mediterranean city and its edge