Go to Macrosessions | GO TO MACROSESSIONS |
Go to the Sessions | GO TO SESSIONS |
Detailed information for submitting a paper | DOWNLOAD PDF FILE |
Information for Session Coordinators | DOWNLOAD PDF FILE |
Information for the full paper (extended text) and for the post-Congress volume
Editorial guidelines | DOWNLOAD PDF FILE |
Download the template for the full paper | DOWNLOAD FILE WORD |
Fonts to be used | DOWNLOAD THE FONTS |
Powerpoint template to be used for the presentation of the paper
Macrosession 1 | DOWNLOAD THE TEMPLATE |
Macrosession 2 | DOWNLOAD THE TEMPLATE |
Macrosession 3 | DOWNLOAD THE TEMPLATE |
Macrosession 4 | DOWNLOAD THE TEMPLATE |
Macrosession 5 | DOWNLOAD THE TEMPLATE |
Macrosession 6 | DOWNLOAD THE TEMPLATE |
Macrosession 7 | DOWNLOAD THE TEMPLATE |
Macrosession 8 | DOWNLOAD THE TEMPLATE |
To upload the file for the blind review (updated after the Turin Congress) use the following LINK before December 15, 2022 – Il file in formato Word deve essere UNIQUE and must be named with the session number and the name / s of the / of the proposer / I.
The full paper can be delivered by regularly enrolled and registered participants up to August 28, 2022 using the following LINK - The file must be named with the session number and the name (s) of the proposer (s).
The Congress will be followed by the publication of a volume in several volumes, Insights Series, AISU International, Turin, according to the methods described.
For information relating to the Congress write to the email address torino2022@aisuinternational.net