Magazine Trasporti & Cultura proposes a Call for book with the aim of collecting and selecting original proposals for the drafting of a text that contains the singular story and activity of the publication.
Candidates are asked to frame the aims and specificities of the magazine by analyzing its evolution, with a critical rereading and a systematic organization of the contents, starting from the examination of the 60 issues published so far: this in a comparison with the research situation in academic and professional field on the theme of infrastructures in the landscape and evaluating the contribution of the journal to the interdisciplinary debate. Candidates are also asked to retrace the numerous in-depth initiatives (conferences, seminars, non-fiction awards) promoted by the Management to support the debate on a national and regional scale and stimulate the attention of the non-specialized public on the topics covered by the magazine.
The Call for book will develop, in principle, in the ways and times indicated below:
- by March 2021 - launch of the Call;
- by May 2021 - submission of proposals by interested candidates;
- by June 2021 - evaluation of the proposals by a special Evaluation Committee and choice of the author of the research and of the text;
- from July to November 2021 - development of the research work, in close collaboration with the Management of the journal, which will provide the material and all the information regarding the journal that may be necessary;
- by November 2021 - presentation to the Editorial Committee of the draft of the text containing the results of the research;
- by December 2021 - preparation of the final version of the text for printing;
- by January 2022 - printing of the volume.
Candidates must submit proposals in the form of abstract to be sent by email, by May 31, 2021, to the address: