
Polito – UCLA Summer School – “Learning by Game Creation”

The third edition of the International Summer School – Learning by Game Creation –  organized by a Joint Project of the Politecnico di Torino and University of California, will take place from 1st to 8th September 2019 in Torino. All the information and the programs are available at the web site http://digitalhumanitiesforculturalheritage.polito.it Fellowships for AISU…

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Urban peripheries and European cities

The recent economic and social crisis has put the spotlight back on an “urban issue” that first emerged at the end of the nineteenth century in European cities experiencing rapid population growth and increasing urban sprawl. Quality of life in peripheral working-class neighborhoods and social inclusion processes have, once again, become a priority of the urban agenda. The Archivio per la storia del movimento sociale cattolico in Italia and the Dipartimento di Storia dell’economia, della società e di Scienze del territorio, both dedicated to Mario Romani, are organising a conference that will allow researchers to share their experiences on the changes underway in living conditions in urban peripheries.

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Processes, institutions and policies in contemporary Italy

The seminar aims to create an opportunity for dialogue and discussion between scholars from different disciplines (political science, history and law in the first place), analyzing the processes, institutions and policies of contemporary Italy. The chronological period identified is therefore very broad, stretching from 1848 to the present day. The specific issues of comparison may concern the forms of government, representation, center-periphery relations, the Administration.

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Ruskin 200

On the occasion of the two hundredth anniversary from birth, it is considered appropriate to propose new readings and considerations on the relationship between John Ruskin and Italy, organizing some initiatives aimed at encouraging debate and discussion on the numerous aspects of his work.

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