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Macrosession 1. Adaptiveness and Change. Crisis and new beginnings.
1.02 History, Remembrance and Oblivion within Urban Transformation Processes in the Contemporary age. Memorialisation, Cancel Culture, Difficult Heritage

Coordinators: Annunziata Maria Oteri (Politecnico di Milano – Dipartimento di Architettura e Studi Urbani), Nino Sulfaro (Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria)

The so-called Cancel Culture, a recent, controversial phenomenon that ostracises facts and characters from the past that are unwelcome or rejected by contemporary communities, has reopened the debate on some historical-memorial issues associated with particular historical events and processes, such as slavery and colonisation. The objects of the most frequent cancellation are those signs that occupy urban spaces, such as the déboullonage of statues of controversial politicians and historical figures. These manifestations reveal a generalised malaise, probably originating from a severe economic and cultural crisis, but above all from unresolved issues, from the lack of social pacification and from discrimination at an economic, social, and educational level, for which the State has failed in its double role of memorial agent and educator. In addition, these issues are also associated with those inherent in the so-called Difficult Heritage, which has recently brought conservation, enhancement and use of controversial assets to the centre of attention.
The contemporary age is characterised by the issue of remembrance and oblivion of historical events. Therefore, the topics described are not linked exclusively to current events. From the iconoclasm of the French Revolution to the propaganda of the World Wars, and up to the fall of the totalitarian regimes of the Twentieth century, the relationship/link between history, memory, and built environment has profoundly affected the transformation and use of urban spaces because of traumatic events.
The proposed session aims to investigate the results of these processes from the French Revolution to the present day, with particular reference to one or more of the following possible topics:
Difficult Heritage: conservation, valorisation and reuse of controversial heritage
Odonymy: laws and regulations, revision of street maps, changes due to historical events, recovery of historical toponymy, etc.
Urban renewal processes: demolitions, restorations and/or reconstructions of architectural heritage, construction of monuments, removal of signs inherited from totalitarian regimes, etc.
Institutional processes: commissions, educational programs, cultural policies, amnesty, social pacification, commemorations, civil actions, etc.
The role of local communities: committees and movements, demonstrations and protests, participatory processes, exclusion processes, urban conflicts, etc.

Raffaele Amore, Chiara De Vuono, Stunde Null. La ‘normalizzazione’ delle opere del Terzo Reich a Monaco di Baviera (Stunde Null. The ‘normalization’ of the architecture of the Third Reich in Munich)

Stephan Viktor Franz Bittenbinder, Rachel Györffy, Overwriting a Difficult Past. Built-Legacies and the Search for New Identities in Budapest

Blazej Ciarkowski, The anti-communism iconoclasm. Decommunization of the public space in Poland after 1989

Paolo Cornaglia, Budapest: il Palazzo Reale e la Cancel Culture del Socialismo e del post-Socialismo (Budapest: the Royal Palace and the Cancel Culture of Socialism and post Socialism)

Laura Demeter, Superare l’Eredità Fascista e i Danni di Guerra a Bucarest dopo la Seconda Guerra Mondiale (Overcoming the fascist legacy and war damages in Bucharest after the Second World War)

Francesca Martinelli, Naylor Vilas Boas, Presidente Vargas Avenue: Mapping of spaces of urban sociability that disappeared in urban interventions in Rio de Janeiro (1937-1945)

Maria Paola Pasini, Carlotta Coccoli, Piazza della Vittoria a Brescia: storia di uno spazio controverso (Piazza della Vittoria in Brescia: history of a controversial place)

Serena Pesenti, Traslare, restaurare, cancellare monumenti come premessa ed esito di trasformazioni urbane nella Milano del secondo dopoguerra (Translating, restoring, erasing monuments as a premise and outcome of urban transformations in Milan after World War II)

Sonia Pistidda, Maria Cristina Giambruno, Memento o oblio? La difficile eredità delle architetture dei regimi socialisti (Memento or oblivion? The difficult legacy of the architecture of the socialist regimes)

Nino Sulfaro, Annunziata Maria Oteri, La conservazione della materia tra introiezione e proiezione. Riflessioni su difficult heritage, psicanalisi e narrazione della memoria collettiva (Conservation of Architecture, Introjection and Projection. Notes on Difficult Heritage, Psychoanalysis and Collective Memory)

Oana Cristina Tiganea, Diana Mihnea, The Romanian Post-Socialist City: (Re)Constructing the Urban History in Case of Alba Iulia

Maria Rosaria Vitale, Francesco Mazzucchelli, Luoghi dimenticati/Luoghi da dimenticare. La demolizione e i processi dell’oblio nello spazio urbano (Forgotten places/Places to forget. Urban demolitions ad processes of oblivion)

1.03 Acculturation process and the ‘two Mediterraneans’: Early modern cultural affiliations in the port cities of the Mediterranean and the Chinese Sea

Coordinators: Filomena Viviana Tagliaferri (ISEM-CNR)

The aim of this session is to build a comparison between early modern Mediterranean port cities as Braudelian plural spaces and the Chinese Sea colonial enclaves of the same period. It focuses on how the balance of acculturation could be observed and analysed in daily behaviours involving tendencies towards the hybridisation and differentiation of foreign groups and migrants in the port cities of the ‘two Mediterraneans’.
Mediterranean port cities were plural spaces since communities lived next to one another, maintaining their specific characteristics and entering into a system that recognised them as diverse. These foreigners ‘often originated from afar [were] distinguished by language, physical appearance, dress, beliefs or practices, characteristics covered by the slippery modern terms ‘ethnicity’ of ‘cultural identity’ (Keene 2016).
The visibility of stranger was central to configuring urban settlements and determined as well by the state authorities’ expectation of recognisability, a visibility that involved the reproduction of sets of material practices that shaped daily life. In this perspective, identity is intended as ‘a way of being and doing’, a way of making things in everyday life involving material practices. This concrete identity leads individuals to self-position themselves in relation to other individuals who are recognised as similar or different according to how they do things. Having no access to oral sources for the period, materiality is particularly meaningful when examining early modern cultural pluralisms and it should not be seen as a ‘folklorisation’ of historical knowledge. Rather, from Daniel Roche’s perspective, it is to be understood as a focus on re-materialising the principles of our knowledge, achieving a better grasp of our relation to things. The use of material practices as identity detectors sheds light on the possible ways in which cultural affiliation has been channelled in the visible forms of daily life, allowing to study what a specific cultural group saw as meaningful. The papers should focus on the way coexistence took form in different environments through the analysis of the material practices in different port cities.
The ultimate scope of this session is to identify a possible model whereby the cultural pluralism typical of 17th and 18th Mediterranean port cities can be shared in the study of Asian port cities affected by a strong movement of foreign communities due also the colonial interests of Europeans.

Luca Andreoni, Città portuali, pratiche abitative e minoranze. Gli ebrei in Adriatico (secoli XVI-XVIII) (Port Cities, housing practices and minorities. Jews in the Adriatic (16th-18th centuries))

Filip Novosel, Foreigners and the early modern Eastern Adriatic urban space in times of war – the case of Zadar during the War of Crete (1645–1669)

Cristina Pallini,Vilma Hastaoglou-Martinidis, L’architettura delle enclave extraterritoriali nei porti del Mediterraneo orientale (Architecture of extraterritorial enclaves in East Mediterranean ports)

Sim Hinman Wan, Devozione al mare: tempi Mazu e la prima urbanizzazione moderna del delta del Fiume delle Perle (Devoted to the Sea: Mazu Temples and the Early Modern Urbanisation of the Pearl River Delta)

1.04 The Photography of Trauma

Coordinators: Giuseppe Bonaccorso (Università di Camerino), Nicolò Sardo (Università di Camerino)

The proposed session, entitled ""The Photography of Trauma"", seeks to investigate how the medium of photography (but also of video, documentary reportage and filmography) chronicles earthquakes, floods, fires and destruction of recent armed conflicts, i. e. events which have caused a sudden change in the morphology of the urban fabric of cities, towns and territories during the twentieth century in the Mediterranean area.
The intention is to narrate, through images, some emblematic cases that can be compared, such as post-earthquake Messina (1908), Friuli (1976), Abruzzo (1915, 2009), Irpinia (1980), Umbria and Marche (1997), again Marche, Lazio and Umbria (2016), but also Skopje (1963), Zagreb (2020), post-eruption Aeolian Islands (1930 and 1949) and post-floods Belice, Florence, or Venice. Moreover, comparative method is also to be applied to images of the destruction caused by bombings or air campaigns in the First and Second World Wars, in the ex-Yugoslavia (Dubrovnik) and in Lebanon (Beirut).
The session seeks to compare the images depicting the moment of the trauma and, subsequently, whether or not the reconstruction programmes were respected after an intermediate period of about a decade. We are interested in documenting how, at the end of the reconstruction process, the territory was rebuilt, modified or readapted. Possible failures are also to be highlighted, such as the still abandoned and ruined houses of the exiled in the small Istrian villages, or the villages abandoned after earthquakes, like Pescara del Tronto in the Marche. Also, we seek papers on visual documents of the transformation of public places such as museums or seaside structures after the destruction of the Second World War (the museum of Roman ships in Nemi, or the pier in Ostia Lido), the minefields in former Yugoslavia, or the bridges built, demolished and rebuilt across Europe, or even border walls in Europe during the immigration crisis.
Hence we see photography, but also video, as a form of testimony and study of the difficulty of restarting in different urban and natural arenas after traumatic and destructive events.

Carlos Bitrián Varea, Il registro dell’orrore: l’immagine del territorio nelle fotografie dei bombardamenti dell’aviazione fascista durante la guerra civile spagnola (The record of horror: the image of the territory in the photographs of the Italian fascist aviation bombings during the Spanish Civil War)

Giuseppe Bonaccorso, Nicolò Sardo, Dalla distruzione alla ricostruzione: una cronaca per immagini della ricostituzione del tessuto urbano (From destruction to reconstruction: a chronicle in images of the ridefinition of the urban tissue)

Marta Magagnini, Oltre lo sguardo dell’artista. Il terremoto nelle mostre d’arte contemporanea da Terrae motus a Terra Sacra (Beyond the artist’s gaze. The earthquake in contemporary art exhibitions from Terrae motus to Terra Sacra)

Cristina Orlandi, La comparazione fotografica pre e post sisma come strumento ausiliario per il superamento del trauma: il caso studio di Onna (The comparison of picture taken before and after an earthquake as an auxiliary tool to overcome the trauma)

1.05 Urbs and/or Civitas. Cities and citizenships under the threat of traumatic changes

Coordinators: Simone Mollea (Università degli Studi di Torino), Elisa Della Calce (Università degli Studi di Torino), Alberto Crotto (Università degli Studi di Torino), Ermanno Malaspina (Università degli Studi di Torino)

Right from Antiquity, cities have been transformed because of the changes of which they have been both active subject and direct object. But what do we really mean by ""city""? Ancient Romans used to distinguish between civitas and urbs, identifying with the former the social community of the inhabitants and with the latter the architectural structure of the residential area. In the course of history, these two concepts have not always been in tune with one another. In particular, during crises, the one has often prevailed over the other. In Roman past, for instance, historian Livy tells of the national hero Camillus, who dissuaded Roman citizenship (i.e. civitas) from abandoning the City devastated by the Gauls and from moving to another location, as this would have implied the loss of national identity. By contrast, cities can be sacrificed in order for the higher good of citizenship (civitas) to prevail, as it happened with the case of Moscow during the Napoleonic age. In more recent times, a trauma suffered by a civitas can turn out to be an occasion of recalling the ancient city, as exemplified by the Burri's Cretto, which was built to recover the memory of Gibellina before it was hit by the earthquake.
In the light of the above, we welcome proposals concerning impact of urban alterations on citizenship and core values. These alterations might depend on traumatic changes at a historical, socio-political, environmental, cultural and religious level. Multidisciplinary approaches covering the period from antiquity to the contemporary age, both in East and West, are strongly encouraged.

Maria Carolina Campone, Il secessus in villam: una nuova forma insediativa tra Tardoantico e Medioevo (The secessus in villam: a new form of settlement between Late Antiquity and Middle Ages)

Monica De Togni, La Pechino dei Manchu: rinnovamento urbano o rinnovamento dei cittadini? (The Manchu’s Beijing: new city? New citizens?)

Elisa Della Calce, L’urto con il nemico: salvaguardare la civitas o l’urbs? (The impact with the enemy: preserving civitas or urbs?)

Aline Soares Cortes, Massimo Sargolini, Resilienza urbana e sociale post disastri: una riflessione sull’impatto dei Piani di gestione delle emergenze e della ricostruzione (Urban and social resilience post disasters: a reflection on the impact of emergency management and reconstruction plans of the municipalities affected by the 2012 Emilia and Central Italy 2016 eartgquakes)

1.06 Port-cities in the new Adriatic geography post WWI (1919-1939)

Coordinators: Antonello Alici (Università Politecnica delle Marche), Francesco Chiapparino (Università Politecnica delle Marche), Patrizia Dogliani (Università di Bologna), Guido Zucconi (Università Iuav Venezia)


As a consequence of the fall of the two great empires (Habsburg and Ottoman), and of the birth of new states (Yugoslavia and Albania), a new political and economic order was created in the Adriatic sea within which port-cities redefine their role and relationship with the surrounding context. Other issues contribute to these, such as the Italian interest on the so-called ""third shore"" and the definitive presence of Greece in the South-East area: all this favors the reorientation of roles and functions, especially in the port-cities located along the Eastern coast of the Adriatic sea. Trieste and Rijeka lose their rank of ""privileged ports"", Pula is no longer the main base of the Habsburg Navy, Split becomes the port of the new Yugoslavia, Zadar becomes a modest ultramarine enclave, Bar, Valona and Igoumenitsa open up to new development potentials. Within this new Adriatic geography, the wind of transformation also affects the port cities on the western side, especially those that had greater contact with the other coast. New sea ports are planned on both sides (Venice, Ravenna, Bar, Valona), while Ancona, albeit with varying fortunes, confirms its strategic role in the connections with the East. We invite papers proposals for cities on both sides of the Adriatic, extended to the Greek coast, dealing with the following main questions: Each port city having adapted to the new situation, how has its topography and economic-social life changed? To what extent did a temporary or definitive decline derive reasons for expansion and, on the contrary, what were the repercussions?How do the relationships between city centre, port areas and new neighboorhoods change, what planning models are adopted in the port-cities?

Antonello Alici, Il ruolo di Ancona come città-porto nel medio Adriatico del primo dopoguerra (The role of Ancona as a port city in post WWI middle Adriatic)

Giuseppe Bonaccorso, L’enclave di Zara: il porto franco, la vocazione industriale, l’aspirazione turistica (The enclave of Zadar: free port, industrial vocation, tourist aspiration)

Francesca Castanò, Simone Camassa, Ravenna verso la modernità: i piani urbanistici e il porto 1927-1942 (Ravenna towards modernity: urban plans and the port 1927-1942)

Emiljan Prenga, Niccolò Suraci, Durazzo, fissità dei sistemi e potenzialità di una città di porto (Durres, systems fixity and potentials of a port city)

Guido Zucconi, Porti e città del Nord Adriatico, nella nuova geografia post 1918 (Northern Adriatic Port Cities in the new post I WW context)

1.07 The market as a public structure between continuity, adaptability and change, since the 19th century

Coordinators: Nadia Fava (Universitat de Girona)

The market, as an urban space of economic and socio-cultural exchanges and relations, has been interpreted as one of the public institutions that support the historical role of the city in close relationship with the agricultural and industrial production area. This structure, regulated by public consumption policies, has not only shaped its space but has also given shape, function and social value to entire parts of the city. This structure of ancient origin persists, reorganizes and changes in the forms, formats and roles that have evolved to the present day, exemplifying the places of everyday life and conviviality. The analysis of the urban, socio-political, historical, regulatory and scientific-technological context allows us to understand its singularities and, at the same time, to identify areas of comparative study. Now that the health crisis has highlighted the global fragility of the food and retail trade systems, the session questions, first and foremost, which were the periods of crisis in the stable or weekly markets. Secondly, which were the reasons for this adaptability and, vice versa, which were the periods of change or innovation in response to crises. The session also questions how these ""movements"" influenced the surrounding commercial life, the shape of the city and the social practices related to consumption and food in the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. The hypothesis is that the causes are to be found in the relationship between the market ""model"" and urban life. Factors of different categories are highlighted such as the culture and social systems of the city, the government structure, the level of wealth, the size of the city, the existing transport systems, the standards of hygiene and safety, the city-countryside relationship, the emergence of new retail systems, the presence of tourism and other comparative elements. The session also aims to discuss how this structure, thanks to its adaptability not only in time but also in space and society, has been the subject of the transmission of urban, social or architectural models in culturally different contexts, for example in the Mediterranean or in China Seas. Finally, we would like to investigate on the results of these creolizations and on how they have brought elements of renewal or rupture.

Nadia, Fava, Carla Brandao Zollinger, Il mercato come riflesso della città: il mercato della Boqueria durante la pandemia COVID_19 (The market as a reflection of the city: the Boqueria market during the COVID_19 pandemic)

Marisa García Vergara, Bàrbara Garcia Belmonte, Barcelona markets and tourism: from Santa Caterina to Els Encants

Cristina Pallini, Aleksa Korolija, Mercati e città nuove come tema di progetto (Market structures and new towns: testing grounds for design and adaptive reuse)

Heleni Porfyriou, Han Jie, Mercati chiusi nella Cina dell’inizio del XX secolo e la modernizzazione delle province del Fujian e del Guangdong (Enclosed marketplaces in early 20th century China and the modernization of Fujian and Guangdong provinces)

Caltia Simion, I mercati coperti e i mercati di Bucarest (1870-1914): tensioni e adattamento   (The Markets and the Market Halls of Bucharest (1870-1914): Tensions and Adaptation)

1.09 Fragments to rebuild the memory. Heritage survival, reuse and oblivion after the catastrophe (XV-XVIII centuries)

Coordinators: Armando Antista (Università degli Studi di Palermo), Gaia Nuccio (Università degli Studi di Palermo)

In modern European and Mediterranean cities marked by the violent traumas caused by natural and non-natural disasters, the architectures of the past, or their surviving parts, often constitute scars. The surviving fragments are entrusted with the task of preserving and passing on the memory of the changing times, as links between the urban conditions preceding and following the trauma. These traces of the past are the result of decision-making processes that are not always straightforward, and continually changing in the different phases of the reconstruction. They are the reflection of a shared feeling influenced by the oscillating balance of power and the political and administrative events that govern the change. The session intends to explore the ways in which symbolism and identity attributed by the community to architectural artifacts are able to guide the architectural and urban decisions made by planners. These feelings may contrast with the logic of convenience and speed of intervention, along with requests for renewal and the social, political, economic and cultural mechanisms of reaction to the traumatic event. These processes become the engine for the troubled collective recognition of the value of ""heritage"" to buildings, or fragments, to be maintained, transformed, or dismantled after the catastrophe. The call therefore seeks contributions that highlight the role of architecture as a memory device in the processes of reconstruction of cities and collective identity. Among the possible themes: - the material and symbolic value of the ruin that is integrated in the reconstruction phase or the value of the architectural element re-semanticised in a new context; - the effects on the urban-scale choices; - specific sites of the city as a reservoir of memory; - the weight of the architecture of the past in the image of the city; - the collective nature of the debates arose around the projects; - the capacity of the disappeared architectures to condition the forms of reconstruction.

Emanuela Garofalo, Campanili, città e catastrofi nella Sicilia di età moderna (Bell Towers, Cities and Catastrophes in Early Modern Sicily)

Fabrizio Giuffrè, Renata Prescia, Atteggiamenti proto-conservativi dall’architettura alla forma urbis nel Val di Noto dopo il sisma del 1693: il caso di Vizzini (Proto-conservative attitudes from architecture to forma urbis in the Val di Noto after the 1693 earthquake: the case of Vizzini)

Federica Scibilia, Il terremoto del 1726 a Palermo: patrimonio architettonico e identità urbane nelle fonti memorialistiche (The 1726 earthquake in Palermo: architectural heritage and urban identities in memorial sources)

1.10 Turning points in Levantine urbanity and architecture: from the opening of the Suez Canal to the end of the Ottoman empire

Coordinators: Paolo Girardelli (Boğaziçi University), Guido Zucconi (Università Iuav di Venezia), Malte Fuhrmann (Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient)

This session explores port cities of the Eastern Mediterranean that developed a new “levantine” urban and architectural culture in connection to flows of commercial, social and cultural nature. With the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869, urban centers that had already created plural and hybrid landscapes, entered unprecedented dynamics of encounter, mobility, exchange and connectivity. New commercial opportunities, concessions granted by the Ottoman and Khedivial administrations, as well as colonial dynamics implicit in the uneven access to technology and wealth, transformed some coastal centers of the area into large emporium cities. The traditionally plural societies of the Ottoman world, were suddenly exposed to the influx of communities from the Northern shores of the Mediterranean: a new “cosmopolitan” culture, less grounded in religion and ethnicity, was reflected in the development and image of the Levantine city. This new regime of mobility and socio-cultural interaction would be severely challenged, if not dismissed, by the end of the Ottoman empire, the ensuing Greek-Turkish tensions, and finally the nationalization of the Suez Canal. The session will be articulated into three main thematic axes: 1) The relationship between new city, historic city and port area in the new cosmopolitan contexts: how are heritage and modernity defined, assessed, experienced by local, foreign, plural communities and actors? 2) The new system of public buildings (schools, hospitals, stations, administrative offices, buildings for worship) connected to both traditional and new ethno-religious diversity; 3) Architecture as an element of identification, but also of encounter and interaction, between Europe and the Middle East: revivalist approach, exoticism, localized versions of global idioms. Extension to the post-imperial destiny of these cities, as well as comparison with distant centers that participated in the development of Levantine urbanity will be welcome. Not only the main entrepots of the system like Salonica, Istanbul, Izmir, Beirut, Alexandria, but also other cities that benefited from the new dynamics of exchange, sharing architectural and urban models, or even actors and protagonists: Trieste, Odessa, Baku, the coastal cities of the Red See.

Denizhan Erinekçi, la Piccola Moschea di Karaköy di Raimondo D’Aronco: Sulle Tracce di una Tentata Fusione Architettonica tra Oriente e Occidente (Mosque of Karaköy by Raimondo D’Aronco – Tracing an Attempt of Architectural Fusion between East and West.)

Malte Fuhrmann, The Great Infrastructural Reshuffle Levantine Cities Facing Change, 1830-1930

Paolo Girardelli, Ripensare e ridefinire lo spazio “levantino”: radici medievali e complessità tardo-ottomana (Defining, debating, re-thinking a Levantine space: Medieval roots and late-Ottoman ambivalences)

Guido Zucconi, Le città porto del Nord Adriatico all’indomani dell’apaertura del Canale di Suez: assimilabili ai centri levantini ? (The northern Adriatic port-cities, after the opening of the Suez Canal: the western side of the Levantine world ?)

1.11 Re-constructions. Seismic Italy from Messina 1908 until today

Coordinators: Federico Ferrari (École nationale supérieure d’architecture de Nantes / UMR AUSser-ACS École nationale supérieure d’architecture Paris), Malaquais Alessandro Benetti (Université Rennes 2), Emma Filipponi (École Spéciale d’Architecture – Paris / UMR AUSser-ACS École nationale supérieure d’architecture de Paris Malaquais)

The seismic phenomenon represents the quintessential traumatic event. As an unpredictable time of crisis, it exposes the issues of a territory and the strategies implemented to cope with a global, sudden upheaval of both its material and non-material shapes. Within this framework, the “Italian case” has an emblematic value for the frequency and the magnitude of the earthquakes that hit the country. It therefore allows to shed light on the evolution of practices, both emergency and non-emergency, through which a society managed to react and to reinvent itself. The successive re-constructions have always embedded a relevant symbolic component, and the architectural, urban and territorial project has frequently been summoned to embody this desire of renaissance, by the various players in the field.
Several disciplines have consecrated specific and thorough researches to this topic, as proof of the variety of possible approaches.
Despite their unquestionable value, most of these reflections were carried out on the moment, right after each seismic event. On the contrary, we believe that an overarching gaze, witnessing at the same time the issue’s historic background and the diversity of territories struck by these deeply traumatic events, is still missing. From Messina in 1908 to Central Italy in 2017, from Friuli-Venezia Giulia to Belice, the elaboration of a comparative vision spanning over the entire century is today much-needed and urgent. A palimpsest country, hybrid and stratified, Italy defies any attempts at interpreting it on a formal basis or from a univocal historic perspective, and thus represents the inevitable and ideal geographic reference framework for this session.
On this occasion, submissions dedicated to specific case-studies and/or to comparisons amongst case-studies will be privileged, issued from different disciplinary fields: historical analysis with a strong interpretational and design-oriented aspect, focusing on a well-defined site; or theoretical and design-oriented proposals nourished by an analytical attitude towards a thick historical substratum.
Submitted proposals can be framed within one or more of the three axes listed here and relate to their keywords. These axes should be considered by no means restrictive or exhaustive:

  • - Historical-cultural axis: place, identity, landscape
  • - Sociological-political axis: inhabitants, decision-making processes, policies
  • - Architectural-technological axis: architecture, heritage, technology

Francesca Fiaschi, Evoluzione della pratica urbanistica nella ricostruzione urbana.I Piani di Ricostruzione post-bellico e post-terremoto Aquilano.Analogie e differenze. (Urban planning practice evolution in town reconstruction. The post-war and L’Aquila post-earthquake Reconstruction Plan. Analogies and differences.)

Marika Fior, Letizia Carrera, Stefano Storchi, Dall’emergenza alla rigenerazione dei centri storici a dieci anni dal sisma in Emilia Romagna. Alcune riflessioni sui processi di ricostruzione (From the emergency phase to the regeneration of historic centers in Emilia Romagna. Some reflections on the reconstruction process ten years after)

Alessandra Lancellotti, Architettura e pianificazione d’autore nelle ricostruzioni del secondo Novecento in Italia (Architecture and urban planning in 1945-1999 reconstructions in Italy)

Valentina Macca, La conservazione del patrimonio costruito storico esistente: casi studio della ricostruzione post-sismica a confronto (Belice, Friuli, Irpinia) (Conservation of the existing historical built heritage: case studies of post-seismic reconstruction in comparison (Belice, Friuli, Irpinia))

Aurora Riviezzo, , Progettare il dopoterremoto a Napoli. Il Programma Straordinario di Edilizia Residenziale nell’esperienza di Pietro Barucci (Designing the post-earthquake in Naples. The Extraordinary Residential Building Program according to Pietro Barucci)

Ilaria Tonti, Maria Vittoria Arnetoli, Francesco Chiacchiera, Giovangiuseppe Vannelli, Temporaneità post-emergenza in territori fragili. Prima, durante e oltre la ricostruzione (Post-emergency temporariness in fragile territories. Before, during and beyond the reconstruction)

Cristiano Tosco, Niccolò Suraci, Giuseppe Mastrangelo, Intervenire sul monumento per ricostruire il territorio. Il complesso del Santuario del Macereto nello scenario post-sismico marchigiano (Working on the monument to reconstruct the territory. The ShrineIn the context of Macereto complex in the post-seismic scenario of the Marche region)

1.13 Reconceiving urban planning strategies and cities after the big oil crisis of the 1970s: New challenges and the new mobility and ecology turn

Coordinators: Marianna Charitonidou (Faculty of Art History and Theory of Athens School of Fine Arts, Athens), Massimiliano Savorra (Università di Pavia), Guido Zucconi (Università Iuav di Venezia)

In 1973, after the big oil crisis both general public and experts were shocked after the decision taken by the OPEC (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) to increase oil price. The expression “end of civilization” was used to refer to the idea of an unlimited growth. In 1972, a report entitled “The Limits to Growth” signed by the “Club of Rome” expressed concerns about the exponential economic and population growth in front of a finite supply of resources. This report was the outcome of a study based on a computer simulation, at MIT and examined the consequences of the interactions between earth and the human systems. In 1961, Jane Jacobs, in The Death and Life of Great American Cities, analysed urban sprawl. During the 1970s, after a first phase of disorientation if not even panic, there was a phase of a more reflective kind of reaction expressed through the declaration of a necessity to revise that model by limiting growth, in a large spectrum of sectors, running from national economies to urban settlements. Urban planning strategies were affected by a new sensitiveness for built-up heritage and natural environment. Urban planning debates were dominated by a tension between those who criticized strategies that characterised the post-war period, such as the strategies that supported “urban renewal” and “slum clearance”, and those who believed in “ecology” and the balance in the interaction between humans and their natural environment.
The “new mobility turn” goes hand in hand with the intention to explore urban planning strategies that aim to contribute to a significant reduction in the use of individual car, and to an increase of the use of public transportation in our everyday life. The session welcomes papers that reflect on these questions:
• Which has been the impact of this evolution vis-à-vis the 1973 oil crisis on how urban structure is interpreted?
• To what extent the choice of reutilizing the stock of buildings, as in the case of the 1974 plan of Bologna, was a real alternative after stopping the urban sprawl?
• To what extent the new models of urban planning that emerged during this period achieved energy-saving?
• How the “new mobility turn” has conceptualised the reduction in the use of individual car, and the increase of the use of public transportation?
• How the ecological crisis is connected to the necessity to explore new ways of re-utilizing the patrimony of the past, and how new technologies can contribute to this?

Francesca Brancaccio, Atene 1933, Machu Picchu 1977. Spazio temporalizzato e integrazione edificio-ciità-territorio. (Athens 1933, Machu Picchu 1977. Timed space and building-city-territory integration.)

Marianna Charitonidou, Modelli di mobilità urbana e politiche di welfare: costruire città per gli spazi dei flussi e del New Town nel Regno Unito, Francia e Svezia (Urban Mobility Patterns and Welfare Politics: Constructing Cities for the Spaces of Flows and the New Towns in the UK, France and Sweden)

Massimiliano Savorra, Tecnocrazia, mobilità ed ecosistema negli anni Settanta. Gli effetti della crisi energetica nei controprogetti per le Halles di Parigi (1979) (Technocracy, mobility and ecosystem in the 70s. The effects of the energy crisis in the counter-projects for the Halles in Paris (1979))

Guido Zucconi, Ripensare Venezia dopo l’alluvione del 1966 e la crisi pertolifera del 1973 (Rethinking Venice after the 1966 Big Flood and the Oil Shock of 1973)

1.14 Women's work as an adaptation factor to industrial transformations

Coordinators: Paola Lanaro (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia), Giovanni Fontana (Università degli Studi di Padova)

Women’s work has played an important role as a factor of interconnection with the rural world and of gradual adaptation to the transformations in life and work contexts brought by industrialization processes. The session intends to address this subject in all its complexity and in a long-term perspective: from domestic work in home-based industrial systems to the great manufactures of modern States (such as the manufactures royales or the Arsenale of Venice, the first form of large enterprise, where male workers and the velere, female, worked side by side); from the establishment of the first large textile factories to the development of essential sectors, such as that of silk spinning. The aim is to focus on positions and roles, skills (e.g. in spinning), and physical (e.g. in embroidery) and behavioral attitudes, integration mechanisms into production processes, competitive advantages ensured by female work (e.g. in terms of better performance and lower labor costs), compatibility with family organization, forms of regulation, relations within the factory and conflicts at work. Contributions on all these themes will be appreciated, especially if based, for the contemporary age, on visual materials, memories and oral sources.

Giovanni Luigi Fontana, Angela Zolli, Contadine-operaie e filande: un’anticamera del lavoro industriale

David Celitti, Dalla filatura proto-industriale alla filanda. Aspetti e problemi di una transizione in chiave diacronica e comparativa.

Paola Lanaro, Donne e lavoro durante gli anni della prima industrializzazione (Women and Work During the Years of the First Industrialization in Italy)

Vania Levorato, Il lavoro nelle filande venete: il caso della filanda Romanin-Jacur a Salzano (Work in the Venetian spinning mills: the case of the Romanin-Jacur spinning mill in Salzano)

1.15 Benefactors and Euergetes in East and West. Their role in the modernization of their homelands (1830s-1930s)

Coordinators: Heleni Porfyriou (CNR – Istituto di Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale), Vilma Hastaoglou-Martinidis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki), HAN Jie (Xiamen University)

AISU Panel

With the declaration of independence of Greece in 1821, and the building of the new nation-state, many Greeks of the diaspora (such as Σινα, Ζαππας, Τοσιτσας, etc.) decided to contribute to the nation’s building, through philanthropic actions and euergetic activities (that is contributing to public buildings in exchange for publicly awarded honours). “The exchange of benefactions for honors”, as Gygax (2020) defines euergetism, was a widespread institution in Greek and Roman antiquity. National euergetism becomes a well-known and broadly studied phenomenon in contemporary Greece, having its own celebration day on September 30 and a special documentary series ( ) produced on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of Greek independence.
Similar phenomena probably regarded other important diasporic movements, such as the Armenian and Jew one, to mention the most well-known in European Mediterranean, or that of southern Chinese (of Fujian and Guangdong regions) in East Asian Mediterranean (known as China Seas). The strong bonds overseas Chinese had maintained with their hometowns is broadly recognized and their contribution to their development in economic, social and cultural terms is greatly praised. Recent scholarship on the subject has also revealed their role in the transitional years, around the turn of the last century, when, with the fall of the Qing dynasty, the option to modernize their homeland brought many of them back home.
The aim of this session is to highlight the urban, architectural, and administrative contributions people of Diaspora gave in building up new nation-states or modernizing their homelands, both in ideological, economic, and cultural transfer terms. By inviting papers from the ""two Mediterraneans"" the session aims to promote a comparative research approach and to challenge the exclusive use of the concept of euergetism, rooted in Greek classical antiquity, by utilizing it also in other contexts.

Jiahong Huang, Li Bingyuan, Cai Kunyang, La partecipazione della rete sociale cinese d’oltremare alla modernizzazione del welfare delle strutture pubbliche a Xiamen Port City (The Participation of Overseas Chinese Social Network in the Modernization of Public Facility Welfare in Xiamen Port City from a Space Narrative Perspe)

Wencan Huang, Wang Lingliang, La pratica ideale all’estero dell’educazione cinese nel sud del Fujian –Prendendo la pratica della scuola media Nan’an Guoguang come esempio (The ideal practice overseas Chinese education in southern Fujian ——Taking the practice of Nan’an Guoguang Middle School as an example)

Heleni Porfyriou, Han Jie, Xiamen University , Confronto tra le diaspore greca e cinese e il ruolo dei benefattori nella modernizzazione dei rispettivi paesi e città d’origine (Comparing Greek and Chinese diasporas and the role of benefactors in the modernization of their respective countries and hometowns)

Jinhua Tan, Overseas Chinese Ideology and the Architectural Style of the Overseas Chinese Hometown: A Case Study of Wuyi, Guangdong

1.16 Nuove tipologie di edifici commerciali nell’Asia orientale: 1840-1930

Coordinators: HAN Jie (Xiamen University), CAO Chunping (Xiamen University)

The years between 1840s and 1930s in Southeast Asia and more specifically in South China are characterized by a strong modernization and urban transformation movement, mainly due to colonization and the opening of Treaty ports. In this transitional period, cultural exchanges between east and west were witnessed in many different fields.
This session aims to focus on the emergence of a new mixed-use building typology broadly known as qilou. Qilou, or five-foot way, or long houses, belong to the same typology, created out of the cross fertilization of local and foreign models, of portico buildings lined along commercial streets, or framing marketplaces, accommodating residential uses on the upper floors and commercial one on the ground.
Though the bibliography on the subject is rich, still several questions remain open, regarding not only the impact of local culture (in building, architectural and spatial terms) to imported models, but also the role of overseas Chinese (Straits Chinese) in this process of acculturation and of their regional cultural references. In this sense, the session aims to address the following questions. 1) cross cultural exchanges: exchange paths and routes, driving forces, and local and regional developments; 2) building typology: prototype, types and typological process, modes and models; 3) adaptions and acculturation: local adaptations due to climate, social system, commercial patterns, technology, spatial traditions and layout hierarchies, building techniques, materials and craftsmanship.
Research on the above-mentioned cross fertilization issues is extremely important, nowadays, to promote a more sustainable and adaptive future, and a meaningful comparison between East Asian and European Mediterranean.

Chunping Cao, The Myth of red brick and Majolica-coloured tiles in South China:a cultural transmission perspective

Zhihong Chen, Tu Xiaoqiang, Guan Xiaoxi, The Spatial Form of the Chinese Qilou Settlements in Penang, Malaysia

Yifan Ding, Weng Xiaobing, Hu Zhaoyu, Huang Hao, Wang Liangliang, The characteristics of arcade blocks under the background of land transportation modernization in modern Quanzhou Overseas Chinese Townships

Jie Han, Anna-Paola Pola, Paola Brunori, Qilou buildings in Amoy-Xiamen: models, building typology, and local adaption process in the modernization movement of early 20th century

Jinhua Tan, Research on the Architectural Culture of Chinatowns in North America:  A Case Study of San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Vancouver

Liangliang Wang, LI Suyu, Dai Zhijian, A Typo-Morphological Study of Yongchun Commercial  Town in Quanzhou

Jialin Yang, Shaosen  Wang, Study on the evolution of modern commercial architecture in Zhangzhou

1.17 Tabula rasa: reactions to the traumas of the reconstruction between West and East

Coordinators: Pina (Giusi) Ciotoli (Università di Roma La Sapienza), Marco Falsetti (Università di Roma La Sapienza)

The first fifty years of the last century saw the emergence of the Eastern powers. First Japan, then China, the East has repeatedly proved that it possesses the tools to react to the political and economic criticalities of the moment. It is the case of Japan, which at the beginning of the century suffered the consequences of a terrible natural catastrophe – the Kanto earthquake, which almost destroyed Edo – and then reborn, facing the socio-economic crisis that followed through policies of modernization of the city, investments on infrastructural lines and even, through a militarist and colonial turn. At the opposite extreme, a vast segment of north-eastern Europe which includes the Baltic States, East Prussia (now part of the Russian Federation), Poland and Germany, has seen its existence threatened several times by the political and military events that have arisen from the dissolution of the great empires and then from the Second World War.
Although they are two cultural spheres as distinct as they are singular, it is interesting to tackle the dual theme of destruction/reconstruction in a comparative perspective from which to compare the difficulties and responses expressed through the numerous architectural projects proposed, expression of a singular critical will but also congenital adaptability. The comparison proposed through the session intends to underline, through an interdisciplinary approach, the different social and urban policies, and the studies on the city made in the two reference areas from the 1950s onwards, highlighting the different answers to the tabula rasa.
The session is intended at scholars interested in highlighting the different responses of the contexts taken as reference (Japan, Northern Europe, Italy) concerning the trauma of destruction, with particular reference to the nature and validity of the “images” of the reconstruction, to the relationship between collective memory and architectural one, and even the theme of the “historic centre” intended as a civil and cultural attraction of the community.

Koichiro Aitani, Introduzione alla Teoria del Catalizzatore Urbano (Urban Catalyst as Editing Urban Design)

Pina (Giusi) Ciotoli, Rovina, rigenerazione, ricostruzione. Esperienze giapponesi del Secondo dopoguerra (Ruin, regeneration, reconstruction. Japanese experiences in postwar era)

Marco Falsetti, Da Kӧnigsberg a Kaliningrad: distruzione, rimozione e memoria nei territori della Prussia Orientale (From Kӧnigsberg to Kaliningrad: destruction, removal and memory in the territories of East Prussia)

Stefano Guadagno, Le ricostruzioni nel nord della Francia all’indomani della Grande Guerra. La selezione della memoria attraverso la reintegrazione dell’immagine (Reconstructions in northern France in the aftermath of the Great War. The selection of memory through the reintegration of the image)

Lucia La Giusa, The importance of being concluded (?) Skopje an unfinished city (The importance of being concluded (?) Skopje an interrupted city)

Andreina Milan, «Ansia della Modernità». Il microcosmo domestico come soluzione al trauma collettivo. Modelli residenziali nella Repubblica Federale Tedesca (1946 – 1956) («Eigenheim»: the domestic microcosm as a solution to collective trauma. [Residential models in the Federal Republic of Germany].)

Alice Monacelli, Marco Maretto, I frammenti ricostituenti della città di Tokyo Un insegnamento per l’evolversi urbano a seguito dei traumi storici (The restorative fragments of the city of Tokyo A teaching for urban evolution following historical traumas)

Maria Vitiello, Oltre l’esperienza di Gibellina Nuova. Il Belìce dimenticato (Beyond Gibellina Nuova. The forgotten Belìce)

1.18 Public space and urban design of the cities post-World War II: reconstruction, transformation and innovation

Coordinators: Adele Fiadino (Università degli Studi “G. d’Annunzio” di Chieti-Pescara), Lucia Serafini, (Università degli Studi “G. d’Agmail.comnnunzio” di Chieti-Pescara), Carolina De Falco, (Università degli Studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”)

“A city is not only made up of various modes of accommodation. A city is also made up of services, facilities, infrastructure, empty spaces, open spaces, gardens […] and living is all of these different types of activities” writes Giancarlo De Carlo during the Post-World War II period. The importance of social places, also rediscovered during the pandemic, is continuously reinforced due to the interdiction for traumatic events, such as wars.
The session intends to gather ideas in order to reflect on the matter relating to public space according to a broad case study ( reconstruction/transformation/restoration/adaptation/realization) in rapport to a more general process of the change of the city, as detailed by Piccinato during the International Committee Rencontre des Architectes held at Varsavia in 1954, based on three concepts: the reconstruction of damaged and destroyed cities; the transformation of existing cities; the construction of new cities and/or neighbourhoods.
Public space, from the city square up to the commercial road pedestrianized, such as Lijnbaan in Rotterdam, is the result of common consequences that combines in a social relationship, social structure, urban planning and architecture. Every society, as also claimed by Le Corbusier and Sert, should shape the space in which one lives in relation to one’s own culture as well as one’s own environment.
The participants are however invited to reflect, not only on the historical aspects, but also on the projectual criteria or of restoration adopted in future case studies, evaluating with critical judgement, the positive or negative impact that have possibly been triggered in the urban culture of the contemporary city.

Marina Arena, Giuseppe Angileri, Francesco Cannata, Il ruolo dei waterfront nell’immagine e nell’uso collettivo della città. Messina: dall’abbandono alla riconquista dell’affaccio sullo Stretto (The role of waterfronts in the image and collective use of the city. Messina: from abandonment to the reconquest of the view over the Strait)

Ottavia Aristone, Piero Rovigatti, Lo spazio aperto in ambiti urbani e periurbani: una risorsa per la città del post COVID. Il caso di Pescara. (Open space in urban and peri-urban settings: a resource for the post-COVID city. The case of Pescara.)

Stefano Cecamore, L’impronta del dopoguerra in Abruzzo: costruzione, ricostruzione e tutela della città del Novecento. (The post-war imprint in Abruzzo: construction, reconstruction and protection of the twentieth century city.)

Ilia Celientino, La nuova collettività dell’architettura della strada (The new collective of street architecture)

Marianna Charitonidou, La concezione dell’urbanistica di Constantinos A. Doxiadis e Adriano Olivetti. Il ruolo del Piano Marshall nella ricostruzione postbellica in Grecia e (Constantinos A. Doxiadis and Adriano Olivetti’s conception of Urbanism. The role of the Marshall Plan in their post-war reconstruction in Greece and I)

Carolina De Falco, Centri sociali negli anni ’50-’60: luoghi per la collettiviti per l’inclusione e la partecipazione «allo standard di vita della città» (Places for the community: social centres in the 1960s and early interventions for inclusion and participation «in the standard of living of the city»)

Annarita Di Ciocco, Ludovica Verna, Lucia Serafini, Crisi senza ripartenze. Aree interne e luoghi delle infrastrutture (Crisis without restart. Internal areas and places of infrastructure)

Adele Fiadino, Lavorare con il vuoto nella città postbellica: Pescara e i progetti di Luigi Piccinato tra continuità e mutamento (Working with emptiness in the post-war city: Pescara and Luigi Piccinato’s projects between continuity and change)

Arianna Iampieri, Architettura e spazio pubblico nelle periferie barcellonesi degli anni Sessanta: la narrazione visiva di Oriol Maspons e Julio Ubiña (Architecture and public space in the suburbs of Barcelona in the sixties: the visual narration of Oriol Maspons and Julio Ubiña)

Francesca Lembo Fazio, La contesa sulla ricostruzione di Faenza nel progetto di Vincenzo Fasolo. Restauro e ricostruzione postbellica fra continuità e nuove istanze. (Reconstruction issues on Faenza in Vincenzo Fasolo’s project. Restoration and post-war reconstruction between continuity and new questions.)

Paola Martire, Ricostruzione a Napoli nel secondo dopoguerra: lo spazio pubblico nel Rione San Giuseppe-Carità tra pianificazione urbana e processi speculativi (Reconstruction in Naples after the Second World War: the urban space of the Rione San Giuseppe-Carità between urban planning and speculative processes)

Raimondo Mercadante, Umanizzare l’architettura: Trg Revolucije a Lubiana nell’analisi spaziale di Janez Koželj (1973) (Humanizing architecture: Janez Koželj’s urban analysis of Trg Revolucije in Ljubljana (1973))

Andrea Pane, Rita Gagliardi, La porta del centro antico di Napoli: piazza del Gesù e l’insula di Santa Chiara tra danni bellici, restauri e prospettive attuali, 1943-2023 (The door of the ancient center of Naples: piazza del Gesù and the insula of S. Chiara among war damage, restorations and current prospects, 1943-2023)

Pasquale Petillo, Saverio Carillo, Urban design come lettura e innovazione degli spazi della città. Le porte in bronzo degli spazi sacri (Urban design as a reading and innovation of city spaces. The bronze doors of the sacred spaces)

Barbara Tetti, Gustavo Giovannoni e la guerra. Restauro e ricostruzione postbellica fra continuità e nuove istanze. (Gustavo Giovannoni and the war damages to heritage. Restoration and post-II World War reconstruction between continuity and new questions.)

Clara Verazzo, L’eredità Della Ricostruzione. Studi E Ricerche Sugli Interventi Nel Patrimonio Architettonico In Campania (The Legacy Of Reconstruction. Studies And Research On Interventions In The Architectural Heritage In Campania)

Macrosession 2. Cities’ adaptviness in the long term and in ordinary circumstances.
2.01 "Megastructures", Between welfare and new forms of living. Enclaves or spaces of social and settlement resilience?

Coordinators: Patrizia Montuori (Università degli Studi dell’Aquila, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Edile-Architettura e Ambientale (DICEAA)), Patrizia Battilani (Università di Bologna), Paola Rizzi (Università di Sassari)

Interventions to provide temporary or permanent housing for disadvantaged social groups have been numerous in different historical periods: from Alberghi dei Poveri (Poor’s Hotels), to falanasteries, to public housing. Often their design is part of a wider planning of local/national welfare state, both public and private initiative, which also includes other services (educational, cultural, recreational etc.). Moreover, they have contributed to the construction or redefinition of parts of the historical and contemporary city. Many of these interventions are united by a ""polyfunctionality inscribed within a structure-frame that encloses all the functions of a city or one of its parts"" (Maki F., 1964), and by a ""mega-significant and monumental evidence in a given territorial context"" (Crispolti E., 1979). In the wake of the plan Obus for Algiers by Le Corbusier (1932), these are the characteristics of what are beginning to be called “megastructures” since the Sixties. These are, in fact, large-scale interventions, which include various functions (residence and services) and which experiment a new model of coexistence with welfare purposes for the ""weakest"": the poor of the hotels of the seventeenth-eighteenth century and also contemporary, such as Le Corbusier's Cité de Refuge; the workers of the residential/productive structures (höfe, model factories, industrial villages etc.); the tenants of the public housing districts (INA-Casa, P.E.E.P., social housing). ""Cities within cities"" ideally self-sufficient but, often, also enclaves that can be integrated with difficulty into the urban context. The concept of megastructure implies a multiplicity of aspects (architectural, urban, economic, social) that run ""transversally"" through the history of architecture, the city and welfare. The session wants to propose an extensive reading of these megastructures, stimulating a comparative and long-term approach with the aim of understanding: - the different relationships with the historical and/or contemporary city and their degree of architectural, settlement, economic and social adaptability; - which conceptions of relationship between social classes and design of welfare policies they refer to; - their current role in the historical and/or contemporary city (enclaves or spaces of social and settlement resilience) and the recovery/reuse/integration strategies implemented or to be implemented.

Paolo Belardi, Valeria Menchetelli, Giovanna Ramaccini, Monica Battistoni, Camilla Sorignani, PS5G: una sperimentazione progettuale di città adattiva e sostenibile (PS5G: an adaptive and sustainable city design experimentation)

Simonetta Ciranna, Il Quartiere della Banca d’Italia dell’Aquila: costruzioni e ricostruzioni di un’identità sociale (The Bank of Italy’s District in L’Aquila: construction and reconstruction of a social identity)

Danilo Di Donato, Renato Morganti, Matteo Abita, Alessandra Tosone, Industrialismo eterodiretto ed enclave operaie in Abruzzo. Il villaggio Montecatini a Piano d’Orta (Other–directed industrialization and workers’ enclaves in Abruzzo. The Montecatini town in Piano d’Orta)

Fabrizio Di Marco, Una Megastruttura Ante Litteram Nella Roma Di Fine Anni Trenta. L’intensivo In Viale Eritrea Di Cesare Pascoletti (Ante Litteram Megastructure In Rome At The End Of The Thirties. The Intensive In Viale Eritrea By Cesare Pascoletti)

Marco Felli, Vincenzo Di Florio, Quirino Crosta, Contratti di Quartiere e il caso di Atessa, le nuove megastrutture per recuperare il patrimonio esistente. (The “District Contracts” and the Case Study of Atessa: the New Megastructures to Recover the Existing Heritage)

Raffaele Giannantonio, Le megastrutture e l’utopia urbana: Iannis Xenakis e la Città Cosmica

Lorenzo Mingardi, Il Virgolone a Bologna. Una megastruttura progettata dagli abitanti (The Virgolone in Bologna. A megastructure designed by the inhabitants)

Sofia Nannini, Micaela Antonucci, Le “città delle colonie” sulla costa romagnola nel secondo dopoguerra: tra eredità fascista e ricostruzione (Postwar holiday camps for children on the coast of Romagna: Between fascist heritage and reconstruction)

Chiara Rizzi, La(b)nera, un laboratorio urbano permanente in un quartiere di fondazione a Matera

Cecilia Rostagni, Le case-albergo di Luigi Moretti a Milano (Luigi Moretti’s case-albergo in Milan)

Paola Scala, Nelle pieghe di un progetto moderno. (beyon a “modern” project)

Maria Andrea Tapia, Città e Evento nel mondo contemporaneo (City and Event in the contemporary world)

2.02 Norms and rules, between adaptiveness and resistance, in towns and settlements: archival documents and true realisations

Coordinators: Chiara Devoti (Politecnico di Torino), Enrica Bodrato (Politecnico di Torino), Zsuzsanna Ordasi (Università Károli Gáspár della Chiesa Riformata Ungherese, Budapest)

AISU panel

The session moves from the assumption that documentation in general is essential, in particular that of the archive (even very recent) for the interpretation of cities and settlements transformation processes, proposing an interpretation that – over the very long period and with the widest geographical extension – links documents, memories, drawings, rules and regulations to the real solutions within cities, or sections of them, settlements and territorial poles. Particular attention will be given to verifying the rigidity of some apparently inflexible provisions, and vice versa their capacity of adapting and evolving in the real context, especially in settlements development contest, starting with the urban, where the demands multiply, intersect and can evidently enter into conflict. Margins and terms that appear to be distinguished by a very specific rule (for example places of civil and religious origin, spaces reserved for specific sectors of the population such as monasteries and convents, hospitals, barracks, places of training, institutes, etc.) may have been the emblem of the assumption of a rigid norm, to then instead demonstrate an unsuspected adaptability in crisis conditions, but also and above all, in the context of the natural transformation of settlement logic and the needs of society. Regarding the processes that define the rules and prescriptions, their application and their adaptation there is no lack of documentation, traceable in libraries, archives, collections, expanding the strict notion of archive, which is not meant only in the sense of physical place of documentary collection, but in the broader meaning of memory reservoir. The session has the primary purpose of constituting an open space for the presentation of research works and results, in any historical section and territorial context. Norms, prescriptions, "precepts", exemptions, duties, apparently rigid dispositions represent the main theme of the session, without neglecting other possible interpretations of the concept of rule and constraint.

Hajar alBeltaji, Ahmed Adham, Epistemological change of critical mapping and photogrammetry scanning on the heritage scene

Enrica Bodrato, Chiara Devoti, Mutare la destinazione, modificare la città: documenti per lo studio delle trasformazioni di un settore di Torino, da luogo di cura a industria (Changing the destination, changing the city: documents for the study of a Turin’s sector, from an hospital to an industry)

Giosuè Pier Carlo Bronzino, Da area periferica a centro di svago per l’élite industriale torinese: lo Sporting tra progetti e disegno urbano. (From a peripheral city zone to a leisure club for Turin industrial elite: the case of the Sporting Club, between projects and urban design.)

Michele De Chiaro, Il rilievo per la conoscenza di spazi storici tra vecchie funzioni e nuove usi: il Seminario di Ivrea dalla formazione del clero a spazio espositivo (The Survey for Historical Places Analysis, between Ancient Functions and New Destination: Ivrea’s Seminary from Clergy Formation to Exhibition Space)

Laura García Sánchez, Quando Barcellona si veste di corte. Il sottile equilibrio tra cerimoniale monarchico e il rispetto della propria identità durante il Seicento (When Barcelona dresses up. The subtle balance between monarchical ceremonial and respect for one’s identity during the 17th century)

Danila Jacazzi, Giada Luiso, Il contributo di Antonio Bernasconi alla rifondazione de La Nueva Guatemala de la Asunción (Antonio Bernasconi’s contribution to the refoundation of La Nueva Guatemala de la Asunción)

Nick M. L. Mols, Faces of Resilient Adaptability: Leon Battista Alberti’s Edification and the Palazzo Rucellai., ,

Zsuzsanna Ordasi, Architettura in piedi come archivio: la costruzione reale quale documento dell’era socialista nel paesi dell’ex blocco sovietico (Architecture Standing as an Archive: the Building Evidence as a Document for the Socialist Era in the Former Soviet Bloc Countries)

Cristina Scalon, La farmacia mauriziana nell’isolato Santa Croce di Torino: documenti per una storia dell’istituzione e per la lettura del contesto urbano (The Maurician Order Farmacy in the Santa Croce block in Turin: documents for the institution history and for the interpretation of the urban contest)

Carmelo Giuseppe Severino, Elaborare il lutto per i caduti assegnandone la memoria ai posteri. Monumenti e targhe commemorative dopo la Grande Guerra: il caso di Roma Esquilino (Elaborate mourning for the fallen by assigning the memory to posterity. Monuments and commemorative plaques after Great War: the case of Rome-Esquilin)

Graziano Tomasello, La crescita verticale della città di Messina: le sopraelevazioni degli isolati del Piano Borzì. (The vertical growth of the city of Messina: the elevations of the blocks of the Borzì Plan.)

2.03 A “State in a State”: the city and the Order of Malta between continuities and adaptability

Coordinators: Federico Bulfone Gransinigh (Università “G. d’Annunzio” di Chieti-Pescara), Valentina Burgassi (Politecnico di Torino –École Pratique des Hautes Études, Sorbonne)

The history of the Order of Saint John dates back thousands of years ago: especially from the early modern age, this institution is a true “State in a State” with a religious and military nature, and it still exists today. Due to its versatility, the Order has been able to adapt over the centuries, overcoming very difficult situations. After the foundation in Jerusalem, the Order moved to Cyprus, Rhodes and finally found a home in Malta (1530) thanks to the Spanish Emperor Charles V. In 1798, with the arrival of Napoleon, this balance was broken, forcing the Hospitallers to move to safer locations. Over the centuries, the strong hierarchical nature of the Hospital, both centrally in Malta and peripherally through the commanderies, enabled it to periodically reorganise itself and restore its own structure. We can therefore ask ourselves, from a long-term perspective, what territorial, urban and architectural choices were made by the Order in such different geographical contexts. And at the same time, how the cities themselves have dealt with the change. The session aims to encourage an international debate and a transversal and interdisciplinary study through a comparative approach by analysing the different contexts in which the Order operated. At the same time, it will investigate the ways in which the Order related to the pre-existing urban, political, social or economic conditions. Therefore, contributions that examine patronage, the cultural system formed by the commanderies and the impact on the territory are welcomed. Also, this panel intends to host studies related to the management and interventions on sacred buildings,territorial and urban facilities focusing on how the presence of the Order of Malta has defined patterns that have changed entire blocks or small parts of the city and territory. We also welcome any studies that allow for comparative analysis of management/planning on a territorial and urban scale within the Hospitaller Order and also similar institutions, such as the Teutonic Order or the Mauritian Order. This proposal has its roots a well-established network of relationships between professors and researchers from several Italian and foreign universities, who have been working on these topics for years.

Francesco Amendolagine, Alessandro Dalfovo, Gianluca De Zen, La Commenda della famiglia Lippomano a San Vendemiano (TV): trasformazioni e adattabilità attraverso i secoli (The Lippomano famile’s Commendam in San Vendemiano (TV): transformations and adaptability through the centuries)

Giampiero Bagni, Gli insediamenti urbanistici degli Ordini Religioso-Militari nei Borghi Extra Moenia: il caso di Bologna comparato con gli insediamenti francesi. (Urban establishments of Military Orders in the burgi extra moenia: the case of Bologna compared with French’s cities establishments.)

Raffaele Giannantonio, L’ospedale della SS. Annunziata di Sulmona e la gestione territoriale dei Gerosolimitani (The hospital of the SS. Annunziata in Sulmona and the territorial management of the Hospitaller Order)

Katerina B. Korrè, Strutture medievali in transizione e la rete urbana: Rodi tra Bizanzio e L’Ordine dei Cavalieri Ospitalieri di San Giovanni in Gerusalemme (Medieval structures in transition and the urban network: Rhodes between Byzantium and the Order of the Hospitaller Knights of St. John in Jerusalem)

Claudio Mazzanti, La commenda di Sant Joan de Jerusalem e lo sviluppo urbano di Barcellona (The convent of Sant Joan de Jerusalem and the urban development of Barcelona)

Giovanni Scarabelli, Gli edifici ospitalieri giovanniti. Le motivazioni religiose di una architettura originale (The Hospitaller buildings. Religious motivations behind an original architecture.)

2.04 The Action of “Urban Creativity” in the Contemporary Cities: the Effects on the Contexts

Coordinators: Ornella Cirillo (Università della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli), Maria Teresa Como (Università Suor Orsola Benincasa), Luca Borriello (direttore INWARD Osservatorio Nazionale sulla Creatività Urbana)

What today is included in the expression ""Urban Creativity"" firstly refers to the different cultural, creative and artistic phenomena of (graffiti) writing, street art and (new) muralism. The roots of these artistic works lie in a strongly typical aptitude that is expressed in the relationship of the author with the public urban context for the need to leave a mark, express a discomfort, or tell a story, thus acting intentionally on a place. Rather frequently, over the past fifty years, this author-context interaction has found expression in marginal areas, in collective spaces or on public surfaces, and generally in abandoned and self-enclosed places. Over the last twenty years these practices, in their multiple varieties, have been formalized and acquired in different ways. Currently they are appreciated, supported and managed as urban regeneration projects by public administration and associations. Suburban neighborhoods, abandoned industrial areas, marginalized places, but also hamlets - new peri-urban centres and other areas in crisis - are prompted to be re-identified by such interventions, and perhaps to receive new attention, however, they are certainly urged to activate their capacity to adapt themselves. For these and others reasons, the widespread diffusion, the pervasiveness and the extension - even over time - of the phenomenon in its various forms suggest an analysis of the adaptive response of different places to the introduction of Art works and creativity, in order to evaluate their incisiveness in urban history. In this respect, therefore, reversing the most usual point of view, it is worthwhile to observe the actions and the effect of Urban Creativity, focusing on the context to analyze the response that it gives back on various aspects, including: changes in the reading and use of urban landscape; the changes provoked in adjacent areas; the effects generated in the social framework; the possibility of a microeconomic start-up; the integration of value - material or immaterial - acquired by the building and / or by the place; the predisposition to subsequent transformation projects. And, in this sense, in what way was it possible to respect or waive the regulatory instruments aimed at controlling the action on the built heritage? The session therefore aims to build and stimulate an observatory on the ability (or inability) of the contexts to adapt to different types of Urban Creativity interventions, highlighting the ways, specificities, and difficulties by which each of them intended or had to react to these cultural novelties.

Linda Azzarone, Torino e la creatività urbana. 20 anni di storia tra luci e ombre (2001-2021) (Turin and Urban Creativity. 20 Years of History Between Lights and Shadows (2001-2021))

Ornella Cirillo, Maria Teresa Como, Luca Borriello, Dal muro al contesto: la “creatività urbana” tra urgenze comunicative e capacità adattative della città in crisi (From wall to context: “urban creativity” between communicative needs and adaptive capacities of the city in crisis)

Fabio Colonnese, Lorenzo Grieco,Street art tra rappresentazione urbana, rivendicazione sociale e art-washing. Il caso di Roma (Street-Art between urban representation, social claim, and art-washing. The case of Rome)

Aura Racioppi, Scrittura e spazi urbani nel mondo contemporaneo. Un caso di studio. (Writing and urban spaces in the contemporary world. A case study.)

Silvia Scardapane, Analisi e prospettive dei contesti di creatività urbana in Italia (Analysis and perspectives of the contexts of urban creativity in Italy)

Roberta Vanali, Muralismo sardo e contesto sociale: il caso di Orgosolo. (Sardininan Muralism and social background: the case of Orgosolo.)

Maria Vitiello, L’inserto della street art nel paesaggio dei centri storici, questioni di compatibilità, conservazione e valorizzazione. Il caso dei piccoli centri molisani (Street art in the historical urban landscape. Issues of compatibility, conservation and enhancement. The case of the small towns of Molise)

Carla Zito, La street art decora o riqualifica? (Does street art decorate or activate an urban regeneration?)

2.05 City and architecture for children

Coordinators: Sara Di Resta (Università Iuav di Venezia), Giorgio Danesi, (Università degli Studi di Udine), Chiara Mariotti, (Università Politecnica delle Marche)

«Social policies – says the architects – are the policies for children, their birth, their health, their education, their future [...]. Kindergartens must be a widespread and perfect equipment for every residential area and they must adopt the most advanced didactic and educational methods [...]. We should no longer get wrong in building, but especially in building schools. By now we know how schools must be, how their exposure and healthiness must be. Schools must receive immense developments: illiteracy and insufficient education are fought by building schools, schools and schools: school building policies must be the priority [...]. High schools must be perfect architectural instruments. Here lies their beauty and this is part of their educational role».
G. Ponti, Politica dell’architettura, 1944

Written in the midst of WWII and republished on Domus five years later, Ponti’s text addresses the issue of childhood as a political, social and architectural theme.
In a Country lacking in official school building policies, the issue of childhood wellness is raised on several occasions and with increasingly explicit references to the idea of the city. Architecture for children is the expression of supra-individual organizations aware of the necessity to create new spaces based on children needs.
Since the establishment of ONMI in 1925, the political debate would have resumed in the 1960s, years began with the XII Triennial “Home and school”. In the XX century, school would in some cases become the heart of new city areas.
This heritage is now threatened by social changes, demographic crisis and poor investments. A legacy tampered with uncoordinated and emergency sequence of interventions. During the pandemic, the school and its adaptability to change became the battleground of political and social conflicts.
But to what extent is this heritage adaptive in perspectives independent of exceptional events? How do these changes influence the urban and social context? The session invites to reflect on the architecture for children/education adaptviness in the long term and in ordinary conditions, with the aim to connect the documentation of these phenomena with appropriate protection scenarios of buildings and sites.

Lino Cabras, Scuole e spazi per l’apprendimento diffuso: modelli innovativi del XX secolo per le contemporanee comunità dei borghi rurali in Sardegna. (Schools and scattered learning spaces: innovative models from the XX century for the contemporary communities of rural villages in Sardinia.)

Giorgio Danesi, Verdiana Peron, La «vigile cura» delle Istituzioni Sociali Marzotto a Valdagno: architetture adattive per l’infanzia e la scuola tra Novecento e nuovo millennio (“The Marzotto’s Social Institutions for «vigilant care» in Valdagno: adaptive buildings for childhood and school between XX and XXI century”)

Andreina Milan, “Schulbau”. Spazio educativo e innovazione nella scuola primaria.  Il dibattito architettonico in Germania (1946-2022). (“Schulbau”. Educational space and innovation in primary school. The architectural debate in Germany (1946-2022).)

Angela Pecorario Martucci, Le scuole rurali come esempio di architettura resiliente: il caso dell’asilo montessoriano di Scauri (Rural schools as examples of resilient architecture: the case of the Montessori kindergarten in Scauri.)

Cristina Renzoni, Carla Baldissera, Paola Savoldi, Tipi e contesti. Uno studio sulle scuole milanesi del secondo dopoguerra (Types and contexts. A study of post-war schools in Milan.)

2.06 Central authority and local power: dialogues on the adaptability of cities

Coordinators: Elena Gianasso (Politecnico di Torino), Maria Vittoria Cattaneo (Politecnico di Torino)

Adaptability is a word that, from the Latin etymon, comes from “adapt”, the union of the preposition “ad”, that means a purpose or an end, and “aptare”, that means “to fix”, “to mend”, “to make fit”. In a dialogue about time and challenges of flexible cities, adaptability then means the possibility to make cities fit to face changes that happen over a long period of time, finding in mutations the answers to moments of crisis. In this context, the relationship between central authority and local power marks, often deeply, the reaction to changes. The same relationship becomes a process, a sequential transformation not of an individual historical fact, but of two form of government of the city that marks the adaptability to structural changes. When investigated on a long term perspective, the relationship between centre and local gives back the changing relationship between institutions, finding in the moment of change a break that is at the same time the beginning and the end of a period, the reference to evaluate, through the plans and projects debated and actually realized, the degree of adaptability of the city. Considering ordinary situations, and so sifting through exceptional historic events, the comparison between the various declensions of central and local government (state government and municipal government, state and court, court and municipality) gives back outcomes that were planned or actually realized that can be debated. The session, favouring modern and contemporary ages, asks questions about the role of the various powers that rule the city, thinking on ways through which the dialogue and bargaining between parties mark the level of adaptability of cities to structural transformations and so modify the plans of urban spaces. Subjects and questions stem from an analysis, that is multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary too, on the different outcomes of relationships between powers: - Central authority and local powers: debate, relationship, roles and main characters for a flexible city - Which projects, outcomes of agreements between central and local governments give back the adaptability of cities? - Which projects, outcomes of a long and complex negotiation between central and local governments, give back the adaptability of the city? - Civil government and religious powers: which projects for the adaptability? - Between state and city, court and prominent people, church and local government: plans and projects for adaptability.

Betsabea Bussi, Lo Stato alla sua periferia: governo urbano e pianificazione a Nizza sotto la Restaurazione (1815-60) (The State and its periphery: urban governance and planning in Nice under the Restoration (1815-60))

Benedetta Caglioti, Rappresentazioni a confronto: l’architettura nella Ferrara del Settecento (Representations in comparison: architecture in eighteenth-century Ferrara)

Maria Vittoria Cattaneo, Elena Gianasso, Poteri e contrattazione: professioni tecniche tra Stato e Città nel Piemonte sabaudo (Powers and negotiation: technical professions between central government and local autority in sabaudian Piedmont)

Antonio Chiavistelli, Una nuova Costituzione territoriale? Città e Governi centrali in Piemonte e in Toscana tra Sette e Ottocento (A new territorial Constitution? Cities and central governments in Piedmont and Tuscany between eighteenth and nineteenth centuries)

Chiara Circo, Il futuro degli insediamenti storici siciliani tra abbandono e trasformazioni “inconsapevoli”. Riflessioni sugli attuali strumenti normativi. (The future of historic Sicilian settlements between abandonment and “unaware” transformations. Reflections on current normative tools.)

Laura, Facchina, Artisti a Torino fra Corte e Municipalità: continuità e divergenze (Artists in Turin between the Court and the Municipality: continuity and divergences)

Emauele Gambuti, Iacopo Benincampi, Pietro Bracci, architetto «impiegato al servizio straordinario» del governo pontificio nel primo Ottocento (Pietro Bracci, architect and civil servant of the «extraordinary service» in the early 19th century Papal States)

Siepan Khalil, Cities in Flux, Order and Chaos

Valentina Allegra Russo, Autorità centrale, governo locale, élite culturale: aspirazioni e adeguamenti nel dibattito urbanistico a Salerno all’alba del XX secolo (Central authority, local governance, cultural elite: ambitions and adaptations through the turn-of-the-century urban debate in Salerno)

2.07 Urban walls, guasto, and infrastructures: the Mediterranean city and its edge

Coordinators: Emma Maglio (Università di Napoli “Federico II” – DiARC)

This session welcomes contributions focused on the processes of transformation or resistance concerning the Mediterranean city during the modern period in a comparative and longue durée perspective, as well as contributions dealing with the forms of their representation up to present (iconography, cartography, plans etc.). Modern-period cities are generally identified by their urban walls or by the orographic elements constituting their natural defence, in cases of urban centres located on islands or hills. These complex systems have built up the urban landscape over the centuries, modifying the surrounding areas and being transformed in turn, also opposing a strong and long-lasting resistance. Relevant examples are linked to the creation of new infrastructures inside and around the city: the so-called guasto operations as well as the “alla moderna” fortification projects, aimed at modernise or expand urban walls, led to demolish large parts of the urban fabric and suburban villages; the partial or total demolition of the walls themselves, carried out with different results to facilitate the expansion of the city beyond its edge; the creation of new roads and communication networks by sea or rail, which broke the original urban defences in different ways to connect the city-system with its surroundings. These processes not necessarily resulted from emergencies or exceptional circumstances, but were rather related to socio-economic, urban and territorial development that affected the Mediterranean area in very different ways and periods: the urban planning tools from the 19th century to present have tried and still try to operate, structure, and steer such a process, pursuing once the updating once the conservation of the city, its urban and social fabric, and its historical-architectural heritage, thus supporting a continuous encounter-clash between adaptability and resistance, between transformations and permanencies of the urban edge.

Marina Arena, La permanenza del segno nella trasformazione del limite urbano. Messina: la circonvallazione reinterpreta le mura (The permanence of the sign in the transformation of the urban limit. Messina: the ring road reinterprets the walls)

Gianluca Belli, Rimodellamenti delle mura e riconfigurazioni urbane: il caso di Firenze (Remodeling of the walls and urban reconfigurations: the case of Florence)

Fabio Cosentino, Catania: la città e il rapporto tra vecchie e nuove fortificazioni (Catania: the relationship betwenn old and bey fortification)

Bruno Mussari, Eliminazione o creazione di un nuovo margine per la città? Crotone e la dismissione delle mura nel processo di trasformazione urbana, XIX-XX secolo. (Removal or Creation of a new urban margin? Crotone and the dismantling of the city walls in the process of urban transformation, 19th -20th centuries.)

Sara Rulli, La Ripa Maris di Genova dal Medioevo all’età moderna: trasformazioni e lunga durata di una infrastruttura complessa a confine tra città e porto (The Ripa Maris in Genoa from the Middle Ages to the modern age: transformations and persistences of a complex infrastructure between city and harbor)

Maria Sirago, Napoli, città mediterranea: le infrastrutture portuali e l’organizzazione della difesa tra l’età spagnola e quella borbonica (Naples, a Mediterranean city: the transformations between the Spanish and Bourbon ages)

Emanuele Taranto, Le cinta urbica cinquecentesca del palazzo-città di Procida: origine e trasformazioni di una fortezza mediterranea (The sixteenth-century city walls of the palace-city of Procida: origin and transformations of a Mediterranean fortress)

Massimo Visone, Napoli e il Campus veteris extra moenia (Naples and the Campus veteris extra moenia)

Maria Vona, La demolizione della muraglia cristiana della città di Valencia (XIX secolo): un nuovo assestamento urbano tra crisi economica e identità culturale (The demolition of the Christian wall of the city of Valencia (19th century): a new urban settlement between economic crisis and cultural identity)

2.08 Rule, adaptation and resilience: transformations of spaces and functions of complexes for religious life

Coordinators: Andrea Longhi (Politecnico di Torino), Arianna Rotondo, (Università di Catania)

AISU panel

The patronage of orders and congregations - i.e. those institutions that offer experiences of a common life based on religious rules and customs - has built and transformed the face of cities that have developed in regimes of Christianity. The consistency of this heritage is, in many cases, decisive in the formation of spaces and urban fabrics. We call for papers proposals from participants that focus on the transformations of these complexes, according to the categories of interpretation offered by the Congress and on a broad diachrony. The fidelity of monastic or conventual complexes to a rule or a spirituality determines a specific functional and structural rigidity concerning possible adaptations. This rigidity is the reason for the multiplication - and current redundancy - of churches and religious houses, whose specific ""regular"" nature has prevented or hindered the passage between orders or between religious and civil community uses.
The relationship between adaptability and resilience is at the heart of transformative processes: how have large religious containers, sometimes adapting to new ecclesial or civil functions, preserved - in a resilient way - their original religious nature or identity? Which elements of continuity and permanence, inscribed both immanently and ostentatiously in the architecture, have guaranteed the recognisability of the lifestyle or charisma in the context of transformations carried out by a plurality of actors? Paradoxically, historiography has shown how the processes of secularisation have preserved materially much religious heritage.
Local literature still too often considers the original religious life of such complexes as the ""real"" history, which would have been followed by simple ""rehashes"" (a term that debases subsequent interventions) or reshaping, whose transformative paradigms are often overlooked. On the contrary, it is necessary to re-emphasise how the selective logic of adaptation processes is an important theme of study. It helps investigate the relationship between architectural forms and ""regular"" common life, highlighting adaptive strategies of different communities (religious and secular) and the resilience dynamics of the spiritual and cultural aspects characterising the formative principles of spaces.
The session is in continuity with the Bologna 2019 Congress Session on ""Religious institutions and the city's construction: dynamics of globalisation and the opening/closing of communities"".

Gianluca Belli, Chiara Ricci, Discontinuità e permanenze nel monastero camaldolese di Santa Maria degli Angeli a Firenze nel corso di sette secoli di storia (Discontinuity and permanence in the Camaldolese monastery of Santa Maria degli Angeli in Florence over seven centuries of history)

Ludovica Galeazzo, Adattabilità architettonica, funzionale e cultuale: ordini e congregazioni monastiche nella laguna di Venezia in età moderna (Architectural, Functional, and Religious Adaptability: Monastic Orders and Congregations in the Early Modern Lagoon of Venice)

Mariachiara Giorda, Silvia Omenetto, Angelica Federici,Le spoliae del monastero dei Santi Cosma e Damiano in Mica Aurea, Roma. Sistemi di rimaneggiamento, distruzione e rinnovamento del paesaggio monastico (The spoliae of the Monastery of Saints Cosmas and Damian in Mica Aurea, Rome. Systems of remodelling, destruction and renewal of the monastic landscap)

Gianmario Guidarelli, Farsi spazio e costruire intorno: resilienza funzionale e ricostruzione di monasteri benedettini nel XV e XVI secolo. (Get space and building around: functional resilience and reconstruction of Benedictine monasteries in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries)

Walter Leonardi, Resilienza del sacro negli spazi conventuali: un caso di diritto d’asilo a Savona nel XVIII secolo (Resilience of the sacred in conventual spaces: a case of asylum in 18th century Savona)

Andrea Longhi, L’agire architettonico resiliente delle comunità religiose, tra regole e contesti (Resilient architectural agency of religious communities, between rules and contexts.)

Alessandra Panicco, La resilienza della prevostura di Oulx tra Medioevo ed Età moderna (The resilient landscape of the Susa Valley: the provostry of Oulx)

Ilaria Papa, Architettura canonicale: persistenze e adattamenti. Alcuni esempi nel nord-ovest d’Italia (XII-XVI secolo) (Architecture for Regular Canons: persistence and adaptations. Some examples in the north-west of Italy (XII-XVI century))

Rossana Ravesi, Dalla chiesa di S. Maria del Patrisanto alla chiesa dei Teatini: l’evoluzione storico-architettonica del complesso religioso a Piazza Armerina (From the church of S. Maria of Patrisanto to the church of the Theatines: the historical-architectural evolution of the religious complex in Piazza Ar)

Adriana Trematerra, I luoghi di culto dell’Ordine dei Frati Predicatori: i Monasteri domenicani a Dubrovnik tra resilienza ed adattamento funzionale. (The Order of Friars Preachers’ places of worship: the Dominican Monasteries in Dubrovnik between resilience and functional adaptation.)

Antonella Versaci, Alessio Cardaci, Il complesso monastico di San Nicolò ai Celestini in Bergamo tra adattabilità funzionale e mantenimento della vocazione spirituale e sociale (The monastic complex of San Nicolò ai Celestini in Bergamo between functional adaptability and maintenance of the spiritual and social vocation)

2.09 Forms of control and resistance in the city between the Nineteenth and Twentieth centuries. Case studies through the analysis of sources expressed by the urban area

Coordinators: Lidia Piccioni (Sapienza Università di Roma), Maria João Vaz (Instituto Universitário De Lisboa)

Between the Nineteenth and Twentieth centuries, cities increasingly welcomed a very diverse population in terms of origin and social articulation. A population that often experienced difficulties at different levels in its inclusion into an increasingly regulated space. The session aims to analyze and compare different forms of ""control and resistance"" expressed by the contemporary city, in the interaction between ""high"" and ""low"", between the powers that regulate life in the city and those who live and work there, returning the complexity of situations and responses put in place. The panel's gaze therefore wants to be diachronic and articulated, proposing reflections and case studies that move between the Nineteenth and Twentieth centuries, contemplating different geographical and historical contexts. The possible areas of interest are the multiple ones of urban life in its everyday routine, with attention to the continuous game between institutions and public power on the one hand and social actors on the other. Game that constantly redefines the ""normality"" of the city. So, to give examples of the potential problems to be explored and analyzed: the world of work and production as a whole and in its various protagonists; housing realities imagined and designed, conquered and experienced; childhood and adolescence in the relationship between the education network and the territory; crime and social antagonism; the city as a place of movement: dynamics and management of mobility in an urban environment. With respect to all this, the session wants in particular to focus on the possible sources that emerge from the urban fabric itself, trying to map the different types, starting from the consolidated ones - such as the documentation expressed by public and private archives, the sources of oral and written memory, audiovisual sources - up to the most recent web resources or anything else that emerges by retracing individual research cases.

Manuele Gianfrancesco, Le condizioni igienico-sanitarie delle scuole nell’Italia liberale: fonti per comprendere (The hygiene and health conditions of school during liberal Italy: sources to understand)

Enrico Giordano, La lotta alla desideologización nella Madrid postfranchista: il caso Enrique Tierno Galván (1979-1986) (The struggle against desideologización in post-Franco Madrid: the case of Enrique Tierno Galván (1979-1986))

Sand Julien, Eugenics in Luxembourg and Zurich: Examples of resistance and adaptivity, ,

Stefano Latino, “Baraccati” tra le industrie: vita quotidiana e abitare operaio a Sesto San Giovanni durante il fascismo (“Baracatti” between factories: everyday life and working living in Sesto San Giovanni during fascism)

Francesco Oliva, Le politiche abitative dell’Estado Novo: casas economicas e casas desmontavéis a Lisbona tra il 1933 e il 1948. (Housing Policies of the Portuguese Estado Novo: casas economicas and casas desmontavéis in Lisbon between 1933 and 1948.)

Elena Sasso D’Elia, Il manicomio e la città: le fonti del territorio per la storia dell’istituzione manicomiale (The asylum and the city: the sources of the territory for the history of the asylum institution)

Giulia Zitelli Conti, Sgomberi e barricate. Ordine pubblico e autorganizzazione nelle occupazioni abitative romane degli anni Settanta (Evictions and barricades. Public order and self-organization in the Roman housing occupations of the 1970s)

2.10 Industry and territory: industrial policies and urban transformations in Europe in the second half of the 20th century

Coordinators: Ilaria Zilli (Università degli Studi del Molise), Maddalena Chimisso (Università degli Studi del Molise)

After the Second World War, European countries implemented a series of territorial policies to foster economic development through industry. Central governments promoted economic growth by planning new industrial areas and upgrading existing ones. The Italian experience, with the establishment of the Cassa per il Mezzogiorno and the enacting of the Pastore Law (no. 634/1957), is undoubtedly an emblematic case of “assisted” industrialization: new industrial landscapes were born thanks to both public and private investments. The comparison with other European experiences – as French pôles de croissance theorized by François Perroux or Irish grant-assisted industrial plants – will represent a starting point to investigate the processes of industrialization, deindustrialization or other new conformations of the productive spaces induced by governmental policies.
The session is open to multidisciplinary contributions on the adaptive or non-adaptive attitudes of urban and/or regional areas and on their development paths, aiming to understand how territories reacted to economic transformation busted by industrial policy.

Luigi Chiara, Francesca Frisone, La modernizzazione “dal basso”. Lo sviluppo di comunità in Sicilia tra gli anni Cinquanta e Sessanta. (A modernization pattern “from below”. The community development in Sicily between 1950th and 1960th)

Maddalena Chimisso, Ilaria Zilli, Un intervento “straordinario”. Politiche industriali e trasformazioni urbane nel Molise della seconda metà del Novecento (An “extraordinary” intervention. Industrial policies and urban transformations in Molise in the second half of the twentieth century).

Giovanni Cristina, Pianificazione, conflitti e trasformazioni territoriali nella Calabria del dopoguerra: l’industrializzazione della Piana di Sibari (Planning, conflicts and territorial transformations in post-war Calabria: the industrialisation of the Sibari Plain)

Rossella Del Prete, Un altro Novecento: industria e territorio a Sud. Il Sannio dalla ricostruzione allo sviluppo. (Another Twentieth Century: industry and territory in the South Italy. The Sannio from reconstruction to development)

Stefano Palermo, Amedeo Lepore, Andrea Ramazzotti , Gli interventi della Cassa per il Mezzogiorno per lo sviluppo industriale delle aree urbane. Impatti economici e nuove stime quantitative (The interventions of the Cassa per il Mezzogiorno for the industrial development of urban areas. Economic impact and new quantitative estimates)

Federico Paolini, La conurbazione casertana dall’industrializzazione alla terziarizzazione diffusa (1951-2011) (The Caserta conurbation from industrialization to widespread tertiarization (1951-2011))

Luca Ruggiero, Teresa Graziano, Dall’industria al turismo? Tardo industrialismo, strategie smart e nuovi immaginari di sviluppo nel Sud Est della Sicilia (From industry to tourism? Late industrialism, smart strategies and new development imaginaries in the Southeast of Sicily)

Clara Verazzo, Nuove Funzioni Per Il Patrimonio Industriale Dismesso. Studi E Progetti In Abruzzo (Industrial heritage and new functions. Studies and projects in Abruzzo)

2.11 Relationship of mutual adaptiveness between factories and cities

Coordinators: Simona Talenti (Università di Salerno – Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile), Annarita Teodosio (Università degli Studi di Salerno)

The socio-economic changes and the modernization of production processes have led to the decline of large industrial areas that are no longer fit for their original purpose. Huge manufacturing complexes, originally located on the fringes of the urban fabric and often equipped with accommodation and facilities for workers, are today places of great criticality and a high potential for the cities which, over varying periods, have ended up incorporating them. The experiments already carried out all over the world, prove the different available regeneration strategies for these areas: from the maintenance of the productive identity by preserving the original architectural forms, to the transformation into mixed-use urban districts or new ‘factories’ of culture or entertainment, etc... It is also clear that, while workers’ housing and the facilities were more easily able to go through change undamaged maintaining continuity of use, factories have shown more difficult adaptiveness, probably due to their intrinsic characters (size, materials, etc.). This session, without setting temporal and geographical limits, aims to investigate the adaptiveness of the old abandoned production sites. It also promotes an urban-scale reflection on the adaptive capacity of the cities (from an architectural, economic, social point of view) in response to the structural changes linked to the introduction and subsequent disuse of industrial activities.

Sanja Delić, Decades of Reflection on the Badel Block Site in Zagreb

Ersilia, Fiore, Le architetture produttive tra abbandono, resilienza e riuso. Il caso delle Filande di Sarno. (The productive architectures between abandonment, resilience, and reuse. The case of the Filande of Sarno.)

Enrico Pietrogrande, Alessandro Dalla Caneva, Massimo Mucci, Rigenerazione urbana del patrimonio industriale dismesso. Lo stabilimento Boranga a Montebelluna (Italia) (Recovering Industrial Heritage. The Disused Boranga Factory in Montebelluna (Italy))

Maria Paola Repellino, L’architettura dell’industria creativa nella Cina contemporanea (The Architecture of Creative Industry in Contemporary China)

Luisa Smeragliuolo Perrotta, «Un edifico non è solo malta e acciaio»: un incipit per la storia di una fabbrica italiana di provincia. (“A building is not just mortar and steel”: a beginning for the narrative about a provincial Italian factory.)

Simona Talenti, Aree industriali in zona pisana tra passato e futuro (Industrial sites in the Pisa area between past and future)

Annarita Teodosio, La vetreria Saint-Gobain di Caserta tra echi del passato e scenari futuri (The Saint-Gobain glass factory in Caserta between echoes of the past and future scenarios)

2.12 The research for the right dimension. Designing the city and the territory for 'adequate' spatial units

Coordinators: Carolina Giaimo (Politecnico di Torino), Sara Bonini Baraldi (Politecnico di Torino), Silvia Beltramo (Politecnico di Torino), Enrica Bodrato (Politecnico di Torino), Claudia Cassatella (Politecnico di Torino), Chiara Devoti (Politecnico di Torino), Andrea Longhi (Politecnico di Torino), Gabriella Negrini (Politecnico di Torino), Angioletta Voghera (Politecnico di Torino)

The session aims at collecting case studies and reflections concerning settlement dynamics and the processes of modification, transformation and adaptation, with particular, but not exclusive, attention to the territorial contexts that today we define as ""metropolitan"". Studies that recognise the matrices and reasons behind the current morphology from a historical, urban, environmental, landscape and socio-economic point of view.
Experiences that focus on the search for compositional rules of urban and territorial space with the intention of making settlements more 'appropriate' to the characteristics of the development models to be pursued; improving living conditions in cities.
Within this framework are experiences that during the second half of the 20th century, and at different scales of the city and the territory, concern, e.g.:

  • - the theory of 'development poles' and the idea of the 'city-region', to address the problems posed by the city-countryside conflict (the outcome of post-war industrial growth processes) and to contain movements from the countryside to the city, promoting the decongestion of the most attractive poles;
  • - proposals for the establishment of spatial units and satellite communities that are self-sufficient in terms of services and equipped with an efficient road communication network;
  • - the district dimension as a sub-area of the vast territory (regional and provincial), characterised by a pole of attraction on which the surrounding territory gravitates.
    In short, the aim is to intercept studies, visions, tools and practices related to attempts to define, within a perspective of ordinariness, solutions/models of the spatial organisation (and ordering) to increase the well-being of communities and society in its various organisational forms.
    A search for the correct dimension that, with evidence from the second half of the twentieth century and with continuity until today, characterises the history of cities, urban planning theories, and tools.

Ruben Baiocco, Giulio Ernesti, Declinazioni della “giusta dimensione” (“Right Size” Declinations)

Carlo Alberto Barbieri, Valeria Vitulano, Giulio Gabriele Pantaloni, L’esigenza di una dimensione intercomunale per Torino. Riflessioni sul ruolo della pianificazione sovracomunale per il governo del territorio (The need for an inter-municipal dimension for Turin. Reflections on the role of supra-local spatial planning)

Giuseppe Bertrando Bonfantini, Luoghi centrali e spazio di relazione nel progetto urbanistico postbellico (Central places and relational spaces in the post-war town design)

Francesca Calace, Visioni e pianificazioni per lo sviluppo alla prova del tempo. Il caso di Bari (Development visions and planning at the test of time. The case of Bari)

Emanuela Coppola, Carles Crosas Armengol, La Rigenerazione dell’Area Periferica Orientale di Napoli attraverso microinterventi e pianificazione attuativa (The Regeneration of the Peripheral Eastern Area of Naples through micro-interventions and implementation planning)

Paolo Galuzzi, Roma, Città Metropolitana anomala. Progetto e adattamento (Rome an anomalous Metropolitan City. Design and Adaptation)

Giampiero Lombardini, Prospettive di pianificazione del welfare territoriale a partire dalla dimensione comprensoriale. Una simulazione su un caso ligure (Spatial welfare planning perspectives starting from a district dimension. A simulation on a Ligurian case)

Roberta Francesca Oddi, Le aree di trasformazione in Torino. Spazi urbani tesiduali e nuova progettualità adattiva (Transformation areas in Turin. Residual urban spaces and new adaptive planning)

2.14 Inhabiting change. Studying ordinary transformations of the urban residential stock

Coordinators: Filippo De Pieri (Politecnico di Torino), Gaia Caramellino (Politecnico di Milano)

AISU panel

In recent years, historical housing studies have devoted increasing attention to the observation of transformations of urban residential stock over medium/long periods, in relation to various processes of physical and social change of places. We can consider these transformations as ""ordinary"" if we contrast them with other transformations induced by sudden or short-lived historical events (construction of new neighborhoods, demolitions, major events, political upheavals, economic crises, catastrophes, etc.). Focusing on ordinary change can allow to bring to the fore events that take place in a cumulative way, gradually leading to significant outcomes, and to question with greater richness of information some interpretations of the residential heritage that have sometimes seen the permanence of material forms or architectural typologies as implying a similar stability of housing cultures and practices. The session aims to observe and compare cases in which a change in the physical forms, social uses or economic value of the residential stock takes shape over time in response to (or vice versa, as a trigger of) broader historical changes that can be observed at different scales (urban, global, etc.). We accept contributions from all historical periods and all geographical contexts, as well as from a plurality of disciplinary fields. Proposers are invited to focus their analysis on the relationships between physical space and housing practices. Papers may focus on specific case studies (from single buildings to neighborhoods), intended as a starting point for a wide-ranging comparison and for a discussion of some key questions – especially those related to the interpretation of the concepts of ""ordinary"" and ""extraordinary"" and ""short"" and ""long"" duration in historical studies on urban housing.

Oscar Eugenio Bellini, Marianna Arcieri, Maria Teresa Gullace, Contro la natura eterotopica dello student housing (Against the heterotopic nature of student housing)

Josephine Buzzone, Una storia dei danchi giapponesi: transizioni architettoniche, sociali ed economiche dal dopoguerra a oggi (A history of Japanese danchi: architectural, social and economic transitions from the post-war period to the present day)

Andrea Canclini, La morte e la vita della casa unifamiliare. Il boom economico come manifesto di un fallimento, tra mutazioni antropologiche, La vita agra e Teorema (The Death and Life of Single-family House The economic boom as the manifesto of a failure, between anthropological mutations, La vita agra an Teorema)

Cristina Coscia, Subash Mukerjee, Bianca Ludovica Palmieri, Chiara Quintanal Rivacoba, Verso modelli abitativi sostenibili, adattivi e innovativi negli interventi di Social Housing: una sperimentazione a Parigi (Towards Sustainable, Adaptive and Innovative housing Models in Social Housing interventions: an Experiment in Paris)

Nicole De Togni, Abitare il patrimonio: Ivrea e i quartieri residenziali olivettiani (Inhabiting the heritage: Ivrea and Olivetti’s residential neighborhoods)

Giulio Galasso, Natalia Voroshilova, Un sistema di Frammenti. Caratteristiche e impatto delle abitazioni milanesi del dopoguerra per il ceto medio (System of fragments. Recurring features and urban impact of post-war Middle-class mass housing)

Alice Monacelli, Marco Maretto, I frammenti ricostituenti della città di Tokyo Un insegnamento per l’evolversi urbano a seguito dei traumi storici (The restorative fragments of the city of Tokyo A teaching for urban evolution following historical traumas)

Michele Nani, Abitare il Rinascimento in età contemporanea (Living in a Renaissance palace in the long 19th century)

Mario Paris, Karolina Ursula Paczynska, Ripensare Tarchomin (PL). Adattare un quartiere plattenbau alla contemporaneità. (Retrofitting Tarchomin (PL). Adapting a plattenbau neighborhood to current living practices.)

2.15 Step change. The use of the architectural heritage after the pandemic.

Coordinators: Marco Pretelli (Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna), Andrea Ugolini (Università di Bologna), Leila Signorelli (Università di Bologna), Alessia Zampini (Università di Bologna), Maria Antonietta De Vivo (Università di Bologna)

AISU Panel

The connection between users and heritage is constantly evolving, as is the concept of Cultural Heritage itself. The period of the Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated this change, particularly affecting the tangible cultural heritage: the most obvious symptom was the absence of visitors to cultural sites for long periods. The effect of the pandemic has also led to difficulties in the management of conservation activities, both those planned - causing delays in the calendar of activities - and the "emergency" ones. In this complex frame, it emerges clearly that best management of the asset first of all includes best conservation practices that can secure the heritage from unforeseen events: if the conditions of the conservation context are optimal for the "health" of the asset in fact, the need for emergency interventions is decreasing. Furthermore, if the life - even economic - of cultural sites depends as the main factor on the number of visitors who can visit and enjoy them, scientific research must aim to find the best solutions to ensure the presence of people in safety. Among these, new technologies for access and control of the indoor environment should be privileged. One of the ways to remedy the long absence of people in museums has been to increase and improve cultural and scientific dissemination through IT platforms: the digital as a means of "remote use" and its effects (including that of having accelerated the digital transition) will have to be studied in the long term, to understand how this modality can coexist and enhance the essential presence of people. The virtual, understood as a "simulation" of reality capable of predicting and testing scenarios (BIM systems, GIS, Cloud, etc ...) has become a winning support tool, both in forecasting/risk management and in the possibility of refining technologies before they are applied to reality, and is configured as a notable "step change". In this session, contributions will therefore be welcomed and presented that emphasize new ways of using heritage and the role of technology and digitization, using these recent difficult years as a matrix for a necessary change.

Vianey Bellota Cavanaconza, Crayla Alfaro Aucca, Claudio Mazzanti; Giulia Cocco, Alberto Basaglia, Giuseppe Brando, Strategie per una città resiliente: studi sul rischio sismico di Cusco al tempo della pandemia (Strategies for a resilient city: lessons from seismic-prone Cusco in the pandemic era)

Anna Bonora, Kristian Fabbri, Between fruition and conservation: the case study of the Portico of Glory, narthex of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela

Maria Antonietta De Vivo, Marco Pretelli, Amanda Piezzo, Leila Signorelli, Scenari digitali per il controllo della qualità dell’aria indoor della Sala dei Tirannicidi al MANN (Digital Scenarios for the Indoor Air Quality Control of the Tyrannicides Hall at MANN Museum in Naples)

Emmanuele Iacono, Gianvito Marino Ventura, Una piattaforma integrata per la conservazione e la fruizione turistica del patrimonio culturale: opportunità e sfide della digitalizzazione (An Integrated Platform for the Conservation and Tourist Experience of Cultural Heritage: Opportunities and Challenges of Digitization)

Chiara Mariotti, Alessia Zampini, Andrea Ugolini, Patrimonio culturale e transizione digitale. Tattiche per una comunicazione consapevole (Cultural heritage and digital transition. Tactics for a conscious communication)

Stefania Pollone, Riusi immateriali. La valorizzazione del patrimonio ecclesiastico tra tecnologie digitali e allestimenti temporanei (Intangible reuse. The enhancement of the ecclesiastical heritage between digital technologies and temporary installations)

Leila Signorelli, Marco Pretelli, Maria Antonietta De Vivo, I Luoghi della Cultura dopo la pandemia: Continuità e Cambiamento (Cultural Sites after the Covid-19 Pandemic: Continuity and Change)

Cristina Tedeschi, Alessio Gabrielli, Polveri, salute e conservazione del patrimonio culturale: il caso studio del MANN di Napoli (Dust, health and conservation of cultural heritage: the MANN study case (Naples))

2.16 “Introverted” collective spaces: transformations, mutations, evolutions of the city-palace

Coordinators: Marco Falsetti (Università degli Studi di Roma Sapienza)

In the Diocletian's palace in Split, an urban-scale building organism generated through the transformation of the polyibian model of castrum into a building, it can clearly be observed the tendency of the open arcaded space of the peristyle to constitute a potentially covered node. This modeling represents in some ways a prefiguration of Leon Battista Alberti's famous phrase ""the house is like a small town and the city is like a big house"", expressing the archetypal strength and the generating principle of the figure of the enclosure, which coherently informs all those building typologies organized and governed by the idea of the hollow polar space. The tectonic attributes of these types are in fact determined by a quality that recognizes as a fundamental element of the construction not so much the ""full space"" but rather the ""empty space"". In fact, it is not difficult to recognize in the city-palace the historical antecedent of many specialized buildings, ancient and modern like the plaza mayor, or the place royale up to those rare contemporary examples in which the ""introverted"" collective space is declined in the monumentalized forms of the residence and the square. The lesson of the ancient world can thus be charged with another element, of which the contemporary city seems to lack, the civic one, which has its greatest representation in the ""urban interior"".
If the basic theme (the patio house) is well present in the modern and contemporary repertoire, the contemporary translations of complex organisms based on the same principle are rarer and more evocative. Some recent models, being tested in various parts of the world, seem to demonstrate how it is possible, through them, to put a barrier to the decomposition phenomena of the urban form, revealing, once again, how the lesson of the ancient can offer useful solutions for the crisis of our cities.
The session therefore aims at a theoretical reflection on the generating principle of the urban enclosure, opening the discussion to the different interpretations (morphological, typological, sociological) of the building-city.

Pina (Giusi) Ciotoli, Le archeologie urbane del GRAU. Alcune riflessioni sugli edifici-città del Gruppo Romano Architetti e Urbanisti (GRAU Urban archaeologies. Some reflections on the city-buildings of the Gruppo Romano Architetti e Urbanisti)

Marco Falsetti, Da Diocleziano a Louis I. Kahn: permanenze e mutazioni del palazzo-città (From Diocletian to Louis I. Kahn: permanence and mutations of the city-palace)

Mariagrazia Leonardi, Aspetti tipo-morfologici dell’edificio-città (Type-morphological aspects of the city-building)

Alessandro Mauro, La strategia del vuoto. La progettazione del margine nell’architettura di Antonio Monestiroli (The void strategy. The design of the margin in the architecture of Antonio Monestiroli)

Mickeal Milocco Borlini, James Acott-Davies, Una discussione contemporanea sui confini tra spazio, luogo e tempo. Transizioni spaziali viste attraverso l’architettura e le belle arti. (A contemporary discussion of Boundaries between space, place, and time. Spatial transitions seen through architecture and fine arts.)

Giorgios Papaevangeliu, Le città-palazzo di Panos Koulermos nel paesaggio di Creta (The city-palace of Panos Koulermos in landscape of Crete)

2.17 Urban Funeral Landscapes. Restoration and reconfiguration between memory and contemporaneity

Coordinators: Paolo Giordano (Università della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli)

The large monumental urban cemeteries built in Europe represent a valuable architectural as well as artistic and literary testimony. The complex coexistence of sculptures, mosaics, frescoes and epigraphs integrated with the various types of funerary architecture (churches and ossuaries, congregations in the form of buildings and individual family chapels, sarcophagus and individual tombs) proposes, as a whole, a true funus forma urbis complementary to the city to which it belongs. This otherness denotes cemeteries as “cities of the dead” rather than “cities of the living”, as potential stratified urban places of great value and collective use. The large monumental cemeteries, located between the consolidated city and the metropolitan periphery, are urban enclosures delimited by walls, equipped with access gates and are organised, in terms of infrastructure, by streets, squares, widenings, stairways and gardens that support the architectural context of belonging formed by the various primary (collective buildings) and secondary (private architecture) funeral typologies. The additional presence of artistic elements such as urns, memorial stones, herms, busts and steles, determine a precious and delicate environmental context, but at the same time, highly vulnerable. The various infrastructural (paths) and structural (architecture, sculptures, furnishings) elements that characterise Italy main urban funerary facilities are difficult to manage and maintain, partly because the loss of interest coincides, more often than not, with the waning of the “memory” of generations no longer linked to the commemoration of the dead there. And yet, the fading of “memory” should not be a reason for detachment from “memory” such as to lead to disuse, neglect, abandonment and degradation. If “memory” belongs to the sphere of the private sphere, “remembrance”, as the philosopher Aldo Masullo reminds us, is the prerogative of the public, and therefore a collective civil conscience. The great urban monumental cemeteries represent individual and collective testimonies and, as such, must be protected and enhanced. The survey, diagnosis and restoration project (landscape, urban, architectural, artistic and vegetation) represent a virtuous path of research to transform the “cities of the dead” into “cities for the living”.

Didem Akansu, Figen Kivilcim Corakbas, “Perished” Memory Of The Istanbul Land Walls Cultural Landscape: Cemeteries, ,

Raffaele, Amore, Hans Döllgast ed il restauro dell’Alter Südlicher Friedhof di Monaco di Baviera (Hans Döllgast and the restoration of the Alter Südlicher Friedhof in Munich)

Saverio Carillo, Del Cemeterio Nolano. Città come memoria e paesaggio dell’oltre (Del Cemeterio Nolano. City as a memory and landscape of beyond)

Corrado, Castagnaro, Domenico Crispino, Il valore del Mausoleo Schilizzi a Napoli: tra passato e contemporaneità. (The value of the Mausoleum Schilizzi in Naples: between past and present.)

Domenico Crispino, Corrado Castagnaro, Memoria e conservazione per il reintegro dei sistemi cimiteriali nella trama urbana, il caso del Cimitero Britannico di Napoli. (Remembrance and conservation for the reintegration of cemetery systems into the urban framework, the case of the Britannic Cemetery of Naples.)

Angela D’Agostino, Rosa Sessa, Il Giardino storico di Santa Maria della Fede, da Cimitero degli Inglesi di Napoli a parco pubblico (The Historic Garden of Santa Maria della Fede: From Ex English Cemetery in Naples to Public Park)

Dragan Damjanovic, The Architecture of the Zagreb Central Cemetery and the Challenges of Its Restoration after the 2020 Earthquakes, ,

Marina D’Aprile, Luana Lanza, Il complesso cimiteriale napoletano di S. Maria del Pianto: conoscenza e conservazione di un paesaggio pluristratificato (The Neapolitan cemetery site of S. Maria del Pianto: knowledge and preservation of a multi-layered landscape)

Paolo Giordano, Cimitero delle 366 fosse, 1762 e Sepolcreto dei Colerici, 1837. (Cemetery of 366 tombs, 1762 and Colerici Sepulchre, 1837.)

Enrico Mirra, Territori Funebri Balcanici. Il Cimitero Monumentale Di Mirogoj In Croazia (Balkan Funerary Territories. The Monumental Cemetery Of Mirogoj In Croatia)

Roberto Ragione, Il cimitero comunale monumentale Campo Verano a Roma: caratteri distintivi e identitari frutto di una stratificazione nel tempo (The monumental cemetery of Campo Verano in Rome: distinctiveness and core identity as result of the stratification over time)

Adriana Trematerra, Rosa De Caro, Complessi monumentali funebri in Francia. Il Cimitero di Père Lachaise tra valorizzazione ed iperaccessibilità. (Monumental funerary complexes in France. The Père Lachaise Cemetery between valorization and hyperaccessibility.)

Giovangiuseppe Vannelli, Forme di memorie e forme di progetti. Cimiteri-Musei: verso nuove frontiere (Shape of memories and types of projects. Cemeteries-Museums: towards new frontiers)

Macrosession 3. Non-adaptiveness and Immobility
3.01 Local authority’s reactions

Coordinators: Elena Gianasso (Politecnico di Torino)

Periods of not understood difficulties or specific historical facts produce, sometimes, phenomena of non-adaptiveness and immobility of the city. In crises management, in a dialogue about times and challenges in urban history, an essential role belongs to the local authority, an expression declared in many different meanings referred to various local civil powers (municipality, prominent people or others), to some military authorities or to some religious institutions (religious orders, the Church). The solutions of these powers prove often their competences to build a flexible city, but the same solutions cause sometimes limits on mobility and enclosure. These sentences, usually negative, modify their meaning when they become tools to go beyond complexity. The session, in a perspective of long period and without favouring a specific age, examines the answers that local authorities offer to crises originating from health emergencies, famines, wars or other social phenomena, considering both situations of planned immobility, both cases in which the discussed and implemented projects created detachment and social failure, although they were initially aimed to adaptation. An examples are the projects for the so-called ghetto areas that can also be investigated considering a meaning that exceeds the narrow definition of Jewish neighbourhood, in order to give a broad vision in which ghetti are areas of urban expansions. Immobility and not- adaptiveness of the society are, thus, positive and negative phenomena. The session considers unrealized drawings too. It is also possible to discuss projects examining, in retrospective, what remains in the contemporary city. Subjects and questions stem from an analysis on the different outcomes of local powers: - The reaction to the changes that marked the transformation of the city: when and how did the respond of the local authority created limits on mobility and isolation? Debate, themes and main characters - Local powers’ projects and building sites: planned immobility or cause of non-adaptiveness? - Around unrealized drawings: an opportunity failed for overcome isolation? - Local powers and central authority: non-answers to crises - The so-called ghetto, outcome of crises: forced limit on mobility or unwanted outcome

Chiara, Bovone, Leggere la città attraverso il potere militare. Il caso degli ospedali militari nella città di Alessandria durante il dominio napoleonico (1800-1815) (Reading the city through military power. The case of military hospitals in the city of Alessandria during the Napoleonic period (1800 -1815))

Elena, Gianasso, Il potere delle professioni tecniche a Palazzo di Città: risposte al «limite» a Torino nell’Ancien Règime (Technical professions’ authority in the Municipality: answers to «limit» in Torino during the Ancien Règime)

3.03 Shelter and cure structures, confinement structures. History and current situation

Coordinators: Francesca Martorano (Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria), Angela Quattrocchi (Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria)

AISU Panel

This session presents scientific studies regarding a wide chronological evolution about the architectural structures which, from the end of the XVIth century, were used for sheltering and curing those “untreatable” ill people, and the confinement structures in harbor and peripheral areas for the temporay stays of people infected by diseases communicable through physical contact to be isolated in special structures for them. Hospitals were developed in Genoa, Venice, Rome, Florence, Naples and Messina by civic Institutions and in particular by both religious and laic brotherhoods. Among these, the Companies, or Oratories, of the “Divino Amore” realized a new typology of hospitals, more suited for the isolation and cure treatment, and restructured the older assistential buildings. In this session these architectural complexes will be examined during their long use and in their adaptive modifications from the Cultural Heritage point of view. The proposals of modifications will be able to show how remarkable the relationship between these cultural assets and the periphereal areas of the cities, the urban area and the local comunities, was in order to influence the transformation and possible expansion of the urban settlement.

Maria Teresa Campisi, Epidemie ed endemie. Strategie ed architetture sanitarie in Italia e Sicilia fra XIX e XX sec. (Epidemics and endemics. Hygienic strategies and sanitary architectures in Italy and Sicily between the XIXth and XXth centuries)

Giulia Mezzalama, I luoghi della salute mentale come attivatori contemporanei di partecipazione e inclusione sociale: il complesso delle Ville Roddolo a Torino. (The spaces of Mental Health as a driver for social inclusion e innovative rehabilitation strategies: the Ville Roddolo complex in Turin.)

Francesca Passalacqua, Le piaghe di Messina: il Lazzaretto tra preesistenze e nuovi progetti (XVIII – XIX secolo) (The plagues of Messina: the Lazaret between pre-existing and new projects (17th – 19th centuries))

Angela Quattrocchi, La Compagnia del Divino Amore di Roma e l’Ospedale degli Incurabili. Vicende di una riconversione. (The Company of Divine Love of Rome and the Hospital of the Incurables. Events of a conversion.)

Carmen Rodríguez, Carlos Bitrián Varea, Architetture senza traccia. Spazi di contenimento delle epidemie a Barcellona tra il XVIII e il XX secolo (Traceless Architectures. Epidemic containment spaces in Barcelona between the 18th and 20th centuries)

3.04 Heterotopic spaces. The role of prisons and asylums in the contemporary city

Coordinators: Caterina Giannattasio (Università degli Studi di Cagliari), Giovanni Battista Cocco (Università degli Studi di Cagliari)

AISU Panel

The health crisis generated by the pandemic has ignited conflicting needs: isolation and the community, distance and proximity, security and freedom, open and closed space, private and shared spheres. Reconciling these needs seems a difficult challenge to resolve today; nevertheless, some places have unexpectedly responded to this brain teaser, sublimating in the architecture the principles of segregation, cohabitation, control, therapy. These principles have been named by Michel Foucault as deviation heterotopias: prisons, asylums, designed to subject those who do not conform to the required norm, through rigorous and perverse control of the bodies.
After the abandonment of the original functions and even more so in the context of the health emergency, these places can be questioned with a new point of view, suspending the judgment on the stigma that distinguishes them, and on the abominations that they have materialized. Their ability to concretize, through aesthetical and typological characters, individual and collective housing models, able of expanding and contracting the space of the individual into the space of many, leads us to ask ourselves whether today they can offer themselves as a heritage to be reused, as well as a repertoire of solutions and aberrations from which to draw a new lesson.
In this session, therefore, we intend to try to answer the following questions: 1. How can historical architecture make itself available to the needs highlighted by the pandemic? 2 Are there places that have already addressed these needs, and from which we can learn today? Or are there places awaiting resignifications, that can make themselves available to the forms of housing stressed by the health crisis?
Starting from the deepening of prisons and asylums’ nature, declined through the analysis of historical, typological, formal, functional, social and psychological characteristics - possibly highlighting common aspects, as well as variants and invariants - we intend to reflect on the potential that these structures have to host new uses in the contemporary world.

Carla Bartolozzi, Lo storico complesso carcerario Le Nuove di Torino: tra processi di riuso e conservazione della memoria (The historic Le Nuove prison in Turin: between reuse processes and conservation of memory)

Patrizia Cannas, Martina di Prisco, L’eredità dei corpi esclusi. Indagine sugli spazi eterotopici della devianza. (The heritage of excluded bodies. Investigation of the heterotopic spaces of deviance.)

Saverio Carillo, La città eterotopica delle “vite parallele”. L’ospizio per i figli dei carcerati a Pompei (The heterotopic city of “parallel lives”. The hospice for the children of prisoners in Pompeii)

Daniele Dabbene, Keelmen’s Hospital a Newcastle upon Tyne (UK): dall’uso sociale ai nuovi scenari per il riuso (Keelmen’s Hospital in Newcastle upon Tyne (UK): from social use to new scenarios for reuse)

Marina D’Aprile, Il complesso aversano di Sant’Agostino degli Scalzi: una storia costruttiva tra riconversioni e resilienze (The monastery of Sant’Agostino degli Scalzi in Aversa; a constructive history between fabric reuse and resilience)

Stefano Della Torre, Studi per il riuso dell’Ospedale Psichiatrico di Como (Studies for the reuse of Como Psychiatric Hospital)

Gerardo Doti, Memorie residuali: manicomio e città nell’ultimo cinquantennio. Quattro casi-studio. (Residual Memories: asylum and city in the last fifty years. Four case studies.)

Paolo Giordano, L’Albergo dei Poveri a Napoli (The Albergo dei Poveri in Naples)

Dimitrios Kapoukranidis, Dr. Venetia Tsakalidou, “Vessels of exclusion as potential vessels of life”,

Stefania Landi, Simone Rusci, Lucrezia Ruffini, Il patrimonio degli ex complessi manicomiali in Italia: riflessioni sulla messa in sicurezza emergenziale e la salvaguardia attraverso usi temporanei a partire dal caso del San Salvi di Firenze. (The heritage of former mental health facilities in Italy: reflections on emergency securing and safeguarding through temporary uses starting from the San Salvi case in Florence.)

Cettina Lenza, La dissoluzione dell’eterotopia: il ruolo delle comunità nel futuro del patrimonio manicomiale (The dissolution of heterotopia: the role of communities in the future of asylum heritage)

Andrea Manca, Francesca Musanti, Claudia Pintor, Inside out. Le eterotopie di deviazione come inattesi modelli per il progetto dopo la pandemia (Inside out. The heterotopias of deviation as unexpected models for the post-pandemic project)

Francesco Novelli, Nuovi usi nella contemporaneità per Roosevelt Island e Smallpox Hospital a New York. Da luogo di esclusione dalla città a memoriale per le vittime di (New contemporary uses for Roosevelt Island and Smallpox Hospital in New York. From a place of exclusion from the city to a memorial for the victims of)

Renata Picone, Patrimonio detentivo dismesso e Comunità. Palazzo D’Avalos a Procida. (Discarded detention assets and communities. Palazzo D’Avalos in Procida.)

Daniela Pittaluga, Martina Pastorino, Memoria/recupero e abbandono/degrado: alternative al destino dei complessi manicomiali dopo la legge Basaglia (Memory/recovery and abandonment/decay: alternatives to the fate of asylum complexes after the Basaglia law)

3.05 Narratives and Rewritings. Historical prisons’ future

Coordinators: Valentina Pintus (Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale e Architettura)

Nowadays, the decommissioning of the historic prisons is playing an increasingly central role in the reuse debate, particularly referred to urban contexts. Many of them are architectural complexes, usually originally located in the suburbs, that instead today occupy large areas in historic city centres. In other cases, they were built away from the city to provide better isolation and to take advantage of natural resources. Furthermore, there are several examples of smaller architectures: some of them have been realized transforming parts of public buildings in detention rooms, others, are small older prison whose limited detention capacity condemned them to be abandoned when larger prisons were built from the end of 18th century. Although this heritage has lost its original function, it still represents cultural, historical and spatial values, as well as providing new economic, urban and social potential. However, in defining new functions for historic prison architecture, many issues need to be considered, not only limited to their distinctive identity characteristics (heterogeneous in shape and size), psychological, social impact or economic potential. The session is aimed to collect proposals that, starting from direct or indirect experiences of contemporary re-use of prison heritage, may stimulate a debate on the adaptive ability of these architectures. In particular, the purpose is to discuss about common difficulties and potentials among the presented cases of study. Attention will be focuses to the main factors involved in the reuse, among others: material (size, configuration, typology, ...) and immaterial (historical, social and emotional contradictions and stratifications, ...) characteristics; social, economic and ownership issues (the need of huge investments; the feasibility and sustainability of new functions, the impact on local communities, the possibility of dual/multi-use, ...).

Michela Marisa Grisoni, Angela Paola Squassina, Oltrepassando le barriere dello spazio e del tempo: l’ex monastero-prigione di Sant’Agata a Bergamo (Crossing the edges of space and time: the former monastery-prison of S. Agata in Bergamo)

Andrea Manca, Maurizio Memoli, Immaginari a piede libero. Percezioni, rappresentazioni e narrazioni condivise per il progetto delle carceri storiche (Unleashed imaginaries. Narratives, perceptions and shared representations for the historical prison project.)

Francesca Musanti, Da barriere a frontiere. Riflessioni progettuali per il riuso delle carceri storiche sarde. (From barriers to frontiers. Design reflections for the reuse of historic Sardinian prisons.)

3.06 The former Psychiatric Hospitals. Places poised between memory and oblivion. An operational and strategic reinterpretation for the contemporary city

Coordinators: Emanuela Sorbo (Università Iuav di Venezia)

Starting with law no. 248 of 1865, the Provinces were obliged to maintain the ""poor mentally ill"" by initiating a process of building and/or converting existing hospitals into ""Asylums"", with a vast coverage of the national territory (one per Province). This political action sparked off a debate on architectural typologies, constituting an attempt in post-unification Italy to construct a model that could determine the role of architecture as a ""therapeutic machine"". The relationship between mental illness and architecture was transferred to the project plan in the adoption of the ""small-village type"" (asylum-village) and the ""no-restraints"" typology. Mental Institutions were born as “independent small towns”, completely self-sufficient and without any relationship with their urban surroundings, in a simulation of freedom underlined by tree-lined avenues, gardens and a rural aesthetic condition combined with the needs of medical staff to live close to towns. Starting with the process begun with Law 180/1978, with the dismantling of OPPs in Italy, a new measure of urban space is generated, born to be autonomous and closed in on itself, becoming a fragment of architecture which participates in the city but denied. The position and architectural characteristics, as well as the extent of these places, make them naturally elected as heritages of memory and nature, as they were classified in the 1999 Benetton Foundation report. The current condition on the national territory is diversified, alternating cases of abandonment with cases of reuse that can be read in a critical horizon. The session intends to reflect on the current condition of these places: to what extent can the project measure up to the dual need to transmit the memory of the former psychiatric hospitals with their being urban fragments? With which tools and methods can the tangible and intangible value of spaces be combined in re-use? What is the extent of the transmission of the memory of urban isolation in a strategy of valorisation and opening up of the architectural heritage, now in a state of abandonment? Can these places understood as urban relicts be considered strategic resources for the city and contemporary society?

Maria Pia Amore, Marginalia. Note sullo spazio di relazione tra città e manicomio. (Marginalia. Notes on the relational space between city and asylum.)

Paolo Bertoncini Sabatini, La duplice utopia, estetica e sociale, di Maggiano: promesse, potenzialità e convergenze per la valorizzazione e il riuso dell’ex manicomio lucchese (The dual utopia, aesthetic and social, of Maggiano: promises, potential and convergence for the valorisation and reuse of Lucca’s former asylum)

Angela D’Agostino, Giovangiuseppe Vannelli, Giuseppe D’Ascoli, Gli ex ospedali psichiatrici: possibili refugia tra memorie collettive e inedite estetiche ecologiche (The former psychiatric hospitals between memories and new ecological aesthetics)

Mariangela De Vita, Carla Bartolomucci, Caratteristiche costruttive e impianti storici tra retrofit e conservazione: il caso dell’ex-Ospedale Psichiatrico dell’Aquila (Construction features and historical systems between retrofit and conservation: the case study of the former Psychiatric Hospital in L’Aquila)

Clelia La Mantia, Renata Prescia, Fabrizio Giuffrè, Palermo, dalla Real Casa dei Matti alla Vignicella: un patrimonio a rischio (Palermo, from the Real Casa dei Matti to the Vignicella: a heritage at risk)

Claudia Pintor, Manicomio come speranza. La poetica del frammento per ricomporre il rapporto tra luoghi della sofferenza e città (Asylum as hope. The poetics of the fragment as a recomposition of the relationship between places of suffering and the city)

Francesca Privitera, Memoria della «più misteriosa dea». Progetto di riqualificazione per l’area dell’ex manicomio Vincenzo Chiarugi a Firenze. (From heterotopia to public space)

Giuseppina Scavuzzo, Coltivare i Giardini di Abele. Gli ex Ospedali psichiatrici tra cura, memoria e rappresentazione della salute mentale. (Cultivating Abel’s Gardens. Former psychiatric hospitals linking care, memory and cultural imaginary of mental health.)

Gianluca Spironelli, Sofia Tonello, Isole di memoria: I luoghi del confinamento a Venezia. Una lettura strategica per la conservazione dei frammenti urbani. (Islands of memory: Confinement places in Venice. A conservation proposal for Venice’s urban fragments.)

Ferdinando Zanzottera, L’ospedale Psichiatrico Paolo Pini: da “cittadella per la cura mentale” a risorsa culturale strategica per la città metropolitana di Milano (The Paolo Pini Psychiatric Hospital: from a “citadel for mental care” to a strategic cultural resource for the metropolitan city of Milan)

3.07 Regime’s architecture in Italy and its overseas territories during the Fascist period: past, present, future

Coordinators: Paolo Sanza (School of Architecture, Olkahoma State University)

The great interest in architecture exhibited by Mussolini’s government, particularly its modern expression, something unmatched in the Western world according to the American Terry Kirk, author of The Architecture of Modern Italy, has left Italy with an immense and heterogeneous architectural heritage. The Second World War events and the defeat of fascism have made many buildings erected in the 1920s and 1930s a legacy that is still difficult to manage, even close to a century later and despite the renewed interest in giving these buildings their inherent value rather than the one associated with a political ideology. During the twenty years of fascism ruling, other valuable buildings not symbolically linked to the regime, like sports facilities, summer camps, or covered markets, and sponsored by various government and semi-governments bodies, such as municipalities, fascist party organizations, etc., have similarly contributed to enriching the building environment and manifest themselves as a symbol of an authentic Italian architectural language in line with the aspirations of both the Futurists and the Rationalists. The numerous “negative” forces, including, among others, the inability or disinterest to adapt, apathy, myopia, and political interest, exhibited by multiple public administrations (city, commune, province, region, state) of the second postwar period have contributed to the slow deterioration of many works until, in some cases, their abandonment. Such negligence has had negative consequences also on the surrounding areas, depriving them, for example, of their once vitality and identity. In other cases, the hurried re-utilization has resulted in severe damage to the original architecture, inappropriate destinations, or both. The legacy, its genesis, and a possible future of these ""city’s fragments” are the emphases of this session, which invites authors and scholars to share their research and reflections.

Maria Rossana Caniglia, «A chi percorra la Litoranea, la cantoniera appare come una strisciolina bianca incisa e appiattita sull’orizzonte». Opere di Florestano Di Fausto («A chi percorra la Litoranea, la cantoniera appare come una strisciolina bianca incisa e appiattita sull’orizzonte». Florestano Di Fausto’s Projects)

Piero Cimbolli Spagnesi, Architettura militare di Roma fascista, 1922-1943 (Military Architecture of Fascist Rome, 1922-1943)

Fiorenza Giometti, Razionalismo bianco: confronto fra le colonialità (White Rationalism: Across the Coloniality of Libyan and Youth settlements)

Daniela Stroffolino, Architettura e agricoltura in Irpinia nel Ventennio fascista (Architecture and agriculture in Irpinia in the Fascist period)

Massimo Visone, Lo Stadio Militare Albricci di Napoli: passato, presente, futuro (The Albricci Military Stadium in Naples: past, present, future)

Macrosession 4. Resilience and/or Adaptiveness.
4.01 Religious heritage and catastrophes: adaptation strategies and resilience pretexts

Coordinators: Giulia De Lucia (Politecnico di Torino)

Religious heritage represents the stratification of historical and architectural values, but especially of memory and identity for the reference communities. The sequence of catastrophes has always and continuously affected churches, and their urban context, entailing changes, damages and losses. Reference communities reacted to extreme events by different architectural and social adaptation strategies. In some cases, they decided for a reconstruction of architectures where they were and how they were, showing a persevering attachment - and adaptation - to the place. In other cases, post-event reconstructions tried to highlight the memory of the traumatic event by monumentalization of catastrophe signs, pointing out an approach that suggests a sort of resistance to the traumatic event. Further adaptation - or not-adaptation- strategies often entail choices of delocalization, abandonment or ex-novo reconstruction of religious heritage, and of the entire settlement, mostly influenced by cultural and devotional approaches of the reference social communities. Each of these choices results in different resilience of communities, intended as the ability to overcome the traumatic event and to restart principal social activities, by practical and emotional point of view. Indeed, in some cases, the traumatic event represents a pretext to carry out and speed up cultural, social, or architectural processes in nuce, encouraging reaction capacity of people. By considering specific case studies or systematic investigation of the problem, this section wants to document the presence of a relation between post-traumatic adaptation strategies applied for the religious heritage and the resilience skills of urban and social context, trying to highlight eventual cause-effect relation. To this aim and to better identify the kind of historical sources to be used in so wide range research like this, multidisciplinary approaches without chronological limits are encouraged. The session aims to contribute to a larger debate about the contemporary emergency management, in so far as cultural approaches and in force laws, consider the post traumatic intervention applied to the religious heritage as a leading factor for the resilience capacity of communities.

Fabio Cosentino, Il ruolo della cattedrale di Catania nella storia della città e nella ricostruzione dopo il 1693 (The Cathedral of Catamia in the mistery of the city before an after 1693)

Giulia De Lucia, Tra storia e norma: la ricostruzione del patrimonio culturale ecclesiastico tra dinamiche sociali e strutture giuridiche, ,

Isabella Frescura, L’antico Patrimonio Dei Gesuiti A Catania: Dalla Ricostruzione Dopo Il Terremoto Del 1693 Al Recupero Odierno (The Ancient Heritage Of The Jesuites In Catania: From Reconstruction After The Earthquake Of 1693 To Today’s Recovery)

Laura Giacomini, La ricostruzione postbellica del Tempio israelitico di Milano: tra memoria e nuova identità (The post-war reconstruction of the Israelite Temple in Milan: between memory and new identity)

4.02 Venice from a historical perspective: a paradigm of resilience

Coordinators: Elena Svalduz (Università degli Studi di Padova), Donatella Calabi (Università IUAV), Ludovica Galeazzo (Harvard Center for Renaissance Studies at Villa I Tatti)

AISU Panel

"The history of Venice and its lagoon is engaged in a dialectic between nature and artifice in which overcoming obstacles, mainly those relating to building on water, inspired innovative solutions that enabled the city to adapt to a particularly fragile context over the centuries. As an extraordinary heritage of environmental values, stubbornly kept alive through continuous care and maintenance actions, Venice’s millenary existence is a paradigm of a resilient city. By constantly withstanding adversity, this anthropic and natural site developed a conscious use of its, sometimes limited, resources. This included designing high and low density places and distributing services across space and time, thus developing a global and long-term vision of city management. As a singular example of a water-sprawling city, over the centuries Venice systematically integrated its archipelago in the practices of adaptation and flexibility that allowed the capital’s survival. Serving as an extension of the city’s centre and an outlet for demographic pressure, the lagoon islands represented the primitive places for agriculture and farming, the loci for welcoming religious and foreign communities, as well as the essential health and defence belt for preserving the sanitary, political, and economic stability of the state. While underlining Venice’s uniqueness, this session aims to investigate, with a comparative and long-term perspective – from ancient times to present days – the various transformations and processes of adaptation, resilience, and reaction of the lagoon’s urban fabric by exploring traumatic events such as fires, wars or epidemics. Rafael Moneo, recipient of the Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement of the 2021 Venice Biennale, has recently pointed out that “in no other city the complementarity between nature and artifice, which accompanies architecture, manifests itself so clearly as in Venice.” Building on that, the session addresses a few fundamental questions: to what extents special building and construction techniques for wetlands affected the process of urban reorganisation and the conception of specific neighbourhoods and buildings? What is the role of cultural and environmental heritage for the society and what its ability to regenerate even in the face of the growing demands of modernisation?"

Darka Bilic, La prevenzione del contagio e la trasformazione dei lazzaretti veneziani e d’oltremare nel Cinquecento (The prevention of contagion and the transformation of the sixteenth century Venetian and overseas lazarettos)

Ludovico Centis, Sulla soglia di percettibilità. I cippi di conterminazione lagunare (On the threshold of perceptibility. The markers of the conterminazione lagunare)

Marisa Dario, Architetture della peste nel dominio della Repubblica di Venezia (sec. XVI): l’arco Bollani a Udine e il monumento Da Lezze a Venezia. (16th-Century Architecture In The Plague-Ridden Republic Of Venice: The Bollani Arch In Udine And The Da Lezze Monument In Venice.)

Laura Fregolent, Venezia resiliente (Resilient Venice)

Gianmario Guidarelli, Elena Svalduz, La rappresentazione di Venezia: trasformazioni urbane e resilienza visiva (The Representation of Venice: Urban Transformations and Visual Resilience)

Martina Massaro, Guido Costante Sullam, tra resilienza e innovazione. Progettare a Venezia a inizio Novecento (Guido Costante Sullam, between resilience and innovation. Designing in Venice at the beginning of Twentieth century)

Rachele Scuro, L’artificiale recinto: struttura sociale, economica e abitativa del ghetto veneziano nel Cinquecento (The artificial enclosure: social, economic and housing structure of the Venetian ghetto in the 16th century)

Sandra Toffolo, La resilienza di una città senza mura: Descrizioni della relazione di Venezia con la laguna nella letteratura del Rinascimento (The resilience of a city without city walls: Descriptions of Venice’s relation with the lagoon in Renaissance literature)

Andrea Toffolon, Apparizioni mariane, usi delle acque termali e cantieri architettonici come risposta alla peste. Tra umano e non-umano (Marian apparitions, uses of thermal waters, and architectural buildings as response to plague. Between human and non-human)

Francesco Trovò, La Venezia del passato, esempio attuale di sostenibilità e resilienza (The Venice of the past, a current example of sustainability and resilience)

Luca Velo, Amina Chouairi, La dimensione metropolitana di Venezia. Sguardi diacronici a partire dal ponte translagunare (The metropolitan dimension of Venice. Diachronic perspectives from the trans-lagoon bridge)

Giulia Zanon, I Minimi e l’isola di San Giorgio in Alga: l’insediamento dell’ordine religioso tra il 1669 e il 1699 (The Minims and the island of San Giorgio in Alga: the settlement of the religious order between 1669 and 1699)

4.03 City planning and architecture in southern Italy in the Middle Ages: phenomena of adaptation and resilience to changing political scenarios

Coordinators: Arianna Carannante (Politecnico di Torino)

The session intends to investigate relationship between urban space and civil, religious and military architecture promoted by different monarchs in southern Italy in a large period ranging from consolidation of Norman domination to the arrival of the Angevin kings in the peninsular area and the subsequent Aragonese conquest of Sicily. A changing background for the entire southern Italy that saw the transformation - adaptive or resilient - of urban areas in relation mainly to the political and strategic choices of the different kings but also of the influential noble élite. There are some emblematic realities among which we can mention the case of the city of Naples, whose aspect was modified in the course of twenty years starting from the last decade of the 13th century. Its election as the seat of the court, after the loss of Sicily, caused the transformation of the pre-existing facies. The simultaneous construction of numerous religious buildings - bishop's and mendicant orders - (San Domenico Maggiore, Naples Cathedral, San Lorenzo Maggiore, Santa Maria Donnaregina, etc.), civil and military buildings (Castel Capuano, Castel dell'Ovo, Castelnuovo, etc.), and noble palaces made it a very dynamic city. Particularly in the relationship of buildings, the configuration of urban space took on a symbolic value for the «staging» of royal power. In the setting of the different urban contexts, the speakers are invited to investigate the relationship between the transformation of the town, of minor or major cities, and the construction of certain politically emblematic buildings - not only royal but also noble patronage - which became significant at the urban level. We will especially welcome «transversal» contributions that analyze the settlement dynamics of the different «powers» in a single urban context. Particular attention will be paid to the analysis of religious and civil architecture, which became strategic for the representation of power in different historical periods.

Donato Giancarlo De Pascalis, Urbanistica medievale in Puglia tra preesistenze e città di fondazione: alcuni casi-studio nella evoluzione dei centri storici tra XIII e XV secolo. (Medieval urban planning in Puglia between pre-existing buildings and new cities: some examples between the XIII e XV century.)

Alfredo Franco, Gestione delle acque e organizzazione del territorio meridionale nei secoli XII-XV (Water Management and Land Planning in the Kingdom of Naples During the Late Middle Ages)

Simone Lucchetti, L’impianto urbanistico di Amatrice nel Medioevo: analisi formali e testimonianze archeologiche (The urban plan of Amatrice in the Middle Ages: formal analyzes and archaeological remains.)

Giuseppe Mollo, Luigi Tufano, Nola: dentro e fuori la città. Raimondo Orsini e il complesso osservante di S. Angelo in Palco, una committenza comitale tra devozione e politica. (Nola: in and out of the city.Raimondo Orsini and the Franciscan complex of S.Angelo in Palco, commissioned by the Count between devotion and politics.)

Massimo Visone, Mutazioni e persistenze dello spazio urbano lungo l’area meridionale della Napoli medioevale (Mutations and persistence of urban space along the southern area of medieval Naples)

4.04 Resilient Palaces. Civic architecture as a mirror and tool of urban adaptability (12th-17th centuries)

Coordinators: Marco Folin (Università di Genova), Andrea Longhi (Politecnico di Torino)

AISU Panel

Since the Middle Ages, the urban landscape of Italian cities has been marked by the presence of public palaces and civic architecture: buildings, monuments, infrastructures that fulfilled multiple functions for collective use, emboding the civil identity of the inhabitants. Those building have always maintained a crucial role in the public life and cultural landscape of Italian cities as places of self-representation for civic authorities and their policies for 'good government' up to the present day. This deep and vital link with the history of city's communities has not, however, been without consequences: far from setting up a lasting 'typology', over time public palaces have been asked to perform a variety of material and symbolic functions, generating continuous, sometimes drastic processes of transformation, not only in terms of use and decoration, but also in structural and architectural terms. So much so that even those buildings and models that appear to be the result of genuinely 'original' persistences are often only the fruit of 19th-20th century reconstructions and stylistic restorations.
In this long-term framework, this session aims to focus on turning points, breaks, restructuring/reconversion steps after dramatic events: fires, wars, plague epidemics; the establishment of seigniorial powers or the subjugation to dominant cities; the shift towards forms of oligarchic power. Special attention will be paid to cross-cutting approaches, highlighting the complexity of historical processes in urban contexts and the permeability of architecture to political, social and cultural factors.

Erica Bacigalupi, Solange Rossi, Alla ricerca dell’identità civica di Carrara: i palazzi comunali in un piccolo stato signorile (secoli XIV-XIX) (Searching for Carrara’s civic identity: communal palaces in a small seigniorial state (14th-19th centuries))

Isabella Balestreri, I palazzi comunali nelle valli alpine lombarde (secoli XV–XVIII).Una prima ricognizione su architettura e resilienza: esiti, problemi e prospettive (The public palaces in the Lombard Valleys of Alps (15th–18th centuries). A view through the resilience of architecture: results, issues, perspectives)

Simone Bocchio Vega, Domus comunis e strutture ad uso civico tra capacità adattiva e rifunzionalizzazione: una casistica per il Piemonte nord-occidentale (Domus comunis and structures for civic use between adaptive capacity and re-functionalization: a case study for North-Western Piedmont)

Vittoria Camelliti, I palazzi civici di Pisa: un caso peculiare nel contesto italiano. (The Civic Palaces of Pisa: a peculiar case in the Italian context.)

Arianna Carannante, Da palacium communis a palazzo comunale: il caso Priverno tra continuità e trasformazione (From palacium communis to municipal palace: the Priverno case from persistence to adaptation)

Vittorio Fregoso, I palazzi pubblici a fronte dei cambi di regime: il caso della Firenze bassomedievale (fine XII – primo XIV secolo) (Public palaces facing regime changes: the case of late-medieval Florence (late XII – early XIV century))

Emma Maglio, Resilienza di un’immagine. Costruzione e ricostruzione della Loggia veneziana a Candia (XVII-XX secolo) (Resilience of an image. Construction and reconstruction of the Venetian Loggia in Candia (17th-20th century))

Daniele Pascale , Guidotti Magnani, Manfrediano, Ducale, Apostolico, Comunale? Quattro identità per un palazzo: il caso di Faenza (Manfrediano, Ducale, Apostolico, Comunale? Four Identities for one Palace: the case of Faenza)

Alessandro Serrani, “Unum palatium pulcrum et honorabile”. Il cantiere del palazzo dei Notai e le esigenze del potere a Bologna (“Unum palatium pulcrum et honorabile”.The Palazzo dei Notai building site and the exigencies of power in Bologna)

4.06 Landscape and biodiversity for territorial resilience

Coordinators: Angioletta Voghera (Politecnico di Torino), Gabriella Trotta-Brambilla (École nationale supérieure d’architecture de Normandie), Benedetta Giudice (Politecnico di Torino)

AISU Panel

The transformative resilience of post-pandemic cities and territories is crucial to overcoming environmental, social, economic, and health crises. These crises can be interpreted as opportunities to build policies and projects able to overcome territorial vulnerabilities, focusing on the ecological functionality of territories, the enhancement of landscape and cultural heritage, and the construction of alliances between natural, rural, and urban territories. The session aims to discuss territorial and urban policies, plans and projects based on a renewed interaction between man and nature in order to build a recreational alliance for the system of cultural, natural and landscape assets, but also an ""educational"" alliance for the production of food and ecosystem services. Therefore, biodiversity in the urban context is an opportunity to relaunch the role of green areas, urban parks, and protected areas as a driver of resilience, health, well-being, and quality in relation to the variety of functions and roles they can assume in the territorial and urban context. Moreover, on these issues, there are many innovative experiences and practices of co-management and co-design in a collaborative and transdisciplinary perspective. The session aims to gather national and international experiences that address the issues of biodiversity in cities in its various forms (ecological networks, green and blue infrastructure, strategies and projects for ecological and landscape enhancement, renaturation of urban areas, reforestation). Contributions that trace the evolution of urban planning in relation to the city-nature relationship and/or underline the impact of these theories on the transformation of the city over time will also be appreciated in order to highlight the genesis of the spaces of the contemporary city (recognised and consolidated, but also interstitial or abandoned, ...) that today are suitable for a reinterpretation and transformation in a resilient key.

Romina D’Ascanio, Anna Laura Palazzo, E se la pianificazione non bastasse? Connessioni socio-ecologiche e pratiche dal basso nel Parco del Drago lungo il Tevere (If planning weren’t enough? Socio-ecological networks and bottom-up practices in Parco del Drago along the Tiber River)

Donato Di Ludovico, Luana Di Lodovico, Federico Eugeni, Paesaggi resilienti. Il Progetto di Paesaggio negli Hotspot del Piano Regionale di Gestione del Rischio. Il caso studio della Regione Abruzzo. (Resilient Landscapes. The Landscape Project in the Hotspots of the Regional Risk Management Plan. The case study of the Abruzzo Region.)

Benedetta Giudice, Luigi La Riccia, Gabriella Negrini, Emma Salizzoni, Il ruolo delle aree protette per la sostenibilità e la resilienza dei territori urbani (The role of protected areas for sustainability and resilience of urban territories)

Carolina Pozzi, Anna Laura Palazzo, I servizi ecosistemici culturali per la co-pianificazione e co-gestione delle infrastrutture verdi (Cultural Ecosystem Services for Co-planning and Co-managing Green Infrastructure)

Silvana Segapeli, L’en commun de l’urbanité. Torino e Saint-Étienne, opportunità e sfide di una transizione ecosostenibile (L’en commun de l’urbanité. Turin and Saint-Étienne, opportunities and challenges of a sustainable transition)

Elena Vigliocco, Roberta Ingaramo, Parchi urbani di nuova generazione. Il caso studio del parco del Valentino a Torino (Next generation urban park. The Valentino urban park case study)

Marta Villa, Federico Bigaran, Dalla collina alla città, attraverso la biodiversità, percorsi e iniziative nel territorio di Trento. Un’indagine ecologica e etnografica. (From the hills to the city, through biodiversity, paths and initiatives in the Trento area. An ecological and ethnographic investigation.)

4.08 The city and the laws. Topographies of Resilience in twentieth-century Italy

Coordinators: Fabio Mangone (Università di Napoli Federico II), Massimiliano Savorra (Università di Pavia)

AISU Panel

Cities have always adapted to the laws. Whenever a new legislative system has relevant practices, mechanisms, and management of complex urban structures, the place-makers have implemented multiple strategies, so that the city can adapt to the requirements of a specific law. There are countless measures that influenced the face of Italian cities during the twentieth century, starting with the Luzzati law of 1903, which provided for the formation of autonomous institutions of public housing, up to law 10 of 2013, concerning the development of green spaces. With the aim of unexplored case studies, the session intends to take stock of how cities have adapted, both in a transformative and conservative sense, following the enactment of some laws. What were the ways in which these were interpreted? How did architects, urban planners, public administrators, real estate companies respond to the objectives of a certain law? In particular, we invite you to reflect on:
L. 29/6/1909, 364 Legge Rosadi First unified organic law on the protection of cultural heritage
L. 4 /4/1912, 305 Law for the exercise of insurance (provides, among other things, that the reserves are invested in real estate)
L. 11/6/1922, 778 For the protection of “natural beauties” and buildings of particular historical interest
L. 23/6/ 1927, 1630 Aeronautical easements and airport structures
L. 21/6/1928, 1580 Rules for the construction of sports fields
L. 26/12/1936, 2174 Universal exhibition in Rome 1941-42
L. 22/11/1937, 2105 Technical standards for construction, with prescriptions for the places affected by earthquakes
L. 29/6/1939, 1497 Protection of “natural beauty”
L. 17/8/1942, 1150 National urban planning law
L. 1/3/1945, 154 Rules for the reconstruction of the towns damaged by the war
L. 28/2/1949, 43 Piano INA-Casa Measures to increase employment with the construction of houses for workers
L. 9/8/1954, 640 Provision for the elimination of unhealthy homes
L. 18/4/ 1962, 167 Provisions to encourage the acquisition of areas for economic and social housing
L. 28/7/ 1967, 641 New rules for school and university buildings and financial plan for 1967-1971
L. 28/1/1977, 10 Legge Bucalossi Rules for building land
L. 8/8/1985, 431 Legge Galasso Provisions for the protection of areas of environmental interest

Ermanno Bizzarri, Una legge ordinaria tra misure straordinarie: Disposizioni per l’incremento delle costruzioni edilizie (l. 408/1949) (An Ordinary Law Among Extraordinary Measures: Dispositions for the Increase of the Building Constructions (L. 408/1949))

Monica Esposito, La legge n° 778 del 1922 a Napoli e il piano vincolistico di Gino Chierici. (The law n° 778 of 1922 in Naples and the plan of Gino Chierici.)

Roberta Gambardella, Le regole dell’igiene: come la normativa igienica ha influenzato l’edilizia (Hygiene’s rules: how hygiene legislation has influenced construction)

Kornel Tomasz Lewicki, Grado di adempimento alla legge: L’edificio scolastico Fermi di Torino nel progetto originale (1961) e il recente rinnovamento (2016). (Degree of fulfilment of law: Fermi school in Turin in its original project (1961) and recent renovation (2016).)

Fabio Mangone, La città e la legge 1766 del 16 giugno 1927 sugli usi civici (The city and the 1766 law of 16 June 1927 on civic uses)

Massimiliano Savorra, La legge 641 del 28 luglio 1967 e i piani per lo sviluppo e la ristrutturazione delle università italiane (The law 641 of 28 July 1967 and the plans for the development and restructuring of Italian universities)

4.09 Historic centers, procurement of materials and construction history

Coordinators: Daniela Esposito (Sapienza Università di Roma), Ilaria Pecoraro (Sapienza Università di Roma)

The researchers will illustrate the results of researches referring to the relationship between long-lasting technical-construction phenomena, adaptation, resilience of the history of architecture in urban and rural communities. It will be possible to deepen themes of the history of the medieval construction site and of the Modern Age, relations between geosites, characteristics of the subsoil and material of the historical building; chromatisms of the geology of the place and colors of historical finishing techniques; identity characteristics of geographically homogeneous areas, connoting historical landscapes within and extra-moenia; ecological nature and innovative character of traditional local construction techniques and their contribution in the restoration interventions on buildings of the historical fabric.

Veronica Balboni, “Discoste dalle cave dei monti”. Adattamento e resilienza nel cantiere edile ferrarese in età moderna. Spunti dalle fonti archivistiche (“Far from the mountain quarries”. Adaptation and resilience in early modern building site in Ferrara. Insights from archival sources)

Maria Teresa Campisi, La materia. Da risorsa naturale ad elemento di unità architettura- paesaggio (Material. From natural resource to element of architecture-landscape unity)

Angela Diceglie, Masserie Fortificate del XVI secolo a difesa del territorio e casa tra gli ulivi oggi a difesa del paesaggio pugliese. (Fortified Masserie of the sixteenth century in defense of the territory and house among the olive trees today in defense of the Apulian landscape.)

Daniela Esposito, Ilaria Pecoraro, From the quarry to the construction site: stories of “Gentile” stone (Dalla Cava al cantiere: storie di pietra “Gentile”.)

Germano Germano’, Cave sotterranee e a cielo aperto a Polignano a Mare in Puglia: storia, tecniche e aspetti sociali (History, techniques and social aspects of the underground and open-pit quarries of Polignano a Mare (Puglia))

Figen Kivilcim Corakbas, Imran Satis Atar, M. Gazihan Celik, Ilayda Masat, Memory and Oblivion of Byzantine-Ottoman Cross-Cultural Transitions: A Comparative Architectural Analysis of Hagia Sofia of Nicea and Green Mosque, ,

Rossella Leone, Roberto Ragione, Nicola Santopuoli, Il borgo di Aliano nel territorio dei calanchi lucani: un dialogo continuo tra condizione geologica del sito e conservazione del centro storico (The village of Aliano in the territory of Lucanian ‘calanchi’: a continuous dialogue between the geological condition of the site and the preservation)

Ilaria Pecoraro, La ‘Terra’: materia prima e borgo fortificato medioevale nel Salento (The ‘Earth’: raw material and a medieval fortified village in Salento)

Enrica Petrucci, Metodi di datazione per lo studio delle murature in laterizio: stato delle ricerche per l’area picena (Chronological methods for the study of brick walls: state of research for the Piceno area)

Monica Resmini, Grazia Signori , Il sotto per il sopra. Le pietre nel costruito storico della città di Bergamo (The under for the over. The stones in the historical buildings of the city of Bergamo)

Lia Romano, Cerreto antica: frammenti di città tra oblio, archeologia e paesaggio (Ancient Cerreto: fragments of the city among oblivion, archaeology, and landscape)

Gabriele Tedesco, Ilaria Pecoraro, Nicola Santopuoli, Sviluppo e diffusione della tecnica costruttiva baraccata in seguito al Terremoto della Calabria del 1783: il caso del Palazzo Vescovile di Mileto (Development and spread of the “baraccato” constructive technique following the 1783 Calabrian earthquakes: the case of Bishop’s Palace in Mileto)

Isabella Zamboni, Le architetture di Civita di Bagnoregio tra Medioevo ed Età Moderna. Caratteri costruttivi e trasformazioni di una comunità urbana resiliente (Civita di Bagnoregio’s architecture between the Middle Ages and the Modern Age. Constructive characteristics and transformations of a resilient city)

4.10 The cities answer to hydraulic canalization networks. Geographical, economic, and cultural transformations in water cities from 1800 to today

Coordinators: Silvia La Placa (Università di Pavia) Massimiliano Savorra (Università di Pavia)

The management of water resources supports the history of settlement systems since the earliest times and, more generally, has conditioned the development of various civilizations. Many territories are entirely subordinate to water management systems, whose infrastructures have changed their appearance, signifying space and qualifying image, as well as life. Approaching this complexity implies referring to a multidimensional framework, comparing with the aspects related to the water path and the crossed territory, the different uses that man has made of the water element, and their memory. The sum of these expressions, concretized in signs and scars settled in the places, qualifies landscapes and cities of water, making difficult an exhaustive synthesis.
Historically, all over the world, irrigation canalization networks have changed marshy lands into productive areas, and the consequent economic growth has led to the definition of artificial waterways for connecting the main urban centers with other realities. In some cities, the application of extraordinary technical skills and engineering inventions on the subject remains today, becoming an identity feature and fulcrum of economic and cultural activities. In others, starting from the nineteenth century, the need for speed has favored land transport, reducing hydraulic navigation canals to mere signs on the territory.
If some canalization systems are in a precarious condition, which affects them on several levels, from hydraulic artifacts to green areas near urban canals, only memory remains of others.
How is it possible to recover, know and enhance these systems? What are the most appropriate strategies to date for the documentation of architectural and infrastructural works related to the water resource? How is it possible to safeguard and pass on the historical, cultural, and social value of the hydraulic heritage for the city over time?
The different approaches to the knowledge of tangible and intangible heritage, here associated with water landscape, are an opportunity for discussion on the social answer to anthropogenic transformations of landscape and urban systems and the evaluation of possible future scenarios on sustainable management, the maintenance, and use of the hydraulic heritage in the cities.

Isarachai Buranaut, A new paradigm for management after the Covid-19 Pandemic of the waterfront heritage in Amphawa Community, Thailand

Elisa Dalla Rosa, Opere idrauliche e interventi nella Verona novecentesca.  (Floods and adaptive interventions in Verona during the twentieth century.)

Silvia La Placa, Il Naviglio nella costruzione dell’identità culturale di Pavia tra storia e rilievo digitale. (The Naviglio in the construction of Pavia’s cultural identity between history and digital survey.)

Giulia Luciani, Il Delta del Tevere tra natura e artificio. Ripartire dall’acqua per un progetto di territorio metropolitano, (The Tiber delta. Restarting from water for a territorial project)

Chiara L. M. Occelli, Lungo “lo splendido corpo d’acqua”. La ciclovia del Canale Cavour. (All along the “splendid body of water”. The Cavour Canal cycle route.)

Alice Pozzati, “El querer hacer una ciudad sin agua no puede ser”. Il collegamento alla rete idrica per una città di nuova fondazione: la città lineare a Madrid. (“El querer hacer una ciudad sin agua no puede ser”. The connection to the water network for a new city: the linear city in Madrid.)

Riccardo Serraglio, Prima delle ferrovie: l’ipotesi di una rete di canali navigabili nel Regno delle Due Sicilie (Before the railways: the hypothesis of a network of waterways in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies)

Francesco Vallerani, Ifor Duncan, Il fiume Sile e Treviso città d’acqua: patrimonio fluviale e senso del luogo (The Sile river and Treviso as water city: experiencing waterways heritage and sense of place)

Marta Villa, La difficile trasformazione delle acque nel fondovalle atesino. Il case study della risistemazione idrica tra XVIII e XX secolo nella Piana Rotaliana. (Difficult Transformation of Water in Atesino Valley Floor. The Case Study of hydric Reset between XVIII and XX Century in Rotaliana Plain.)

Lisa Zecchin, Un approccio ecosistemico per il recupero e la riappropriazione culturale dei canali urbani: il caso di Padova (An ecosystemic approach for the recovery and the cultural reappropriation of urban canals: the case of Padua)

4.12 Adaptive reuse of religious disused or under-used heritage. Integrated strategic projects and methodological approaches for the adaptive reuse of disused or under-used churches and historic religious buildings

Coordinators: Mariateresa Giammetti (Dipartimento di Architettura Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II), Pasquale De Toro (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II) , Carla Danani (Università di Macerata), Albert Gerhards (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn), Alexander Radej (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn)

“Decommissioning and ecclesial reuse of churches Guidelines”, published in December 2018, recommend that: « social inclusion and the safeguarding of creation (ecology) are the two fundamental challenges of the day – both are connected to the wider challenge of the “humanization” of both city and land – then the functional reuse of decommissioned churches could constitute an opportunity if viewed through the lens of a circular economy inspired by nature and grounded in reuse, restoration, regeneration and recycling». The Guidelines are inspired by the categories of urban and territorial transformative resilience, an increasingly compelling issue, especially if we consider the effects of the economic and social crisis deriving from the pandemic crisis. The session will be interdisciplinary and divided into two sub-sessions aimed at the following objectives: Sub-session 1 This sub-session is focused on design and research experiences concerning adaptive reuse projects and studies. The sub-session will compare best practices developed both in Italy and in other countries. Sub-session 2 This sub-session is focused on theoretical methods and approaches useful to bring out common criteria for supporting the processes of transition to the conversion/disposal of the churches and historic religious buildings. Below, we describe some of the topics that we propose to develop in the two Sub-sessions, the list is by no means exhaustive, but it covers the main areas: Sub-session 1 - Research and projects developed in the “Advanced Course in Adaptive Reuse and Integrated Management of Abandoned Religious Cultural Heritage”, promoted by the Department of Architecture of Federico II University (DIARC); - Research and projects developed by the collaboration between DIARC and a Research Unit belonging to “Transara Sakralraumtransformation”, an interdisciplinary research Program, funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). Sub-session 2 - Thoughts to share about the transformative processes that are transforming the ""sacred places"" framed in a theoretical background based on the following categories: Threshold, Border/Limit and Crossing. The considerations will be developed through an interdisciplinary debate among researchers belonging to the disciplines of architecture, economy, moral philosophy and liturgical theology.

Luigi Bartolomei, Il caso dell’Ex-Monastero di Sant’Agostino a Vicopelago tra teorie e prassi (The case of the former monastery of Sant’Agostino in Vicopelago between theories and practice)

Martina Bosone, Luigi Fusco Girard, Il modello di economia circolare per il riuso adattivo del patrimonio culturale religioso dimesso (The circular economy model for adaptive reuse of disused religious cultural heritage)

Carla Danani, Partecipazione e governo del patrimonio religioso dismesso o sottoutilizzato nell’età della rete (Participation and governance of disused or under-used religious heritage in the network age)

Pasquale De Toro, Riuso adattivo e gestione integrata del patrimonio religioso dismesso. Il Corso di Perfezionamento promosso dall’Università Federico II (Adaptive reuse and integrated management of disused religious heritage. The Specialization Course promoted by Federico II University)

Lucie Di Capua, Amalia Piscitelli, Angela Girardo, Nuovi strumenti digitali per il riuso adattivo del patrimonio culturale religioso dismesso o sottoutilizzato (New digital tools for adaptive reuse of disused or unde-used religious cultural heritage)

Davide Dimodugno, Nuove Prospettive Per Il Riuso Adattivo Delle Chiese Cattoliche: Verso Una Valorizzazione Come Beni Comuni? (New Perspectives For The Adaptive Reuse Of Catholic Churches: Towards A Valorisation As Common Goods?)

Mario Donatiello, Dinamiche economiche e sociali dei processi di riuso dei beni culturali religiosi. Il caso studio del quartiere Sanità (Economic and social dynamics of reuse processes concerning religious cultural heritage. The Sanità district case study)

Federica Fuligni, Mappature semantiche per nuove dimensioni di senso. Una possibile sintesi dei parametri rappresentativi per i processi di riuso dei beni religiosi. (Semantic mappings for new meaning dimensions. A possible synthesis of the representative parameters for the reuse processes of religious heritage.)

Mariateresa Giammetti, Prof. em. Albert Gerhards, Processi di transizione verso nuovi modelli dello spazio di preghiera (Transition processes toward new models of prayer space)

Piernicola Cosimo Intini, Pietro Intini, Restauro e riuso della chiesa dismessa di Santa Maria La Nova nella diocesi di Conversano-Monopoli, in Terra di Bari. (Restoration and reuse of the dismissed church of Santa Maria La Nova in the diocese of Conversano-Monopoli, in Terra di Bari.)

Alessandra Lucaioli, La tecnologia ed il paradigma della smart city come modalità di valorizzazione dei luoghi di culto dismessi o sottoutilizzati (Technology and the smart city paradigm as a way to enhance disused or underused places of worship)

Lorenzo Mondino, Pianificazione per il riutilizzo di edifici religiosi nelle Fiandre. Il ruolo del kerkenbeleidsplan per una scelta consapevole e condivisa. (Planning for reuse of religious buildings in Flanders. The role of kerkenbeleidsplan for a conscious and shared choose.)

Fabio Naselli, Kreshnik Merxhani, Il patrimonio religioso dismesso albanese. Possibili scenari di riuso adattivo dopo la caduta del regime socialista (Albanian disused religious heritage. Possible scenarios of adaptive reuse after the socialist regime)

Francesco Novelli, Carla Bartolozzi, Antonia Gravagnuolo, Martina Bosone, Mariarosaria Angrisano, Conventi dismessi e nuove strategie di riuso a confronto: il caso virtuoso degli Edifici Mondo nella città di Salerno. (Dismissed convents and new reuse strategies compared: the virtuous case of the Mondo Buildings in the city of Salerno.)

Michael Rabens, The Afterlife of American Synagogue Buildings: The Case of Chicago, ,

Aura Racioppi, “Un hospitale per pellegrini, escursionisti e turisti”.  Soluzioni per un turismo consapevole e regolamentato, nel rispetto di una comunità antica (“A hospitale for pilgrims, hikers and tourists”. Solutions for conscious and regulated tourism, respecting an ancient community)

4.13 Designing urban space. The role of Complex Buildings in designing and reinventing public space across cities.

Coordinators: Emanuela Margione (Politecnico di Milano)

Complex Buildings - built from scratch or rehabilitating disused structures - can be defined as heterotopic spaces characterised by a complex programme of activities able to change through time according to the society’s needs. First examples of Complex Buildings arise in New York in 1916. Other, can be found in the Kultur Houses, or People's Houses, designed in the Soviet Union during the 1920s and in the Fascist Corporativist Buildings designed during the 1930s. More contemporary cases study are the Brazilian SESC and the Civic centre designed from the Seventies in the suburban areas.

Observing these Complex Buildings – although developed and realised in different political background, with many differences concerning the architectural solution, the urban location, and the intended users - it is possible to outline some common denominators that go beyond the mere functional aspect. These include the ramified network of relationships with the surrounding urban area (such as that becomes difficult to distinguish the architectural scale from the urban one); the high impact in regenerating urban areas; the ability to host diverse communities and the capacity to generate a range of new spontaneous behaviours. Thus, becomes clear that their definition can no longer be reduced to the complexity of the activity programme but must consider aspects relating to the genesis and resilience of their architectural and urban spaces, as well as their impact in regenerating urban areas and responding to new social needs.

Starting from these assumptions, this session welcomes proposals that, guided by a project-driven perspective, investigate the architectural and urban genesis of Complex Buildings (e.g., by promoting a critical comparison between projects developed in different political, historical, cultural and geographical contexts); their resilient spatial definition at the urban and architectural scales (e.g., by describing how these buildings actually function; how space is defined independently of function, which spatial features act as thresholds between the architectural and urban spheres); how the contemporary city accommodates this particular type of architecture and how to redefine the role of these buildings understood as an effective key solution to address contemporary and future urban problems (e.g. describing their direct effect on public urban areas by highlighting the relationship between spatial definition and new social behaviours).

Oscar Eugenio Bellini, Marianna Arcieri, Maria Teresa Gullace, Student Housing Responsivo: Nuova Opportunità Per La Città Contemporanea (Responsive Student Housing: A New Opportunity For Contemporary City)

Tommaso Brighenti, L’archivio come Complex Building. Il caso del Milano Metropolitan Archive, tra ricerca e sperimentazione progettuale (The archive as a Complex Building. The case of the Milano Metropolitan Archive, between research and design experimentation)

Francesca Daprà, Marika Fior, Gli oratori ambrosiani come strutture sistemiche complesse per la rigenerazione della rete dei servizi e spazi di prossimità (The ambrosian parish facilities as complex systemic structures for the regeneration of the proximity services and public space networks)

Maria Fierro, (In)città nelle città. Innesti urbani in contesti informali ((in)cities in the cities. urban grafts in informal contexts)

Ewa Kawamura, Filo-italianismo nei Complex Buildings in Giappone: 1980-2000 (Philo-Italianism in Complex Buildings in Japan: 1980-2000)

Laine Nameda Lazda, Cristina Pallini, Yuliia Batkova, Complex Buildings in Transition: Collectivist Soviet Resorts in the Baltic Countries, ,

Emanuela Margione, Architettonico Urbano: per una definizione critica della spazialità nel caso dei Complex Buildings. , ,

Francesco Martinazzo, VERSO UNA SCUOLA MACCHINICA: nuove forme di ibridazione per una critica al dispositivo (TOWARDS A MACHINIQUE SCHOOL: new forms of hybridization for a critique of the device)

4.14 Resilience and cultural heritage

Coordinators: Grazia Brunetta (Politecnico di Torino), Michela Benente (Politecnico di Torino)

Authors are invited to submit studies or research addressing the complex relationship between Resilience and Heritage. The themes should aim at epistemologically investigating the concept of 'resilience' in connection with projects on cultural heritage conservation and enhancement and be included within the cultural framework of sustainability. With reference to the dynamics of change, research contributions aimed at developing analytical models on heritage value analysis related to the definition of planning strategies and territorial governance are considered of particular interest. The importance of an interdisciplinary approach on innovations and/or experimentations to create regeneration and enhancement projects is an essential element for investigating the concept of resilience to cultural heritage. The themes related to the session are: - Interpretation of problems generated by the effects of climate change, in relation to cultural heritage and regeneration projects.
 - Analysis and critical reading of the complex components of the territorial system concerning the resilience of cultural heritage; - Explanation of interdisciplinary frameworks of territorial vulnerability analysis intended to develop design solutions for cultural heritage resilience; - Presentation of ""resilient"" projects for the enhancement of cultural heritage, i.e., projects showing the capacity of heritage to adapt and evolve for the enhancement policies of the territorial system.


Francesco Alberti, RECOVERING LANDSCAPE Nuovi sentieri di sviluppo per le comunità locali (RECOVERING LANDSCAPE New development paths for local communities)

Michela Benente, Irene Ruiz Bazan, L’importanza dell’analisi dei valori nel progetto della resilienza del Patrimonio culturale (The importance of the analysis of values in the project of the resilience of Cultural heritage)

Paola Bordoni, La tutela del Patrimonio Mondiale. Cambiamenti climatici e sostenibilità (The protection of World Heritage. Climate change and sustainability)

Gianluca D’Agostino, Applicazione del GIS per un patrimonio resiliente: il caso delle haveli di old Delhi, India. (Application of GIS for a resilient heritage: the case of the havelis of old Delhi, India.)

Carla Fernández Martínez, La catastrofe come opportunità per ripensare la città: il caso di Chillán (Cile) (The catastrophe as an opportunity to reinvent the city: the case of Chillán (Chile))

Marco Ferrari, Resilienza di un «patrimonio fragile» al cambiamento climatico: parchi e giardini storici tra mutate condizioni ambientali e nuove opportunità (The resilience of a «fragile heritage» to climate change: historic parks and gardens between altered environmental conditions and new opportunities)

Erica Lenticchia, Rosario Ceravolo, Valentina Lambiase, Giorgia Coletta, Gestione del rischio sismico dei centri storici mediante strumenti a scala territoriale (Seismic risk management of historical centers by means of territorial scale analyses)

Eleonora Melandri, Angela Santangelo, Andrea Ugolini, Simona Tondelli, The Ravenna Organigraph: a tool to map the governance structure for heritage sites (Uno strumento per mappare la governance dei siti del patrimonio: l’organigrafico di Ravenna)

Patrícia Monteiro, Architectural heritage of southern Portugal: disruptive practices and sustainability strategies for its preservation, ,

Maurizio Oddo, Antonella Versaci, Alessandro Barracco, ARCHITETTURA E RIFORESTAZIONE URBANA. Ripensare il centro come frammentazione di Paesaggio (ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN REFORESTATION. Rethinking the center as a fragmentation of Landscape)

4.15 Survival and adaptation of Roman amphitheaters and ancient buildings for public spectacles

Coordinators: Luigi Cappelli (Dipartimento di Architettura – Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II)

Roman amphitheaters and the ancient buildings for public spectacles, such as theaters, amphitheaters, circuses, odeia, had precise typological characteristics and were strongly connected with their urban reference systems. Over the centuries, they manifested a significant adaptive capacity for survival, although their new uses required substantial architectural transformations.
Even today these buildings can satisfy landscapes and cities in continuous evolution and can host new ways of visit and use. They can become the focus of management strategies and the symbol of a fragile heritage, that must be studied, known, preserved, ""used"" and transmitted to the future.

Fabio Ambrogio, Il teatro romano di Alba. Dalla scoperta alla creazione di un percorso per la sua valorizzazione (The Roman theatre of Alba. From discovery to the creation of a path for its enhancement)

Cristian Blangetti, Conoscenza, conservazione e valorizzazione dell’anfiteatro di Cirencester in Britannia. (Knowledge, conservation and enhancement of the Cirencester Amphitheatre in Britain.)

Luigi Cappelli, Un antico edificio ludico “multiforme”. Conoscenza e restauro dell’anfiteatro romano di Tarragona (Spagna) (An ancient “multiform” building. Knowledge and restoration of the Roman amphitheater of Tarragona (Spain))

Fabio Cosentino, Il teatro greco-romano di Catania tra memoria, trasformazioni, rappresentazioni e libertà (The grece-roman theatar of Catania: memory, development, historical rapresentation, liberty)

Wladek Fuchs, Strutture di spettacolo romane – la persistenza dei metodi di progettazione. (Roman structures of spectacle – the persistence of the design knowledge.)

Giorgio Ghelfi, L’antico teatro di Tindari. Studi preliminari per la conservazione ed il restauro. (The ancient theatre of Tindari. Preliminary studies for conservation and restoration.)

Filippo Masino, Il Teatro di Augusta Taurinorum restituito alla comunità (The Theatre of Augusta Taurinorum returns to the heritage community)

Antonio Mellano, la “liberazione” del teatro romano di Teramo, opportunità o perdita di valori ? (the “liberation” of Teramo’s Roman theatre: opportunity or loss of value?)

Francesca Musanti, Non solo “panem et circenses”. Antifragilità di uno spettacolare patrimonio culturale. (Not only “panem et circenses”. Antifragility of a spectacular cultural heritage.)

Elisa Pilia, Anfiteatri romani in Sardegna tra sublimità parassitaria e interventi per il riuso (Roman amphitheatres in Sardinia between parasitical sublimity and interventions of reuse)

Giulia Proto, Sopravvivenza e adattamento dell’Anfiteatro Flavio di Pozzuoli: gli interventi di restauro, consolidamento e allestimento di Ezio Bruno De Felice (Survival and adaptation of the Flavian Amphitheater in Pozzuoli: Ezio Bruno De Felice’s restoration plan (1966-1979).)

Emanuele Romeo, Teatri E Anfiteatri Di Età Classica. Valore D’antichità E Di Attualità Tra Conservazione E Valorizzazione (Theaters And Amphitheaters Of Classical Age. Ancient And Actuality Value Between Conservation And Enhancement)

Riccardo Rudiero, Da Segesta a Siracusa: le Carte sugli edifici ludici e per spettacolo, tra conservazione e rifunzionalizzazione (From Segesta to Syracuse: the Charters on theatres and amphitheatres, between conservation and reuse)

Simone Spampinato, Il frammento: il potere dell’immaginario (The fragment: the power of the imagination)

Mariangela Terracciano, Lo stadio romano di Antonino Pio a Pozzuoli: un palinsesto archeologico ed architettonico da conoscere e valorizzare (The Roman stadium of Antonino Pio in Pozzuoli: an archaeological and architectural palimpsest to know and to valorize)

Maurizio Villata, Tommaso Vagnarelli, Teatri e anfiteatri “minori”: alcune riflessioni sul ruolo e sulle potenzialità della marginalità nell’esperienza culturale di paesaggio (“Minor” theatres and amphitheatres: some reflections on the role and the potentiality of marginality in the cultural landscape experience)

Gianluca Vitagliano, Bruno De Nigris, Resistere al tempo e agli uomini. L’anfiteatro Verlasce di Venafro tra conservazione e trasformazioni. (Withstand time and men. The Verlasce amphitheater in Venafro between conservation and transformations.)

4.17 Adaptive public space

Coordinators: Luigi Coccia (Università di Camerino), Alessandro Gabbianelli (Università di Roma 3)

The coronavirus pandemic has been a signalling experience that has imposed a conceptual discontinuity on ways of thinking about urbanity and how it has manifested itself in the last two centuries. In this sense, this session intends to activate a discussion on the characters and problems of the western city by focusing on public space. While the emptying out of historical squares has accentuated the expressive power of open space in the consolidated tissues, encouraging the contemplation of architectural beauty, the unusual occupation of residual voids has highlighted the lack of architectural quality of peripheral places acquired as new relational spaces with high potential. It is clear that there is an urgent need to interpret the phenomena underway and put forward design hypotheses on the theme of public space, a space capable of receiving the multiple requests expressed by society and conforming to the varied nature of the contexts. Thinking about public space means experimenting with new physical and social relations between a multitude of points scattered throughout the territory, rethinking places of conviviality capable of favouring encounters between living beings while guaranteeing their distance. Adaptivity and coexistence are terms that call into question the traditional discourse around the design of open space as a place of continuity, porosity and social and formal mixité, shifting the focus towards the invention of strategies useful for defining new interactions, making contact but also distancing differences. The pandemic has intensified the character of the urban field as a differentiating machine, producing social, political and ecological differences. In this sense, how can the needs of multiple groups, collectives and ecologies be met? How to assemble different practices of living and spatial production? How to redefine the sense and value of relationships in our cities? The nexus between adaptability and coexistence therefore explores the redefinition of the meaning of public, open, green space in relation to post-pandemic social practices. The issues raised and the questions that arise from them may find developments and desirable answers in the urbanised territory: between density and rarefaction, the investigations may lead to the prefiguration of new scenarios in a variety of urban situations ranging from consolidated areas to areas of decommissioning and urban-rural fringes.

Roberta Albiero, Corpo urbano/corpo umano. Venezia come paradigma dello spazio percepito e immaginato (Urban Body/Human Body Venice as a paradigm of perceived and imagined space)

Yuliia Batkova, Domenico Chizzoniti, Reconstructing space and place: ephemeral form between monument and performance, ,

Francesco Casalbordino, Luoghi dell’incontro nel periurbano: una metodologia progettuale per lo spazio pubblico ai margini della città (Places of encounter in the periurban area: a design methodology for the public space on the edge of the city)

Scenari di progettazione e ricerca per la città contemporanea (SPORT AND PUBLIC SPACE AS AN ADAPTIVE URBAN INFRASTRUCTURE. Design and research scenarios for the contemporary city)

Angela D’Agostino, Giovangiuseppe Vannelli, Strategie progettuali e processi partecipativi per uno spazio pubblico adattivo. Il Parco dei Quartieri Spagnoli a Napoli (Design strategies and participatory processes for an adaptive public space. The Park of the Spanish Quarters in Naples)

Giuseppe D’Ascoli, Re-interpretare gli spazi junkle: per un progetto di assemblaggi e coesistenze. (Re-interpreting the junkle spaces: for an urban project of assemblies and coexistence.)

Orfina Fatigato, Spazi interconnessi. Sperimentazioni per la costruzione di una rete di spazi pubblici a Casoria (Interconnected Spaces. Experimentation on a network of public space in Casoria)

Marco Ferrari, Maria Chiara Tosi, Il progetto della mescolanza (The Design of Mixture)

Ambrosio, Francesca, Sara Le Xuan, La città pubblica tra forma e politica dello spazio. Il Corviale a Roma e l’Eixample a Barcellona (The public city between the shape and policy of the place. The Corviale in Rome and the Eixample in Barcelona)

Mario Galterisi, INHABITING CROSSROADS: Gli spazi di prossimità dell’housing sociale nella fase post-pandemica (INHABITING CROSSROADS: The proximity spaces of social housing in the post-pandemic phase)

Emanuele Garda, L’eredità di una crisi: temi, riadattamenti e traiettorie per la “città pubblica” di Bergamo oltre la pandemia (The legacy of a crisis: themes, readaptations, and directions for the ‘public city’ of Bergamo beyond the pandemic)

Michele Lazazzera, Rosalba Belibani, Il progetto dello spazio pubblico come scenario Verso infrastrutture adattive per una città più flessibile ed ecologica (The project of public space as scenario Towards adaptive infrastructure for more flexible and ecological city)

Simone Porfiri, Topografie Adattive. Il Progetto Di Suolo Come Dispositivo Per Amplificare L’intensità Dello Spazio Aperto (Adaptive Topographies: The Ground Design As A Tool To Amplify The Intensity Of The Open Space)

Marta Rabazo Martin, Maria Grazia Cianci, Francesca Paola Mondelli, Dalla centralità alla vicinanza. Riflessioni sull’evoluzione concettuale e formale dello spazio pubblico della città di Roma dagli anni ’90. (From centrality to proximity. Reflections on the conceptual and formal evolution of the public space of the city of Rome since the 90s.)

Dajla Riera, Maria Federica Ottone, Resilienza urbana: il futuro dei centri commerciali (Urban resilience: the future of shopping centers)

Marella Santangelo, Riconquistare corpo e spazi (Regaining body and spaces)

Stefano Sartorio, Francesco Airoldi, Due facce della stessa medaglia. Parallelismi sulla capacità adattiva dello spazio pubblico di città e aree interne. (Two sides of the same coin. Parallelism on adaptive capacity of public spaces in cities and inner peripheries.)

4.18 ‘Cities in cities’. The great urban additions of fascism in the contemporary city

Coordinators: Sara Iaccarino (Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”)

The session aims to investigate the permanence in the contemporary city of the large urban rearrangements made during the fascism in Italy, where the historical city has been the object of the addition of a new layer, with its own rules, layouts, and overall architectural identity. Once these buildings and large complexes lost their original purpose, a period of decay has followed, resulting in disconnected areas of the modern city, characterized by decadent voids. It is urgent to investigate how the city has adapted to these additions and how it has included them in or rule them out of its current layout.

Mattia Cocozza, Una porta urbana per la Mostra d’Oltremare. (An urban gate for the Mostra d’Oltremare.)

Alessia Fusciello, Stefano Guadagno, L’Istituto per i Figli del Popolo di Napoli: strategie per l’inclusione di un frammento urbano (The Institute for the Children of the People in Naples: strategies for the integration of an urban fragment)

Davide Galleri, Colleferro, città autoriale del Novecento. Da borgo industriale, a città fascista, a Capitale Europea dello Spazio. (Colleferro, the authorial city of the 20th Century. From industrial town, to fascist city, to European Capital of Space.)

Sara Iaccarino, Città del potere, città della connessione. I Palazzi Postali realizzati dal Ministero delle Comunicazioni durante il regime fascista (City of power, city of connection. The Postal Buildings built by the Ministry of Communications during the fascist regime)

4.20 Resilient Palaces. Civic architecture as a mirror and tool of urban adaptability (18th-20th centuries)

Coordinators: Maria Grazia D’Amelio (Sapienza Università di Roma), Paola Barbera (Università degli Studi di Catania), Marco Folin (Università di Genova)

Since the Middle Ages, the urban landscape of Italian cities has been marked by the presence of public palaces and civic architecture: buildings, monuments, infrastructures that fulfilled multiple functions for collective use, emboding the civil identity of the inhabitants. Those building have always maintained a crucial role in the public life and cultural landscape of Italian cities as places of self-representation for civic authorities and their policies for 'good government' up to the present day. This deep and vital link with the history of city's communities has not, however, been without consequences: far from setting up a lasting 'typology', over time public palaces have been asked to perform a variety of material and symbolic functions, generating continuous, sometimes drastic processes of transformation, not only in terms of use and decoration, but also in structural and architectural terms. So much so that even those buildings and models that appear to be the result of genuinely 'original' persistences are often only the fruit of 19th-20th century reconstructions and stylistic restorations.
In this long-term framework, this session aims to focus on turning points, breaks, restructuring/reconversion steps after dramatic events: post-war rebuildings, ''revolutionary'' eras, the interplay between different models of public architecture and their idioms, or ''discourses'' (nationalistic VS municipalistic, classicist VS autochthonous, historicist VS modernist). Special attention will be paid to cross-cutting approaches, highlighting the complexity of historical processes in urban contexts and the permeability of architecture to political, social and cultural factors.

Marco Corona, Palazzi e potere a Cagliari: due sedi “barbare”. Le decorazioni dei palazzi provinciale e comunale tra XIX e XX secolo. (Palaces and power in Cagliari: two “barbaric” buildings. The decorations of the provincial and municipal palaces between 19th and 20th century.)

Olimpia Di Biase, Architettura sulle preesistenze nel Settecento a Ferrara: il caso di Palazzo Paradiso (Architecture on pre-existing buildings in Ferrara during the 18th century: the case of Palazzo Paradiso)

Lorenzo Fecchio, Sofia Nannini, Marcello Piacentini e la ricostruzione del Palazzo della Ragione di Ferrara (1953-56): identità, politica e critica intorno ad un’architettura civica (Piacentini and the Reconstruction of the Palazzo della Ragione in Ferrara (1953-56): Identity, Politics and Debates around a Civic Architecture)

Lorenzo Grieco, L’architettura dei palazzi comunali del basso Lazio durante il Ventennio fascista (The architecture of Fascist-era town halls in South Latium)

Stefano Zaggia, Il concorso e la costruzione del Palazzo municipale di Padova. Conservazione delle memorie e trasformazioni urbane (1919-1930) (The contest and the construction of the Town Hall of Padua. Conservation of memories and urban transformations (1919-1930))

Macrosession 5. Whose narrative voices? Reconsidering data, narratives and perspectives.
5.01 Whose heritage? Exhibition sites, monuments, festivals and museums in urban space

Coordinators: Shelley Hornstein (York University, Toronto, Canada)

The aim of this session is to explore how monuments, museums, and exhibition spaces of all types make up our shared heritage in the urban landscape and contribute to engaging, preserving, and dialoguing with history and culture, while shaping the identities and memories of a place. How can these features of the built environment disrupt, enhance, or even transmogrify city space by being tourist attractions and catalysts with the power to undo and complicate collective memory and rethink inclusivity? Ultimately, whose memory is to be shaped and with whose voice? These sites narrativize urban space by aestheticizing and branding strategies, particularly through pervasive mediatizations. How do these creative sites challenge timeworn chronicles of place that might suggest a shared, homogeneous past? Who is the “we” of that past and do notable sites address the social dynamics and changing patterns of the varied voices of urban space? Perhaps Dean MacCannell’s suggestion that “sightseeing is a kind of collective striving for a transcendence of the modern totality, a way of attempting to overcome the discontinuity of modernity or incorporating its fragments into unified experience,” is to be reexamined. This session proposes to investigate how we might re-consider or re-frame the term “heritage” (or that which is inherited) within the context of placemaking and memory stories generated through memorial sites, public monuments, museums, and urban exhibition spaces. How have these sites contributed to or participated in interrogating touristic itineraries and local identities? In what ways do they position the visitor’s perceptions of those spaces seen against urban stories of demolition, preservation, or heritagization? What might constitute the memory or (competing) memories and identities of these cultural beacons and places for their local or tourist economies? How have tumbled monuments, for example, participated in reclaiming or unearthing silenced voices or possibly complicating further considerations of what we should inherit? We welcome contributions that consider any case studies of monuments of historical figures, art in public space, art and architectural festivals or museums of any period across the global landscape that seek to challenge existing narratives or recover muted stories about identities and place.

Antonietta Biondi, From the wonderful urban to the “Paesaggio Metropolitano” (Dal meraviglioso urbano a “Paesaggio Metropolitano”)

A-Avava Ndo Gabriel II, I patrimoni del potere negli itinerari turistici in Camerun. (The heritages of power on touristic itineraries in Cameroon.)

Son Van Huynh, The Elements and Memorials

Federico Marcomini, Skopje 2014. Ricreare la storia (Skopje 2014. Recreating history)

Monica Naso, Francesca Frassoldati, Remodelling authenticity in a UNESCO site: the case of Langhe, Roero and Monferrato

Hanqing Zhao, Francesca Frassoldati, Super Authentic Ancient Town——The case of Wuzhen in China

5.02 Digital humanities for urban history: network analysis, database and GIS

Coordinators: Rubén Castro Redondo (Universidad de Cantabria), Alfredo Martín García (Universidad de León)

The aim of this proposal is to debate the resources that new technologies can provide to the study of Urban History and, in particular, to the spatial analysis of urban communities (cultures, stratification, socio-professional analysis, religiosity, economic condition, poverty, marginalisation ), of its territorial administration (local administration, intramural, capital of intermediate administration -lordly / provincial / royal / vice royal-, regardless of the matter of administration (territory, treasury, war, etc.), of its spheres of action and influence (with the immediate environment, with its region, with other cities), and its behavior (demographic, cultural, social, economic, etc.). In this sense, the methodological contents based on the new spatial georeferencing tools (GIS-SIG) are of interest, understanding the space as a center of historical analysis to know the spatial distribution of the urban variables of our interest. Also interesting are the possibilities offered today by the most innovative computer applications (databases), the platforms linked to the Internet (documentary repositories, open science institutional scientific repositories...) and, in short, all the other resources that are very varied. and offered by what has been generically called the Digital Humanities. The interest of this proposal is not limited to the possibilities of these tools in the research and analysis of historical data, but also in the resources that the digital world makes available to the researcher when presenting their results to the scientific community. and, of course, at the time of publication. In the latter case, as logical, contributions based on the principles defined in the open science label (online, digital, free, open access publications) are especially welcome. Due to the methodological and instrumental orientation of the session, no geographical or temporal limits will be imposed on which to exemplify digital experiences in historical research, as long as they have the urban world as the center of their analysis. The binomial of Digital Humanities and Urban History allows a broad reflection in spatial and chronological terms, from the Ancient World to the 20th century.

Silvia Battaglia, Conoscere per valorizzare. Censimento e digitalizzazione degli stadi italiani: un’ipotesi di catalogazione (Knowing to enhance. Census and digitization of Italian stadiums: a hypothesis of cataloguing)

Rubén Castro Redondo, Aplicazioni dei Sistemi Informativi Geografici per una nuova storia urbana (Applications of Geographic Information Systems for a new urban history)

Marianna Charitonidou, Teoria dell’intersezione nella storia dell’architettura e dell’urbanistica: la cura digitale e gli archivi di architetti e urbanisti (Intersectional theory in architectural and urban history: Digital curation and archives of architects and urban planners)

Óscar Fernández-Álvarez, Patrimonio cultural digital: Políticas y prácticas en una nueva era. (Digital cultural heritage: Policies and practices in a new era.)

Miguel González González, La exploración urbana (urbex) y su relación con el patrimonio industrial en las ciudades contemporáneas (Urban exploration (urbex) and its relationship with industrial heritage in contemporary cities)

María Herranz Pinacho, Alberto Corada Alonso, Archives on the network: a project of a map of the Hispanic cartographic heritage

Mirella Izzo, Il verde nelle carte storiche di Napoli. Una Mappa digitale della storia dei giardini. (Historical Green Gis of Naples: Analysis of old maps for the creation of a digital map.)

Alfredo Martín García, Lo studio del conflitto urbano attraverso le discipline umanistiche digitali: Ferrol in età moderna (The study of urban conflict through digital Humanities: Ferrol during the Early Modern Age)

Raquel Martínez Peñín, Georeferenziazione dei diversi spazi occupati dal quartiere ebraico medievale della città di León (Georeferencing of the different spaces occupied by the medieval Jewish quarter of the city of León)

Michele Nani, Ferrara1881. Un progetto-pilota per un Atlante storico della città fra ricerca, didattica e archivi (Ferrara1881. A pilot project for a urban-historical WebGis between research, teaching and archives)

Angela Parisi, Digital humanities e GIS per il recupero dei valori territoriali: il caso studio della rete delle strutture fortificate della Sicilia centrale (Digital humanities and GIS for the recovery of territorial values: the case study of the network of fortified structures in central Sicily)

María José Pérez Álvarez, Conflitto sociale e povertà a Zamora nel Settecento. (Social conflict and poverty in Zamora in the eighteenth century.)

Anxo Rodríguez Lemos, Ofelia Rey Castelao, Vocabolario della resistenza sociale nella monarchia ispanica dal XVII al XIX secolo (Vocabulary of social resistance in the Hispanic monarchy from the 17th to the 19th centuries)

Laureano M. Rubio Pérez, Emarginazione sociale e assistenza nella città di León nell’età moderna (Social marginalization and assistance in the city of León in the Early Modern Age)

Margarita Torremocha Hernández, Giustizia, cause penali e donne nell’età moderna. Violenza e conflitto nell’area urbana castigliana (Justice, criminal lawsuits and women in the Modern Age. Violence and conflict in the Castilian urban area)

Alex Valledor Arostegui, Verso una banca dati sistemica: maestri, capitani ed ammiragli nelle villaggi e città atlantiche nei secoli XVI e XVII (Towards a systemic database: masters, captains and admirals in Atlantic towns and cities in the 16th and 17th centuries)

5.03 West-European vs. East-European urban studies: stopping a one-way historiographical street

Coordinators: Massimo Visone (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II), Anda-Lucia Spânu (The Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities from Sibiu)

The ongoing internationalization of academia is growing thanks to the migration of scholars, but this phenomenon has multiple origins and may have many implications. In some Countries, funding research opened the doors to scholars native to the colonies or from Africa because of the need to remove the guilts of the past and reconstruct a common, shared history in a common land. In EU, internal scholarly immigration is useful to build a new political identity, but it must coexist with a number of ongoing crises, such as economic instability and very fluid waves of migration. This situation expands the principle of inclusiveness beyond historical connections and induces drastic reinterpretations of the past. Historically Europeans are all part of one continent, but culturally they still know little about each other because of the rift opened during the age of extremes. Easterner historians study the texts of Western ones, but the same thing does not happen at the same level in the opposite direction. In the West, knowledge of studies done in Eastern Europe seems to end up at most in Budapest. From a historiographical point of view, the division process started after World War I, but communications ceased altogether with the end of WWII. Two generations passed since the end of the Cold War and historiographical connections still remain interrupted, despite the fact we could read what ‘others’ write, but this is not just a problem of linguistic hegemony. Western European culture should feel a mood of ‘uneasiness’ after 1989, as Eric Hobsbawm pointed out. On the one hand, there is the on the one hand there are the Latin and Anglo-Saxon languages, each one with its own historiographical consolidated point of view, and on the other hand are contributions written by scholars who have undertaken a cultural revision of their recent past. This context does not allow the construction of common historical grounds. This session is aimed at being a roundtable discussion for scholars seeking a new historical research approach, making room for the emergence of new voices/narratives that would change how we think about European urban history. It is a call for those involved in research projects or working groups where the fusion of distinct cultures is the basis for questioning established points of view, how they experiment with shared research methodologies and exchanges of historical sources to create conscious, acceptable, and useful narratives to both sides for overcoming differences of opinion.

Marianna Charitonidou, Strati temporali sovrapposti e storie architettoniche e urbane non Zeitgeist: su come sfidare l’eurocentrismo (Overlapping Temporal Layers and Non-Zeitgeist Architectural and Urban Histories: On How to Challenge Eurocentrism)

Anda-Lucia Spânu, La storiografia Rumena sulle immagini storiche di paesi e città e quella dell’Europa Occidentale: studio comparato (Romanian historiography regarding historical images of towns and cities and the Western European one: comparative study)

Massimo Visone, Le grandi teorie sono messe in crisi? (Are the great theories being undermined?)

5.04 Urban adaption strategy against the odds

Coordinators: Fanjasoa Louisette Rasoloniaina (Université de Paris)

Since the 2000s, researchers such as Neil Brenner have been working on planetary urbanization theory, while China is already implementing it with its new silk roads. While some see this as the deployment of a new empire, it is a misreading of a systemic strategy.
The adaptation of territorial policies is played out on a very large scale, such as that of the megaregions, where the urban units that count are the megacities. In the North American megaregions, we can observe a systematic zoning from the urban environment to the natural reserves. This transect takes us back to Geddes’s valley section which implies that human settlements and activities follow the biome; those urban figures are states of evolution. From this vista, the territory is a living organism that evolves and can also die. Megacities may be seen as a phenomenon of hypertelic metropolization. In nature this hypertelia is a phenomenon that defies the logic of natural selection; the monstrous is indeed part of ""nature"".
Chinese land-use planning seems to be a more drastic pattern of urban-industrial versus rural-agricultural opposition, on a very large scale, and demands a more closely. The Pearl River Delta is a trompe l'oeil: China is building what looks like an oxymoron. A hyper Rural-Urban: a hologrammatic pattern (fractal) from the rural to the transcalar urban. We are facing a systemic reinvention! This has been possible, because of the administrative structure of the economy: from the central state power is transferred to the regions that tender to circular economy projects, so it is the local authorities and private entities that carry out the innovation. China is in the process of shifting to a green economy. One of the iconic achievements of this success story is Chong Ming Island in the middle of the Yangtze River Delta, opposite Shanghai, where migratory birds from all over the world gather, including some endangered species.
This panel looks at all oxymoronic urbanscapes that (1) defy previous conceptualizations of the urban-rural divide; cities and territories that have managed to adapt against all odds through radical transformation; the emergence of macro-regions in different parts of the world where different economic, social, architectural, political, and state ecosystems converge or collide; (2) impose a new urban theory and ontology based on systemic adaptation; and (3) imply new conceptual framework and methodology.

Ekizoglu Esin, A new informational design that reaches the audience for whom it is intended, ,

Fanjasoa Louisette Rasoloniaina, Dopo la Primavera silenziosa: dalle megalopoli a Chong Ming o l’isola dove cantano gli uccelli (After the Silent Spring: from the megacities to Chong Ming or the island where the birds sing)

Marco Trisciuoglio, Dong Yinan, Dalla rigenerazione urbana alle comunità “transizionali”. Racconti e prospettive dalla Città di Nanchino (From Urban Regeneration to Transitional Communities. Tales and Perspectives from the City of Nanjing)

5.05 Dismantling the canon through multidisciplinary encounters: the cases of diplomatic legations in the city

Coordinators: Angela Gigliotti (Arkitektskolen Aarhus, Denmark and ETH Zürich), Fabio Gigone (Royal Danish Academy and Copenhagen University)

It is not rare to read on the news the term ""diplomatic crisis"" associated with a sudden event, whose one of the most vigorous measures is usually the announcement of ""diplomats withdraw"" from a territory. Seen from another perspective, though under covid-19 breakouts, the number of hours, meetings, and negotiations operated online increased in all fields severely, it makes still sense on a geopolitical level to threaten each other using the enforcing of a physical distance as a measure. What is at stake then, are the dynamics generated by the presence of foreign diplomatic legations in hosting countries across urban history. Especially since, more often than not, the design of such diplomatic compounds has been seldom considered by urban historians, and if so, only concerning a ""noteworthy"" authorship. Such criteria generated a heroic propaganda representation of a dominant, singular, male ""authorship"" addressed mainly by monographic studies in urban history. Specifically, a selective mono-focal narrative has been operated so far, secluding ""the others"" by class, race, gender, and sexuality. This session aims to confront narratives about diplomatic spatial settings that involve those voices whom current historiographies have so far neglected (e.g., local designers, collaborators, minutes-takers, civil servants, bureaucrats, site workers, constructors, developers, stakeholders, artists, ambassadors). Moreover, we are interested in discussing those research methods based on the multidisciplinary encounters between urban studies and other disciplines (e.g., history of art and architecture, political theory, history of ideas…). Of great value will be the employment of unconventional archival data settings, digitally processed, and interpolated, when key in disrupting dominant narratives. We seek contributions ranging from the Early Modern to the Cold War, and from a broad range of geographical contexts that investigate bilateral diplomatic encounters as a pretext to foster a cross-disciplinary conversation on methodology and narrative constructions about spatial design. Of particular interest, it will be the entanglement of new inquiry methods able to unveil and enlighten the current blind spots within a broader revision process, offering alternatives to dominant stereotypical historiographies.

Marco Felicioni, Invisible connections: reconstructing Venetian architect Giorgio Massari’s network (1687 – 1766). (Una rete invisibile di relazioni: il caso dell’architetto veneziano Giorgio Massari (1687-1766))

Angela Gigliotti, L’ Accademia di Danimarca a Roma: Rubino, Parducci, Giannoli e gli altri. (Det Danske Institut i Rom: Rubino, Parducci, Giannoli and the others.)

Fabio Gigone, Dono, Amore, ed Autorità: un percorso attraverso le pitture, l’architettura, e la diplomazia nella Versailles di Luigi XIV (Gift, Love, and Authority: a detour among paintings, architecture, and diplomacy in Versailles under Louis XIV)

Fatma Serra Inan, Spaces of Diplomacy in Sixteenth-Century Istanbul

Monica Prencipe, Chiara Monterumisi, VENTI DI CAMBIAMENTI E SCAMBI CULTURALI: una comparazione tra l’Istituto Svedese a Roma (1938-1940) e l’Istituto Italiano a Stoccolma (1952-1958) (WINDS OF CULTURAL (EX)CHANGES: A comparative overview of the Swedish Institute in Rome (1938-1940) and the Italian Institute in Stockholm (1952–1958))

Charlotte Rottiers, The Belgian Consulate-General in Seoul (1903-1907): materiality, contested authorship and hidden networks of actors

5.06 Cities After Planning: Modern legacy and decolonization practices in the Global South

Coordinators: Ines Tolic (Università di Bologna), Filippo De Dominicis (Università de L’Aquila)

AISU Panel

The Bandung Conference of 1955 represented a key event for many newly independent states which for the first time stepped onto the global stage in search of international acknowledgement. Often financially precarious and mostly technically unprepared, many of these countries were considered as “underdeveloped”, a derogatory label used to define the condition of the Global South in relation to the Western standards of industrial modernity.
In the following decades, “the Western technical culture” —as Ernesto Nathan Rogers called it— came to be considered “a fatality impossible to escape from… In order to evolve, countries were forced to take possession of it at least to some extent”. Technical assistance, housing programs, economic development, and the promise of modernization were promptly offered by the West (as well as by the East, as recent scholarship has revealed) thus producing new urban environments - but also new forms of hegemony. In fact, speaking about urban planning in relation to colonial territories, Anthony D. King noted that it was “impossibile to dissociate a more limited notion of ‘planning’ from, at one level, a range of related topics such as architectural style, health, house form, legislation, building science, and technology and these, at another level, from the total cultural economic, political, and social system of which they are a part. The introduction of ‘modern’ ‘planned’ environments based on ‘Western’ (and capitalist) notions of civilization […] has obviously modified far more than just the physical environment”.
Focusing modern planned cities of the Global South, taking into consideration the postwar period and using methodologies proper to urban history and design this session looks for papers that investigate processes of adaptation that started after the first stones were laid. It aims to trace the hidden voices and untold dynamics capable of revealing the often harsh negotiation between global ambitions and local needs. It invites scholars to investigate how modernization was adapted, manipulated, implemented and even contested by local communities in the long historical period in order to understand the life of cities “after planning”. Ultimately, it aims at looking closer at the “post-colonial” status of countries that gained independence in the 20th Century, with the goal to foster a process of decolonization within urban design and its historiography.

Harrison Blackman, The Lagos Handbook and Harvard Project on the City’s narrativization of postcolonial practices in Nigeria

Manlio Michieletto, Alexis Tshiunza, Da Kinshasa a Leopoldville: un città in (de)costruzione (From Kinshasa to Leopoldville: a city under (de) construction)

Mojca Mojca Smode Cvitanovic, Melita Cavlovic, Anonymous generation of technical assistance – Yugoslav architects in Cape Verde and Guinea-Bissau (1975-1982)

Loris Luigi Perillo, Il Concorso PREVI: un esperimento tra pianificazione urbana e auto-costruzione (PREVI Competition: an experiment between urban planning and self-construction)

5.07 "Tra donne sole”. The patient progression of women in the stories of things, houses and cities

Coordinators: Francesca Castanò (Università della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli), Chiara Ingrosso (Università degli Studi della Campania), Anna Gallo

The necessary rewriting of canonical historiography today passes through the discovery of new perspectives, of which, along with postcolonial, racial and environmental perspectives, the one of gender has to take on a new, fundamental centrality. Rediscovering archives, tracing architectural works and projects by women, in many cases contributes to reconfiguring traditional interpretative keys. In this session, whose title is inspired by a famous work by the Italian writer Cesare Pavese, we want to intercept the stories of women who are exemplary of an invisible and tenacious cultural revolution, whose achievements remain significant and lasting. Alongside the stories of conflicts experienced by entire generations, in many cases women become the involuntary protagonists of contemporary achievements. Remembered only as daughters, muses, mothers, mistresses, wives, they have been equal to and more than their own men, planners, custodians and organizers of memories, tireless workers and courageous interpreters of troubled centuries, conscious feminists. The aim of the session is to highlight the link between the different levels of design, “from the city to the spoon”, clarifying how being a woman qualifies these contributions. Insofar as women are acknowledged for their ability to adapt to the expressive modes and structures of the different artistic languages at different scales, they become the main actresses of a transdisciplinary research work, in which the plurality of views and the proliferation of analytical perspectives are able to introduce new interpretative scenarios on things, houses and cities. The session is open to all contributions wishing to explore these themes, especially with reference to 20th century women designers and their works, but also to women who have simultaneously dealt with criticism and culture of architecture, design and urbanism and their theoretical diffusion. National and international case-studies will be welcome, offering new readings, investigating stories neglected by traditional narratives and canonical representations, expressing "different" and therefore unique and innovative contributions.

Elisa Boeri, Francesca Giudetti , 1972: “Milano è de scegliere insieme”. Gae Aulenti, l’effimero domestico e la città che entra in scena. (1972: “Milan must be chosen together”. Gae Aulenti, the domestic ephemeral and the city entering the stage.)

Alessandro Brandino, Antonietta Iolanda Lima architettura come intreccio di saperi e azioni (Antonietta Iolanda Lima architecture as an intertwining of knowledge and actions)

Francesco Caiazzo, Raccontare un’altra città. Le memorie delle donne di Taranto in una prospettiva di storia orale. (Telling another city. The memories of the women of Taranto in an oral history perspective.)

Valeria Casali, Elena Dellapiana, Angry women with big mouths, e altro ancora (Angry women with big mouths, and much more)

Francesca Castanò, Anna Gallo, Il Palazzo Muti-Bussi di Roma, Gae Aulenti alla prova della Storia (The Palazzo Muti-Bussi in Rome, Gae Aulenti at the trial of History)

Federica Ciarcia’, Emilia Garda, Architettura, editoria e design fra Italia e America Latina nel secondo novecento. Il contributo paziente di tre donne. (Architecture, publishing and design between Italy and Latin America in the second half of the XXs. The patient contribution of three women.)

Felicia Di Girolamo, Mary Edith Durham e i disegni delle città albanesi del XX secolo (Mary Edith Durham and the drawings of the Albanian cities of the twentieth century)

Anna Franzese, Le sorelle Stingo: custodi ed eredi dell’antica manifattura ceramica Stingo di Napoli (Stingo sisters: custodians and heirs of the ancient stingo ceramic manufacture in Naples)

Ester Germani, Artista, committente, progettista di giardini: Herta Wedekind, voce narrante di Villa Ottolenghi ad Acqui Terme tra primo Novecento e contemporaneità (Artist, client, garden designer: Herta Wedekind, narrator of Villa Ottolenghi in Acqui Terme between the early twentieth century and contemporaneity)

Matteo Iannello, Anna Castelli Ferrieri. L’etica del progetto (Anna Castelli Ferrieri. The ethics of the project)

Chiara Ingrosso, Stefania Filo Speziale, prima architetta napoletana (Stefania Filo Speziale, first Neapolitan architect)

Matilde Martellini, “Viva l’arte viva”. Nuovi scenari di drammaturgia museale al femminile. (“Viva l’arte viva”. New scenarios of museum dramaturgy by women.)

Claudia Mattogno, Diventare visibili e tessere reti. Nuove narrazioni per costruire memorie e valorizzare le presenze femminili nella progettazione urbana (Becoming visible and weaving networks. New narratives to build memories and enhance female presences in urban design)

Maria Serena Pirisino, Valentina Pintus, Paesaggi domestici al femminile. Dimensioni, forme e identità dell’abitare (Feminine domestic landscape. Dimensions, shapes and identity of living)

Monica Prencipe, “Pioniere dello Spirito”. Architette a Roma durante gli anni del Fascismo. (“Female pioneers of the Spirit”. Women architects in Rome during the Fascist period.)

Arianna Scaioli, Emancipare le donne attraverso l’architettura: l’approccio umanistico di Yasmeen Lari (Empowering Women through Architecture: The Humanistic Approach of Yasmeen Lari)

Marco Trisciuoglio, Federico Madaro, Tra architettura e letteratura. Lin Huiyin e la città cinese degli anni Trenta (Between Architecture and Literature. Lin Huiyin and the Chinese City of the Thirties)

Maria Grazia Turco, Tra città e architettura: Roma nella prima metà del Novecento. Il ruolo delle donne (Between city and architecture: Rome in the first half of the twentieth century. The role of women)

Macrosession 6. Interactions between humanity and the environment in the longue durée
6.01 E-culture: pandemic formats and beyond. Digital and cultural heritage on question

Coordinators: Rosa Tamborrino (Politecnico di Torino), Silvia Chiusano (Politecnico di Torino), Marie Paule Jungblut (University of Luxemburg)

AISU Panel

E-culture has been proved to play a crucial role for both urban and cultural resilience during the recent pandemic emergency. As experienced during the lockdown and pandemic limitations, the virtual world can constitute a concrete support to the cultural and social life of cities and territories. Italy was the first country to go into lockdown, to close cultural institutions and sites, to limit the use of urban open spaces. However, the health emergency also triggered different forms of heritage expressions and uses. The pandemic lens finally made visible, the adaptive properties of tangible and intangible forms of cultural and natural heritage. Novel formats for content representation have been proposed and web-based platforms have become the tools for producing, sharing, enjoying culture and heritage. All countries have been involved in this digital innovation process, from those lagging behind in the heritage digitalization (such as Italy) and those in which the digitalization process was more advanced.
The e-culture scenario is a varied ecosystem based on a mixture of heterogeneous expertise, coming from humanities, social sciences and ICT areas. To allow such heterogeneous skills coexist and operate in synergy in an integrated framework, common languages, novel tools and suitable objectives must be studied. Designing and developing this integrated framework is currently an open and challenging research issue.
The session aims to recreate this mixture of different themes and expertise, thus representing a valuable opportunity to discuss the open issues above and possibly find useful insights to address them.
Here some questions that will be addressed:

  • How did e-culture work during the pandemic in different countries?
  • How can the digital and direct cultural experience be integrated in a virtuous and sustainable way?
  • How can heritage formats take into account aspects of gender, ethnicity, multiculturalism?
  • How can e-culture be exploited for addressing social and educational issues (e.g. serious games)?

Within this scenario, we welcome contributions addressing (though not limited to) one or more of the following topics: identification and critical evaluation of possible data sources, modelling data lake for collected data, storytelling for sharing collected information with different target users, IT architectures for system development. Contributions on preliminary or fully established prototypes are more than welcome.

Farzaneh Aliakbari, Il cyberspazio distribuisce la cultura: esperienze dall’Iran durante la crisi del COVID-19 (Cyberspace serves Culture: Experiences from Iran during the COVID-19 crisis)

Marianna Charitonidou, Verso un approccio civico ai dati urbani: i miti dell’universalismo digitale (Towards a civic approach to urban data: The myths of digital universalism)

Marie-Paule Jungblut, Migrants’ chronicles 1892. An educational digital game between veracity and playability (Migrants’ chronicles 1892 An educational digital game between veracity and playability)

Tillmanns Katharina, Mixed-Reality Learning On-Site With A Body-Based Design Approach, ,

Helene Mallinson, “How To Make A Museum”: The Western Sudan Community Museum Project (2018 – 22)

Anna Osello, Matteo Del Giudice, Francesca Ugliotti, Digital Twin per E-culture: input e output di dati con HBIM, VAR e interoperabilità (Digital Twin for E-culture: data input and output working with HBIM, VAR and interoperability)

Rosa Tamborrino, Atlanti digitali per il patrimonio culturale. L’Atlante della resilienza culturale italiana. (Digital Atlas for heritage mapping. The Digital Atlas of Itallian resilience.)

6.02 Open questions about colllaborative processes of heritigisation

Coordinators: Daniela Ciaffi (Politecnico di Torino), Rosa Tamborrino (Politecnico di Torino)

AISU Panel

In the painful time of confinement and physical distancing due to the Covid19 pandemic, entire communities have adapted to new lifestyles. Moreover, the high level of cultural vitality, also due to the relevance of association and the third sector, has revealed a considerable change in the world of culture and heritage that goes beyond devoted institutions and formal formats.
More generally, these events have highlighted a type of participation interested in the discussion on the methods of construction of collective memory in plural and inclusive forms, as well as in new forms of creativity in the world of Cultural and Natural Heritage and heritage care open to experts and not experts.
Another concern includes the cross-disciplinary framework of relationships between the national and the local level. The 19th Century heritigization supported the Nations building trials and their legitimization. The today heritage building innovative processes are experienced at the local level. However, the connection with the statal policies remains controversial.
Some city museums and research projects have started projects based on crowdsourcing and co-production. At the same time some avant-garde local public administrations form new alliances to take care of heritage. The municipal managers, for example, stipulate “collaboration agreements” with the Superintendencies together with informal groups of volunteers, associations and individual active citizens. The academic world finally starts to face these challenges.
What impact shown/could have in heritagization processes? How does the role of scientific knowledge change or what is expected to be in participatory processes? Which the required modifications from the traditional approaches in “making history”? How can participatory approaches, crowdsourcing and oral history be exploited for new collaborative understanding of cultural natural heritage of cities? How can a “longue durée” perspective face this type of recent collective memories? How does the vision of the “top-down” management of the heritage change in the perspective of the shared care of the common goods? The session calls for contributions on themes and case studies that allow fostering a rich reflection throughout various disciplines in a European and international perspective.

Gianluigi De Martino, Viviana Saitto, Quale Patrimonio per l’Allestimento. Quale Allestimento per il Patrimonio. (What Heritage for Exhibit What Exhibit for Heritage)

Irene Ruiz Bazán, Modelli di gestione del patrimonio rurale singolare. Una sfida aperta. (Models of Management for Singular Rural Heritage. An open challenge.)

Marianna Sanasi, Dalle radici della teoria dei beni comuni all’applicazione al patrimonio culturale (From the beginning of the theory of common goods to application in cultural heritage)

6.03 The mountain landscape between eremitic contemplation, aesthetic attraction and sporting conquest: perceptions and transformations of the cathedrals of the earth

Coordinators: Carla Bartolomucci (Università degli studi dell’Aquila)

The vision of the mountains has profoundly changed over the centuries, transforming itself from horrid and inaccessible territories to spaces of eremitic contemplation or aesthetic attraction (think of the alpine stops of the Grand Tour travelers to admire the glaciers), to places of exploration and scientific research (see the ascents of humanists and scientists well before the birth of mountaineering), until becoming the object of competitive challenges and tourist exploitation.
Border and crossing places, the mountains have been for centuries ways of communication and exchange of cultures; which became a theater of war in the last century, they were then transformed into places of industrial production (with significant changes caused by the hydroelectric industry) as well as “playground” for sporting conquest and recreational activities. Today, even more as a consequence of the pandemic, mountain areas act as a peri-urban scenario as a space for well-being and mountain therapy, but the effects of incompatible and degrading uses are increasingly evident.
The different modes of perception and use have in fact caused substantial changes in the Alpine and Apennine landscape (distortion of the inhabited areas, new settlements, construction of roads, climbing facilities, huts and bivouacs at high altitude) without the reflection on the historical-cultural meanings, therefore on the monumental value of these places - not surprisingly already defined in the nineteenth century as “Palaces of Nature” (Lord Byron) and “Cathedrals of the Earth” (John Ruskin) - being fully shared today.
The session intends to stimulate a transdisciplinary discussion with a view to safeguarding the mountains as a heritage at significant anthropic risk, highlighting the historical events and the multiple cultural meanings that these places represent. The need to protecting the mountain territory is becoming more and more urgent by integrating the different approaches (geographic, environmental, landscape, historical, urban, socio-economic, ecological) in a common vision that goes beyond individual specialisms and considers the mountain heritage as a monumental whole, where the impact of tourism can produce irreversible transformations. It is also appropriate to consider the discordant (sometimes not very compatible) results of the recognition of some UNESCO World Heritage sites, comparing different experiences and approaches to landscape protection.

Giulia Beltramo, Tra architettura e memoria. Progettualità per la conservazione del paesaggio culturale in bassa valle Po e in valle Infernotto (Between architecture and memory. Planning for the conservation of the cultural landscape in the lower Po and Infernotto valleys)

Giulia Bergamo, Dall’archetipo della montagna ad una nuova percezione collettiva: il paesaggio della Val Maira, trasformazioni di un’area di confine (From the archetype of the mountain to a new collective perception: the landscape of Val Maira, transformations of a boundary area)

Filiberto Ciaglia, Percezione e scoperta di due catene montuose dell’Appennino abruzzese. Verso una storia delle esplorazioni del Velino e del Sirente tra ‘700 e ‘900 (Perception and discovery of two Apennine mountain ranges. Toward an history of explorations of Velino and Sirente between the 18th and 20th centuries)

Filippo De Dominicis, Stazioni, postazioni, avamposti. Infrastrutture leggere di media e alta montagna (Stations, placements, outposts: Light infrastructures for medium and high altitudes.)

Caterina Franco, Per una storia ambientale delle stazioni sciistiche d’alta quota, nelle Alpi Occidentali. (For an environmental history of high altitude ski resorts in the Western Alps.)

Alessia Placidi, Carla Bartolomucci, Rovine, fortificazioni, montagne. La conservazione del paesaggio fra abbandono e sviluppo (Ruins, fortifications, mountains. Landscape conservation between abandonment and development)

Nicolò Rivero, Il paesaggio fortificato dell’alta Val Maira: sistemi difensivi tra XIX e XX secolo in uno spazio di confine (The fortified landscape of the upper Maira valley: defensive systems between the 19th and the 20th century in a border area)

Gerardo Semprebon, Alisia Tognon, Mauro Marinelli, Upwards! Restanza e futuri per i territori alpini d’alta quota (Upwards! Resettlement and future for high alpine territories)

Davide Sigurtà, La viabilità militare nella Grande Guerra in provincia di Brescia: infrastruttura per la valorizzazione della montagna (The military roads in the Great War in the province of Brescia: infrastructure for the enhancement of the mountain)

6.04 Project Matrix: TRANS-lation of users’ immersive Psychogeography experiences into a gamified interactive Virtual Platform as A Service for IoT [PAAS for IOT]

Coordinators: Christine Wacta (Ohio University), Louisette Rasoloniaina (Université de Paris), Esin Ekizoğlu (Ecole d’Architecture Paris Val de Seine)

This involves a practical grounding in (AI), its various applications to human-habitus through developing concepts-ideas that augment the users’ lived-experience in the environment. It engages on novel research paths on interactive Platform as A Service for IoT [PAAS] that intersects (AI) with urban analytics to create use cases for building human experience’ data infrastructure for smart cities. With the emergence of Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, Virtual Reality, and the Internet of things, most handheld devices are grounded to a true geospatial network, thus allowing technology use to simplify human life? How to provide superior + augmented experience? How to facilitate an increasingly demanding lifestyle in hyperconnected environment? We are concerned with how (AI) technology can improve the psychogeography experience, understand geo-morphological reactions of user-groups. This is a transdisciplinary framework focused on urban-non-urban social life; _using tracing apps for recording-quantify-visualize non-tangibles ephemeral events of human-habitus in complex ecosystems. Difficult questions emerge: what it really means to be human in a post-Covid environment? How to use sensor-robotic to enable the AI’s understanding and engagement of users to better respond to environment in varied daily tasks? How to capitalize (IoT)’s advancements and crowdsensing to DE-code the essence of user’s lived experience and immersive engagement? This socio-cultural and scientifically challenging idea explores how users track-experiences, capture-share emotions-thoughts as they emerge during encounters. Though, this yields great benefits in breaking down individual system of thinking/reactions, it however presents risks of exposing personal information on the cloud; hence, requires new methods to fuse objective (heterogeneous) data with subjective (emotional) data with the latitude to pursue novel approaches with impacts on placemaking changes on socio-environmental systems through:-Quantifying-understanding drivers of behavior changes or psychogeography effect;-Developing Human-ecosystem service models in AI to support data analytics from individual to big scale.-Enhancing existing human habitus modeling and mapping efforts for human-emotion capital in quantifiable means;-Link observed behavioral patterns of the user’s to changes of emotional reactions.

Matthew Dudzik, Data-Driven Approaches to Cultural Design in Architecture

Esin Ekizoglu, Mobile territories as a new layer of unexplored emotions through the experiences of users of public space

Mortamais Elizabeth, IN-visible cities

Fanjasoa Louisette Rasoloniaina, The setting of a symbiotic and digital ecosystem merging Embodied Computing with urban and territorial conception and ideation

Christine Wacta, Crowdsensing, Crowdsourcing, a community participatory initiative for advanced urban analytics.

6.05 Production Landscapes in Transformation. Towards a Patrimonial Interpretation of Energy Transitions throughout Industrial and Post-industrial History

Coordinators: Oana Cristina Tiganea (Politecnico di Milano), Francesca Vigotti (Politecnico di Milano)

Industrial and rural production processes have profoundly transformed territorial assets since the 19th century. From the 20th century onwards, resources management shifted from the regional scale to national and continental ones, up to global extents. In this scenario, resources are not merely raw material, which extraction has had a direct impact over territories. The human capital and immaterial resources are comprised, intended as the association of people, knowledge, and skills that have structured communities’ economic, political, and socio-cultural aspects in time. To this progressive change of scale, the territorial transformations related to energy transitions started at the beginning of the 1900s are of interest.
Interdisciplinary studies started progressively in the 20th century intending to understand how to read and interpret these legacies of the production activities in a territory where the industrialisation and deindustrialisation co-exist, pushing forward towards a selective patrimonial recognition and, thus, safeguarding of this legacy. Furthermore, if the standardized language of industry facilitates its analysis and interpretation of material traces at a global level, the local socio-cultural and economic specific features directly affect the patrimonial perception and conservation processes.
Considering the recent guidelines expressed by the European Commission regarding energy transition, the session proposes to investigate from a multidisciplinary point of view the ways of interpreting production processes from a patrimonial perspective.
The session welcomes general theoretical contributions, as well as presentations of case studies, which respond to the following research questions: To what territorial extent do the patrimonial approach and conservation processes end?
On a theoretical level, how can the “short-term” interpretation of the most recent phenomena on the territorial scale influence the patrimonial processes?
Considering the wastes of the industrial production: what could be their interpretation, management, and acceptance as landscape components?

Manuela Mattone, PATRIMONIALIZZARE I PAESAGGI PRODUTTIVI: il caso del paesaggio dell’idroelettricità (CAPITALISING PRODUCTIVE LANDSCAPES: the case of the hydroelectricity landscape)

Valentina Pintus, Paesaggio della produzione in Sardegna tra conoscenza, conservazione e riuso (Sardinian production landscape: knowledge, conservation and reuse)

Awilda Rodriguez Carrion, Imperiled industrial patrimony: Re-envisioning a Puerto Rico’s sugar mill through dreamscapes and future mixed reality scenarios., ,

Nino Sulfaro, La percezione pubblica del patrimonio industriale. Alcune riflessioni su industrializzazione e processi sociali in Calabria (XVII-XX sec.) (Public perception of Industrial Heritage. Some notes on industrialization and social processes in Calabria (Italy) (18th-20th Century))

Oana Cristina Tiganea, Francesca Vigotti, Le conseguenze della produzione di energia nucleare: lasciti “tossici” ed eredità culturali a Stei, Romania (In the Aftermath of Nuclear Energy Production: Inherited ‘Toxic’ and Cultural Legacies in Stei, Romania)

Elena Vigliocco, Riccardo Ronzani, Industria idroelettrica e fotovoltaica: due modelli a confronto (Hydroelectric and photovoltaic industry: two compared models)

6.06 Cities, museums and histories. Inclusive methods and interpretative approaches for museum heritage in the contemporaneity

Coordinators: Alessandro Castagnaro (Università degli Studi di Napoli Fedrico II), Bianca Gioia Marino (Università degli Studi di Napoli Fedrico II)

With an unprecedented vision of the historical city, seen for the first time - and on a worldwide level - as something distant and impracticable because of the pandemic event, the perception of the value of the city/community as a lived and memory space, embodied in the historical heritage, represents a significant datum of our contemporaneity. Museums have responded to the need to share and recognize this value by disseminating the heritage they preserve, in continuity with the idea of the museum as an open place and as a cultural center, in accordance with recent regulatory requirements. In recent years, these structures have promoted their cultural programmes, articulating and innovating their contents and type of communication, thanks also to the tools provided by the development of new digital technologies. At the same time, the museum has become a central hub for the social and cultural life of the city, acting as an urban pivot where cultural and research activities converge, going beyond the status of a container of collections. In this sense, as a joint effect, the idea of the network function of this kind of institution has emerged in a museum relationship vision representing a cultural image of the city and its history. The session therefore encourages reflection on these issues and welcomes research and contributions that can be summarized in the following sub-themes: the historical role and current role of the museum in the contemporary (pre- and post-pandemic) city emphasizing the transformations that the presence and action of the museum has been able to or can trigger; the network function that the museum can play in an interactive and cultural co-production perspective between risks (mass tourism, real estate phenomena, etc.) and potentials (community involvement, educational function, development of research, cultural awareness,etc.) in the transformation of the urban context; new forms of communication linked to the historical and social structure, the increase of new narratives, cases of conversion and restoration of historical buildings and new architectures in their impact on the urban context; the dialogue between scientific research and museum institutions and its effects on interpretative approaches and new inclusive methods for the management of transformations and interventions on museum complexes.

Francesca Capano, Raffaele Amore, Il Museum Herculanense ieri, e oggi? Archeologia, architettura e paesaggio all’ombra del Vesuvio (The Museum Herculanense yesterday, and today? Archaeology, architecture and landscape in the shadow of Vesuvius)

Alessio Cardaci, Roberta Frigeni, Antonella Versaci , La digitalizzazione del patrimonio culturale: rilievo, conservazione e valorizzazione della collezione dei ‘lapidei’ del Museo delle storie di Bergamo (The digitization of Cultural Heritage: survey, conservation and enhancement of the ‘lapidei’ collection of the Museo delle storie di Bergamo)

Luisa Del Giudice, Mariangela Terracciano, I musei della civiltà contadina in Campania, tra storia e contemporaneità (The museums of rural life in Campania, between history and contemporaneity)

Caterina Di Felice, Il museo si apre alla città: riflessioni a partire da alcuni esempi recenti nel contesto italiano. (The museum outside the museum: insights from Italian case-studies for a new approach to urban context.)

Germano Germano’, Il museo e la città: il Museo Archeologico di Reggio Calabria tra storia e innovazione (The museum and the city: the Archaeological Museum of Reggio Calabria between history and innovation)

Iole Nocerino, Rossella Marena, Daniela Pagliarulo, Annamaria Ragosta, Il museo come struttura aperta: una ricerca in itinere per il Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli (The museum as an open structure: a research in progress for the Museo Archeologico Nazionale of Naples)

Daniela Pagliarulo, Museo e ricerca: un’esperienza storica, un’esigenza attuale e il contributo di Carlo Ludovico Ragghianti. (Museum and research: a historical experience, a current requirement and the contribution of Carlo Ludovico Ragghianti.)

Marianna Pezzella, Inclusione e accessibilità museale: un sistema di valutazione basato sull’esperienza dei visitatori (Inclusion and accessibility: valuation system based on visitors experience)

Camilla Portesani, Joella Van Donkersgoed, Public History: la nuova Scienza Cittadina del passato. Un progetto partecipativo per dare nuova luce alla narrativa storica (Public History as the new Citizen Science of the Past, a participatory project to impact history production)

Roberta Ruggiero, La metropolitana di Napoli, esempio di museo a cielo aperto. Il caso delle stazioni “Duomo” e “Municipio” (The Naples metro, an example of an open-air museum. The case of the ‘Duomo’ and ‘Municipio’ stations)

Alberto Terminio, La valorizzazione del patrimonio museale nell’opera di Ezio De Felice (The enhancement of the museum heritage in the work of Ezio De Felice)

6.07 Expressing the longue durée, 3D Modeling Change over Time

Coordinators: Willeke Wendrich (University of California Los Angeles, USA), Elaine Sullivan (University of California, Santa Cruz, USA)

AISU Panel

Archaeology enables the reconstruction or interpretation of the environment, landscapes, urbanization and architecture in the longue durée. Knowledge and reconstructions of complex changes over time are often published as narratives or quantitative research results. Visualizations, be they graphs, drawings or 3D Virtual Reality models, have the advantage that they can be used to represent both the narratives and the numbers. In addition, they have demonstrated to offer more than representations of knowledge, but also provoke new questions. What has been particularly effective are visualizations that represent changes over time. If presented in one image, these changes are presented as frozen slices of time, for instance as “building phases.” Even in a series of images, for instance in what Edward Tufte calls “small multiples” ( Tufte 2001, 170), or in three dimensional Virtual Reality models that represent developments over time, change is represented as particular stages. There are, therefore, several ways to visually express long-term developments, but these require careful consideration of what is considered a “phase” and why.

For this session we are welcoming presentations that focus on the following issues in representing archaeological or historic landscapes:
• environmental and architectural change
• strategies for visualizing complex change over time
• challenges in representing chronology; including pacing/rate of change and how to express inconsistent temporal change
• places as constant building sites and loci of change
• visualizing inhabited landscapes

Edward Tufte, 2001 The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, 2nd edition, Cheshire,Connecticut: Graphics Press

Daniele Amadio, Il rilievo integrato e la modellazione 3D per l’analisi dei danni causati da eventi atmosferici straordinari sui beni culturali. Il caso di Al-Baleed. (Integrated survey and 3D modeling for the analysis of damage caused by extraordinary atmospheric events on cultural heritage. The case of Al-Baleed.)

Nicola Lercari, Modellando il Neolitico: La Visualizzazione 3D Multi-temporale come Strumento di Analisi dei Processi di History Making a Çatalhöyük, Turchia (Modeling the Neolithic: 3D Multi-temporal Visualization as a Tool to Examine History Making at Çatalhöyük, Turkey)

Elaine Sullivan, Timing is Everything: Visualizing Change at the Ancient Egyptian Site of Saqqara in 3D, ,

Matei Tichindelean, Brandon Keith, Iman Nagy, Costruzione, distruzione e riconfigurazione del paesaggio rituale di Philae (Construction, Destruction, and Reconfiguration of the Ritual Landscape of Philae)

Willeke Wendrich, Egitto eterno contro il cambiamento continuo: partecipazione della comunità per per rinvigorire il passato (Eternal Egypt versus continual change: engaging the community to invigorate the past)

6.08 The historic city as a model of innovative urban development

Coordinators: Giovanni Leoni (Università di Bologna), Andrea Borsari (Università di Bologna), Speranza Falciano (Gran Sasso Science Institute)

The session addresses a paradox concerning the Italian and European historical cities.
On the one hand, the historical city is suffering a moment of extreme difficulty due to abandonment, pathological phenomena of hyper-occupation linked to tourism suddenly subverted by the pandemic, and to social and physical degradation processes.
At the same time the historical city stands again as a model for possible sustainable development of the city form (creative city, city of 15 minutes, recovery of community sociality, etc.).
Putting these suggestions into practice requires a change of perspective.
In addition to the unavoidable policies to protect the excellences of historical heritage, it is necessary to reconsider the social, economic, and political action on the historical city, taking into account its widespread quality. The infra-ordinary heritage is no less relevant than excellence if the objective is the overall care of the city as a common good.
These ordinary qualities need a specific effort being the constantly changing result of citizen's daily life. What is also needed is a constant effort to make urban qualities available to both permanent and “temporary citizens”.
In the background and as a basis for these actions, the construction of a conceptual and operational framework shared by humanistic, scientific, and technological research fields is required.

The session gathers interventions that intend to focus, also and not only, on the following themes:
- the cultural construction of the historic city and the urban imaginary as forms that shape the perception and use of urban spaces; the detection of how bodies relate to the city
- the overcoming of the conflict between memory and innovation in the historical city by valuing memory as a challenge for innovation and creative cultures
- the assumption of the historical city as a place of social innovation
- the consideration of the historical city in its founding relationship with the construction of the public sphere and cultural policies
- the valorisation of the historical city as a specific model of a circular city with particular attention to a balance between European policies and practices on the one hand and local specificities on the other hand
- Cultural Heritage technologies and the balance between research and applied research on excellence and its scalability to infra-ordinary heritage issues and site-specific applications.

Pierpaolo Ascari, La città dei corpi: architettura ostile, muri imbrattati e altre forme di vita (The city of bodies: unpleasant design, dirty walls and other forms of life)

Andrea Borsari, Città storica e new urban aesthetic (Historic City and new urban aesthetic)

Matteo Cassani Simonetti, Il risanamento conservativo della città storica come operazione sociale. Gli studi di Leonardo Benevolo per il centro di Bologna (The Conservative Restoration of the Historic City as a Social Operation. Leonardo Benevolo’s Studies for Bologna City Center)

Ilaria Cattabriga, La costruzione di un immaginario urbano attraverso processi partecipativi: il caso studio del Piano Cervellati per il Centro Storico di Bologna (The Construction of an Urban Imaginary through Participative Processes: the Case-study of the Cervellati Plan for the Historic Center of Bologna)

Enrico Chinellato, Enacting the City: Artistic Practices in Public Space as Forms of Memory Work, ,

Carolina Di Biase, Ritorno alle città d’arte italiane. Turisti e residenti, dopo la pandemia (Back to Italian Art Cities. Tourists and Residents, after the Pandemic)

Arshia Eghbali, La città degli studenti: forme dell’abitare a Bologna (The City of Students: Forms of Living and Dwelling in Bologna)

Giovanni Leoni, La Storia della Città come agente politico (The History of the City as a Political Agent)

Giulia Montanaro, Il patrimonio tecnologico intangibile della città storica come strumento per uno sviluppo di un futuro sostenibile (Building Technologies as Intangible Cultural Heritage: a Tool for Developing a Sustainable Future)

Zeno Mutton, Studenti e pratiche creative nelle città universitarie: caso studio sulle pratiche di sostenibilità ambientale svolte da studenti universitari (Students and creative practices in university cities: a case study on environmental sustainability initiatives carried out by university students)

Rosa Tamborrino, Innovare con il patrimonio urbano attraverso un approccio digitale (Innovating with urban heritage via digital approach)

6.10 Architecture in its setting: drawings as tools of supporting memory

Coordinators: Martina Frank (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia), Myriam Pilutti Namer (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia)

Architectural drawing has had, and still has, several functions and assumes importance in different fields of interest. For instance, it represents an immediately useful creative expression as a tool to support not just human beings at large, but also the intellectual activity and imaginative skills of architects; for archaeologists, it is helpful for understanding and documenting sites and findings, where travellers use it for their notes, photographers for their reportages and artists for their studies. The session intends to focus in a cross-disciplinary perspective on the role of architectural drawings as tools to support memory, and aims to concentrate on cases where the built environment interacts with its surroundings, whether natural or urban, real or imaginary. This kind of drawing is hard to classify in a given category and, far from being included in the genres of architectural veduta and survey, it is set in a dimension that confers on time and memory - personal, social and historical - crucial roles, where the time of architecture does not necessarily match that of landscape. The session aims to investigate the nature of these drawings and explore the relationship between architecture and its setting over a wide chronological span extending from the early modern to the contemporary era and including digital drawing. We intend to discuss the theoretical assumptions, the meanings and the functions of these sketches, focusing on the role of architectural drawings in defining the relationship between humans and the environment and in conveying the memory of natural or urban landscapes, real or imaginary, or creative interpretations and re-elaborations of these.

Cristina Cuneo, Gabriella Morabito, Antonia Spanò, Disegni di architettura e paesaggio per itinerari digitali: sulle tracce dei viaggi di Clemente Rovere (1807-1860) (Drawings of architecture and landscape for digital itineraries: the travels of Clemente Rovere (1807-1860))

Konrad Jennifer Jasmin, The principle of deconstructive drawing: a subversive medium for exposing architectural paradoxes, ,

Neelakantan Keshavan, Tracing Intervals: between Wallpapers and Chora L Works, ,

Matteo Pennisi, Laura La Rosa, Il Disegno della città di Catania di Bohob (Bohob’s Plan of the city of Catania)

Myriam Pilutti Namer, Gli Skizzen aus Pergamon di Christian Wilberg (1880) (Christian Wilberg’s Skizzen aus Pergamon (1880))

Federica Rossi, Memorie molteplici: Giacomo Quarenghi e la pratica del disegno (Multiple Memories: Giacomo Quarenghi and the Practice of Drawing)

Starlight Vattano, Giuseppe D’Acunto, I progetti per il ponte dell’Accademia di Venezia nella Biennale del 1985. Una ricostruzione digitale (The projects for the ponte dell’Accademia in Venice in the 1985 Biennale. A digital reconstruction)

6.11 From indifference to selective destruction: equivocal approaches to historic urban spaces during the interwar period

Coordinators: Mesut Dinler (Politecnico di Torino)

The interwar period generated a context where a conscious approach towards historic urban space is clearly manifested. This interest, to a certain extent, was a response to the traumatic destruction of the WWI, yet urban spaces, particularly public spaces were also the showcases of rising nationalism and nation-making efforts in the aftermath of the fall of empires. The same period also reveals a major shift in the conceptualisation of historic cities as heritage sites. Thus, the interwar period demonstrates an ambivalent approach towards historic cities where one can trace both the nationalist agenda to transform the urban space and the preservationist attitude emerged from the aftermath of the WWI. The current scholarship particularly evaluates the destruction and/or preservation of historic cities as if they are diametrically opposed, representing opposite ends with opposite goals, operating within the same set of socio-political, economic, and cultural dynamics. The preservationist interventions during the interwar period, however, can be considered as selective destructions during peacetime considering their effects on collective identity of varying groups in the process of nation-building.
In this session, we invite contributions that critically investigate the complexities of urban conservation during the interwar period by considering the counter-narratives of selective destruction and preservation during peacetime. Acknowledging the reciprocity of preservation and selective destruction, the session explores how societal conflicts emerged, were controlled, and challenged by the interventions to historic cities that did not necessarily arise from wars or destructions but from a relatively more peaceful context. We invite papers that address, but are not limited to, the equivocal approaches to historic public spaces with nationalist agendas ranging from indifference to selective destruction. Papers may address such questions as: How can preservation and selective (or sometimes ‘creative’) destruction be understood as dialectical processes in the remaking of historic urban spaces? What are the underlying socio-political, cultural, or ideological motives behind the remaking of historic urban spaces? How are preservation and selective destruction processes appropriated, negotiated, or contested by different groups?

Özge Sezer, De-Historicization and Centralization: Examining Harput and Elazığ through the Lenses of Preservation Policies in Turkey during the Interwar Period, ,

Gunce Uzgoren, Da vigneti a ‘città grigia’: Tracciare un patrimonio frammentato attraverso le implementazioni sul Boulevard Atatürk di Ankara tra il 1923-50 (From Vineyards and Prairies to ‘Gray City’: Tracing a Fragmented Heritage through the Implementations on Ankara Atatürk Boulevard between 1923-50)

6.12 Ancient urban foundations in Europe. Genesis of the “forma urbis” and of the historical image of urban landscape

Coordinators: Alfredo Buccaro (Università di Napoli Federico II), Francesca Capano (Università di Napoli Federico II)

AISU Panel

The session will bring to the attention of scholars the topic of the ancient urban foundations in Europe and their evolution history as a 'stone' document, a palimpsest of traces and memories to be analyzed through direct or indirect sources for the reconstruction of the “forma urbis”, also through new digital graphic tecniques.
In recent times, urban archeology has been establishing itself as a research field with great potential, but at the same time highlighting the need for an interdisciplinary approach. In fact, the correct reading of the urban plan, of its underlying logics and long-lasting evolutionary process can only be approached correctly at the city scale: all 'fragments' of urban history – material or immaterial, documentary, iconographic or descriptive – will contribute to this reading, regardless of their detail value, as well as of the tecniques used in their story.
The session aims to stimulate papers analyzing the ancient city and its transformations by examining all the elements that contributed to the genesis of its shape and of the historical image of urban landscape. This latter one will also be studied in relation to the extramoenia environment, that is a significant scenery of human activities closely linked to the life of the city and its cultural and physical construction, in the continuous norm-derogation and limit-threshold dialectic, characterizing the European urban history from the very beginning.

Raffaele Amore, Prima di Ippodamo. L’interpretazione della forma urbana delle colonie della Magna Grecia secondo la letteratura specialistica (Before Hippodamus. The interpretation of the urban form of the colonies of Magna Graecia according to the specialized literature)

Alfredo Buccaro, Tracce di Neapolis. Per una ricostruzione del disegno della città antica (Neapolis traces. For a reconstruction of the Ancient City original plan)

Francesca Capano, La veduta di Partenope e Neapolis di Maresca, Buzzi e de Grado (1780) (View of Partenope and Neapolis by Maresca, Buzzi and de Grado (1780))

Mirella Izzo, Neapolis e i resti della città antica: dalle pagine dei grand tourists all’Historical GIS (Neapolis, the ruins of the ancient city from the journals and letters of Grand Tour travelers to the Historical GIS)

Maria Ines Pascariello, Saverio D’Auria, Intersezione di cardini e decumani: tracce e segni dell’antica Neapolis (Intersection of cardines and decumans: tracks and signs of Neapolis)

Salvatore Suarato, Il tessuto antico nella città contemporanea: Stabia e Castellammare tra permanenze e trasformazioni (The ancient structure in the contemporary city: Stabia and Castellammare between permanences and transformations)

Alessandra Veropalumbo, Le pubblicazioni dell’Accademia dei Lincei sugli scavi archeologici e monumenti antichi per lo studio della forma urbis di Napoli (The publications of the Accademia dei Lincei on archaeological excavations and ancient monuments for the study of the forma urbis of Naples)

6.13 Archeology, architecture, and preservation of the historic city

Coordinators: Alessandro Ippoliti (Università degli Studi di Ferrara), Benedetta Caglioti (Università degli Studi di Ferrara)

The functional need to commute through the city in the contemporary daily reality, raises methodological questions especially when the context on which we intervene is a palimpsest of layers and stratifications, the testimony of multiple civilizations which, if properly interpreted, can develop historical, social, economic, and educational meanings.
The section aims to compare different experiences that share the aim of transmitting to the future the material testimonies of history and beauty that have originated from the past and that have necessarily adjusted to the contemporary design without favoring solutions of rehabilitation, renovation, redevelopment but enhancing the pre-existing buildings through proper conservation, livability, and use.

Francesca Romana Fiano, Alexandros Tsonidis, Maria Pasia, Yorgos Papazoglou, Christina Milopoulou, Antonia Stylianou, ECDYSIS: il processo di trasformazione della pelle urbana di Larissa. Riflessioni metodologiche sulla relazione tra archeologia e architettura (ECDYSIS: the Urban Skin transformation process in Larissa city. Methodological considerations on architecture and urban archaeology relationship)

Nicoletta Marconi, Valentina Florio, Identità antiquariale, stratificazione storica, cicatrici belliche, restauri. Il palazzo Colonna-Barberini nel palinsesto urbano di Palestrina (Antiquarian identity, historical stratification, wartime scars, restoration. The Colonna-Barberini palace in the urban palimpsest of Palestrina)

Luigi Oliva, La via Appia antica in ambito romano e nazionale: nuovi valori ed esperienze per la tutela e la fruizione della Regina Viarum. (The Appian Way in the Roman context and in the national one: new values and experiences for safeguarding and using the Regina Viarum.)

Florina Pop, Roberto Ragione, Rossella Leone, Città, restauro e multimedialità: interazioni per la conservazione della memoria archeologica nel contesto urbano di Roma (City, Conservation and Multimedia: Interactions for the Preservation of Archaeological Memory in the Urban Context of Rome)

6.14 Heritage, landscape and community: research and experiences between knowledge, enhancement and development

Coordinators: Elena Manzo (Università degli Studi della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”), Marina D’Aprile (Università della Campania L. Vanvitelli)

With a view to integrating resources and environmental values with the historical and artistic heritage - or more generally with the cultural heritage of the places - the session intends to focus the comparison on knowledge techniques and intervention strategies aimed at encouraging new directions of development, sustainably and reconstruct cultural and artistic connections between disintegrated or degraded places, however with strong potential for re-valuation for local and national economies, especially tourism. The perspective of multidisciplinary investigation and comparison will privilege thematic areas focused on the enhancement of territories, urban and peri-urban, in alignment with the advance awareness of an eco-sustainable vision in the restructuring strategies of the natural and man-made environment, in line with the now consolidated interpretation at the global level of sustainability as a complex and integrated system of environmental, economic, social and cultural factors, identically decisive for the promotion of phenomena and processes that have a positive impact on vital developments. In this sense, as suggested by the Faro Convention, the interactions between heritages (natural and cultural, tangible and intangible) and communities substantiate the privileged vectors of a strictly ensure enhancement for the protection of cultural repertoires and the landscape in their broadest perspective. In this scenario, the greenways, in perfect harmony with the objectives of the New European Bauhaus, configure, for example, a proven means of encouraging the use, knowledge - and, therefore, the sense of belonging - to identity resources, both tangible and intangible, of a territory, favoring forms of socio-economic development, not limited to the tourist function. By designing from scratch, or by adapting disused transport infrastructures and ancient road routes, the ecological-cultural itineraries constitute a recognized strategy (SNAI) also for the revitalization of internal villages and areas in the process of depopulation, neglect and forgotten landscapes, therefore re-establishing interrupted interactions and links with the reference communities and promoting further ones.

Ahmed Adham, Tarek Teba, Negotiating Urban Allotments In Berlin In The Lens Of The Narrative Analysis, ,

Maria Teresa Campisi, Angela Parisi, Ricostruire la memoria storica del territorio. Esperienze e riflessioni di ricerca su ambiti siciliani (Reconstruct the historical memory of the territory. Research experiences and reflections on Sicilian contexts)

Caterina F. Carocci, Costanza Arcidiacono, Renata Finocchiaro, Valentina Macca, Cesare Tocci, Poggioreale antica: alla ricerca della memoria perduta (Ancient Poggioreale: searching for lost memory)

Marina D’Aprile, Conservazione e valorizzazione dei patrimoni tra accessibilità e inclusività: lo strumento delle greenways nel contesto europeo (Heritage preservation and enhancement between accessibility and inclusiveness: the greenways tool in the European context)

Monica Esposito, Gli impianti termali campani: tra memoria storica, reti territoriali e sviluppo turistico (The thermal plants in Campania: between historical memory, territorial networks and tourism development)

Federica Fiorillo, “Slow Tour in Slow food”: un sistema di green ways tra le architetture rurali per la valorizzazione delle aree interne del Cilento (“Slow Tour in Slow food”: a system of greenways through rural architecture for the enhancement of the inland areas of Cilento)

Kreangkrai Kirdsiri, (The Historic town of Phetchaburi: Heritage and Community Effort for Values Transmission to the Sustainable Future)

Antonio Maio, Chiara Tosato, Valorizzare il territorio e la cultura materiale e immateriale: un centro studi europeo della dieta mediterranea nel nucleo antico di Serre (SA) (Valuing the territory and its material and immaterial culture: a European study centre on the Mediterranean diet in the ancient centre of Serre (SA))

Elena Manzo, Sulle tracce del Grand Tour. Greenways e beni culturali come strategia di sviluppo sostenibile per i borghi interni del Parco Nazionale del Cilento (In the footsteps of the grand tour. Greenways and cultural heritage for the sustainable development of Cilento National Park’s inland villages)

Marica Merola, Federica Fiorillo, Maria Rosaria Cocozza, Maurizio Perticarini, Green ways e nuove sinergie, un approccio multidisciplinare a supporto della riqualificazione infrastrutturale del Cilento (Green ways and new synergies, a multidisciplinary approach to support infrastructural redevelopment in the area of Cilento)

Riccardo Serraglio, Conoscenza e valorizzazione del paesaggio storico della vite maritata (Knowledge and enhancement of the historical landscape of the “vite maritata”)

Emanuela Sorbo, Gianluca Spironelli, La Chiesa ‘Incompiuta’ di Brendola. Processi collaborativi e memoria collettiva a confronto per una prospettiva di “longue durée” del bene culturale (The ‘Unfinished’ Church of Brendola. Collaborative processes and collective memory for a “longue durée” perspective on Cultural Heritage)

Antonella Violano, Slow Tourism e Paesaggi bioculturali: Temporary Smart House per la ricettività sostenibile delle aree interne (Slow Tourism and Biocultural Landscapes: Temporary Smart House for the sustainable hosting of internal areas)

6.16 Green areas, vegetable gardens and gardens for a "regenerative city"

Coordinators: Maria Adriana Giusti (Politecnico di Torino)

AISU Panel

A mature acquisition of issues related to the environment, ecology, sustainability, climate change, circular economy requires identifying tools to understand and manage the changes that affect structures, economic, anthropological, symbolic and identity values. Faced with structural degradation, the fluidity of behaviors, and ever new emergencies, the investigation must extend to various fields, building knowledge through the tools of a historie croisé to explain the interactions of culture, ecology, resources. This highlighting the opportunities of urban territories and those sites, terrain vague or resulting places, abandoned or degraded, willing to welcome informal methods and shared uses, in the increasingly strong and participatory direction of a social demand for naturalness, for values linked to care, cultivation (urban gardens, river gardens, industrial green), recycling and sustainability. The focus is therefore on the ways of considering the relationship between urban heritage and nature as a powerful regenerative catalyst, starting from investigations on historical utopias, from garden cities, to specific interventions of environmental micro-surgery in the parks of large European and non-European cities, up to recreate exosystemic connections between areas used as parks and gardens and the surrounding fabric, more generally the integration of greenery in redevelopment processes. This also involves to consider the theoretical and methodological approaches, the experiences on a national and international scale, starting from the results of the Italian territorialism school that deals with the territory as a complex living system. The central theme of discussion is the sustainability of development focused on the enhancement of heritage, as a fundamental element for the sustainable production of wealth, using water, land, vegetation, energy in a coordinated way and in harmony with the context, in function of the resilience of the system. The contributions may address topics such as: Garden in the city / Garden - City; principles and experiences for a new garden city: idea and development of a landscape utopia, international examples; the integration of greenery in urban regeneration, comparing experiences; role of planning to transform a "sustainable city" into an "urban ecosystem".

Michele Cerro, ‘Pause’ verdi resilienti nella trama urbana di Napoli. Il caso del giardino di Palazzo Cellamare a Chiaia (Resilient green ‘breaks’ in the urban texture of Naples. The case of the garden of Palazzo Cellamare in Chiaia)

Gabriella De marco, Analogie: a partire da Une Dimanche après -midi a l’Ile de la Grande – Jatte di Georges Seurat. Divagazioni intorno al tema del tempo libero (By analogy from Une Dimanche après- midi a l’Ile de la Grande Jatte di Georges Seurat. A digression about the leisure)

Kennedy Gitu Wagura, Urban Herders in Nairobi: Negotiating between Survival and Extinction in a Rapidly Expanding city, ,

Marta Quintana de Juan, La Contemporanea Rus In Urbe O Il Richiamo Della Natura Nel Xxi Secolo – Modelli Storici Per La Città Verde Del Futuro (The Contemporary Rus In Urbe Or The Call Of Nature In The 21st Century – Historic Models For The Green City Of The Future)

Kevin Santus, Rileggere il moderno: valori progettuali per le fragilità climatiche contemporanee (Reinterpret the modernity: design values for contemporary climatic fragilities)

6.17 The heritigization process of the local heritage between the history and the changes

Coordinators: Pelin Bolca (Politecnico di Torino), Francesca Giusti (Università degli Studi di Firenze)

Historic areas at different scales (villages, cities, landscapes) represent complex systems that have adapted through time to various changes which may differ in European and non-European contexts by shaping diversity of cultural heritage. They generally might be linked to historic cities, however, they also allow specific crosscuttings among usual categories of “urban”, “periurban” or “rural” which may sound unsuitable and inadequate to include new developments and heritigisation processes. Under each scale, historic areas include various tangible and intangible heritage values, linking to cultural and natural sites, and/or effecting the collective memories. Therefore, they require a holistic approach, and a longue dureée perspective is needed to reach a better understanding of their dynamics, changes and various characterisations under local and global lenses. Such a new kind of anatomy may allow to understand the relation between historical developments and heritage.

The aim of the session is to open a discussion focusing on case studies in/beyond Europe to provide a holistic perspective in heritage discourses. This session welcomes papers that focus on the documents and case studies of historic areas’ heritigisation process in their longue durée, extending the investigation to the experiences of protection and restoration, evaluating their cultural and social impact. Particular interest will focus on the legacy of colonial culture, or/and effects of nation-building process aftermath of war period on the actions of classification, protection, restoration and how these processes can relate to the current debate on the ""decolonialitation"" of urban space.

In this context, the session invites papers examining the following types of questions: How would any change (physical/political/social/economic/technological/etc.) modify the heritigisation process? How has the altered use of a historical area and knowledge tranmission between the actors impacted the understanding of heritage and/or memory? How to rethink the local memory, intertwining different points of view (artists, architects, sociologists, psychologists, etc.) and offer new perspectives that go beyond symbolic actions such as the removal of emblems from public space? The case studies presented with digital rapresentations of historic areas in their urban contexts and/or historical frameworks narrated with digital technologies and guidelines intertwined with various themes are highly invited.

Matteo Barisone, Niccolò Pozzi, RAPPORTO DA LA HABANA. Indagine sull’architettura cubana 1960-1990. Prime ipotesi per “Plaza de la Revolución”. (REPORT FROM LA HABANA. Investigation of the Cuban architecture 1960-1990. First project proposal of “Plaza de la Revolución”.)

Pelin Bolca, Francesca Giusti, Il Processo di Patrimonializzazione in Marocco dal protettorato francese all’indipendenza (The Process of Heritigization in Morocco from the French protectorate to the independence)

Bruno Di Gesù, La Decadenza Della Campagna Romana E L’espansione Edilizia Nel Settore Sud-Occidentale (The Decay Of The Roman Countryside And The Building Expansion In The Southwest Sector)

Macrosession 7. Interaction between adaptiveness and uncertainity
7.01 Moving from cities to small towns. Historical dynamics and current prospects

Coordinators: Mauro Volpiano (Politecnico di Torino), Teresa Colletta (Università di Napoli Federico II)

AISU Panel

The session proposes the theme of spontaneous decentralisation from the largest cities to the small neighbouring centres, throughout the Mediterranean area, in recent and historical times, a phenomenon extremely evident during the pandemic period, being largely linked to the search for a ""better quality of life"" and in relation to the quality of the tangible and intangible heritage. Hence the need for renewal and enhancement of small towns together with the preservation of the rural environment and landscape, the active involvement of resident communities, the improvement of digital usability and the relaunch of sustainable tourism.
The proposed contributions may concern:
1. Urban redevelopment of the small historic settlements; specific laws and regulations in the Italian and Mediterranean area; governmental calls; the interests of the mayors of the small cities.

  1. Historical settlements and marginal territories: strategies and prospects for repopulation of small towns. The cases of ""virtuous"" small municipalities in the valorisation of centres in the Mediterranean area (Italy, France, Spain, Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, etc.).
  2. The tangible and intangible cultural heritage of the small centres: instruments of historical knowledge and sources for urban regeneration.
  3. The active involvement of resident communities: local identities, memories and traditions; revival of ancient festive traditions, as tools for revitalisation with a view to sustainable tourism.
  4. New opportunities for associations and organisations bottom-up. Participatory processes of the communities and their role in the valorisation of the tangible and intangible heritage preserving the spirit of the place.
  5. The dialectic between minor settlements, rural environment and historical landscape: knowledge and safeguard in relation to the dynamics of repopulation, protection of rural environments and enhancement of landscapes. The new forms of rural towns.
  6. The issues with new technologies and the opportunities offered by digitalisation in small towns undergoing repopulation. The role of the ""experts"" and the participation of the protagonists of their own heritage in order to preserve identity and authenticity.
    Communications must be developed with reference to the historical methodologies of heritage investigation, highlighting research perspectives in the use of documentary sources, methodological and critical approaches to the historiography of sites or investigations into the materiality of settlements.

Marina Arena, Alessio Altadonna, Fabio Todesco, Il recupero dei piccoli centri. Ritornare a Massa San Nicola (The small towns regeneration. Return to Massa San Nicola)

Dimitra Babalis, Valeria Siddi, Strategie di Piano per la regolamentazione del traffico urbano. Mobilità Urbana Sostenibile e qualità urbana per il Centro Storico di Iglesias (Regulation strategies for urban traffic. Sustainable Mobility and urban quality for the City Centre of Iglesias)

Massimo Balsimelli, La conoscenza come metodo per la rigenerazione: gli insediamenti storici della Toscana (Knowledge as a method for the renewal: the historical settlements of Tuscany)

Antonio Bocca, Lia Fedele, Centri minori, energia e rigenerazione urbana (Small towns, energy and urban regeneration)

Gianluca Fenili, La valorizzazione dei centri storici: ricerca storica e analisi dell’edificato (The enhancement of historic centers: historical research and building analysis)

Viktoria Eva Lelek, Development and morphology of suburban residential areas in the Barcelona Metropolitan Region, ,

Maria Giulia Picchione, La cultura tradizionale e il patrimonio culturale immateriale quale elemento identitario delle comunità e garanzia per lo sviluppo economico e sociale (Traditional culture and intangible cultural heritage as an identity element of communities and as a guarantee for an economic and social development)

Daniela Stroffolino, Architettura: volano per la rinascita delle aree interne (Architecture: driving force for the rebirth of the rural areas)

Marina Tornatora, Claudia Prina, Archeologie indecise (Indecisive archaeology)

7.02 Re-inhabiting / Un-inhabiting. Strategies and designs for suspended places and spaces

Coordinators: Marina Tornatora (Università degli Studi di Reggio Calabria Mediterranea), Claudia Pirina (Università degli Studi di Udine)

In the history of cities and regions, slow and sudden demographic variations have always resulted in places and spaces to be rethought, due to the changed conditions of use. If in some cases the reconversion has ensured their survival by reason of their ability of adapting to new demands, in others, the non-immediate rearrangement of artifacts and / or spaces led to a series of ‘places’ waiting to find a new dimension, a different scale or to be inserted within larger networks able of transforming fragile territories into potential spaces. In this sense, the pandemic has helped to reflect on the possibility of reversing negative trends and proposing new possible arrangements for economic developments that affect also the reshape of the relations between demography and territory, proposing new life for hybrid / intermediate ‘margin’ spaces. These “suspended” spaces can be understood according to different meanings: spaces in abandonment, spaces to be re-used or re-converted, as well as unfinished spaces with a potential of what could become but are still not. Taking in consideration also the 2030 Agenda objectives, these marginal spaces (in a physical sense or not) represent an opportunity for the reconstruction of a relationship between urban and rural, or between suburbs and city center, as well as for a relation between the need of new urban areas and land use.
The dimension of the prefiguration and the figuration proposed by the session does not focus its interest only towards policies or projects that propose re-inhabitation of these spaces, but even a possible dismantling and re-naturalization in relation to changed context conditions. The goal is to develop a reflection on the process of abandonment of territories and infrastructures no longer only as an expression of failure, but to accompany it through transition tools towards an interaction between human settlements and the natural environment, with an attention towards the community dynamics. A change of mentality and approach that should deal with a different idea of beauty, far from the aestheticization imposed by the domain of communication and image, in order to contribute to a landscape pluralism.

Blagoja Bajkovski, Slobodan Velevski, Marija Mano Velevska, URBAN NARRATIVES FOR A CONTEMPORARY CITY
Rethinking urban growth on the case of a suspended area in Skopje city center (URBAN NARRATIVES FOR A CONTEMPORARY CITY Rethinking urban growth on the case of a suspended area in Skopje city center)

Riccarda Cantarelli, Oltre la crisi: riflessioni sulla sostenibilità nell’isola veneziana di Olivolo (Beyond the crisis: Reflections on sustainability on the Venetian island of Olivolo)

Giovanni Carli, Per un racconto urbano verbo-visuale. Hinc et nunc tra architettura e moda (For a verbal-visual urban story. Hinc et nunc between Architecture and Fashion)

Domenico Giuseppe Chizzoniti, Tommaso Lolli, Elisa Maruelli, Caratteri architettonici e significato della città. Strategia e recupero di alcune aree micro-dismesse nella città di Fidenza. (Architectural traits and significance of the city. Strategy and recovery of some micro-dismissed areas in the city of Fidenza.)

Giovanni Comi, Ri-abitare spazi fragili per costruire inedite relazioni (Re-inhabiting fragile spaces to build new relationships)

Maria Lorenza Crupi, La casa estesa e la terrazza sullo Stretto (The extended home and the terrace on the Strait)

Marco Ferrari, Elisabetta Bortolotto, Monica Bosio, Pietro Ferrara, Le possibilità di un’isola (The Possibilities of an Island)

Giampiero Lombardini, Dopo l’abbandono: i piccoli centri tra paura di morire e diritto di vivere. Il caso della Liguria interna (After abandonment: small towns between fear of dying and the right to live. The case of internal Liguria)

Olivia Longo, Davide Sigurtà, Ri-abitare la ex base NATO di Cavriana. Il progetto dell’attesa come valore storico. (Re-inhabiting the decommissioned NATO Base in Cavriana. The project of “waiting” as a historical value.)

Elisa Pilia, Donatella Rita Fiorino, Giovanni Sistu, Alice Scalas, Protocolli integrati per la rifunzionalizzazione sostenibile di grandi complessi ed areali demaniali storici dismessi. Il Progetto SOSLABS. (Integrated protocols for the sustainable reuse of historical decommissioned state-owned monumental complexes. The SOSLABS project.)

Giuseppina Scavuzzo, Tra il villaggio e la giugla. I luoghi sospesi dell’(in)ospitalità di confine. (Between the village and the jungle. The suspended places of border (in)hospitality.)

Giovangiuseppe Vannelli, Angela D’Agostino, Luisa Russo, Progetti per obsolescenze interne: frammenti di frazioni a Cerro al Volturno (Projects for inner obsolescence: fragments of hamlets in Cerro al Volturno)

Macrosession 8. The impact of the crisis
8.01 Narratives on the post-crisis urban scenario

Coordinators: Sara Monaci (Politecnico di Torino), Tatiana Mazali (Politecnico di Torino)

AISU Panel

The recent pandemic reinforced pre-existing forms of exclusion - for example, digital inequalities emerged as serious obstacles to access to education, work, and the possibility of relationships and socialization; moreover it became evident how a number of social transformations such as smart working, distance learning, gig-workers, can evolve from desirable opportunities to forms of existential peripheralization (Ruzzeddu, 2020; Bolisani et al., 2020). Here the concept of digital periphery corresponds not only to a spatial context - the house, the neighborhood, the city - but also to a social and symbolic periphery where the individual is psychologically marginalised (Papa, 2021). It is also interesting to reflect on the role of the media in disseminating imaginaries and narratives now aimed at enhancing the transition to digital as a desirable horizon, now aimed at highlighting its limits and contradictions. In short, we are facing an epochal turning point that the apparatuses of mainstream communication are struggling to tell, and that at the same time social media brings out through the conflict of hate speech, misinformation and pandemics of nonsense. These processes are difficult to grasp in a systematic way, because they are in a phase of ascent and in constant change, and because they are composed of many minor phenomena, sometimes interfering and sometimes autonomous.
The aim of this session is to compare contributions that reflect on post-pandemic narratives relating to new conditions of marginalization (by way of example, women in smart working, immigrants, riders, etc.) or to conflicting representations of the ""digital transition"".
The session welcomes multidisciplinary views that range from cultural studies on communication and the media - with a focus also on the most suitable digital methods for processing and analyzing data online -, urban-spatial perspectives, and sociological analysis of inequalities.

Beatrice Agulli, Fabrizio Paone, Smart Working e nuove forme di esclusione. Indizi e tracce, a partire dal paesaggio urbano (Smart Working and new forms of exclusion. Clues and traces, starting from the urban landscape)

Alessandra Colombelli, Tania Cerquitelli, Greta Temporin, L’impatto della pandemia di Covid-19 sul personale tecnico-amministrativo e accademico in università: carico di lavoro eccessivo ed esaurimento (The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on university administrative and academic staff: physical and emotional exhaustion and overwork)

Simone Persico, Sara Monaci, Tatiana Mazali, Narrazioni della disuguaglianza durante la pandemia in Italia: un approccio quanti-qualitativo per analizzare il dibattito Twitter sullo smart working (Narratives of inequalities during the COVID19 pandemic in Italy: a quanti-qualitative approach to analyse the Twitter debate on smart working)

Mariya Shcherbyna, (Inclusion, Culture Of Inclusion And Online-Education: Phenomenon And Significance)

Fiorella Spallone, Diritto allo Studio e innovazione urbana: una prospettiva socio-urbanistica per la definizione del public engagement (Right to study and urban innovation: a socio-urban perspective for the definition of public engagement)

8.02 From plague-in cities to plug-in cities. Urban transformations and redevelopments between the second half of the 14th and the first half of the 15th century

Coordinators: Damiano C. Iacobone (Politecnico di Milano)

"The plague that struck Italy and the rest of Europe in the mid-fourteenth century had spread from the cities of Messina and Genoa, to reach much of the territory. If the transmission of the infection occurred from rats to humans through fleas, nevertheless urban congestion, poor general hygiene conditions and the presence of organic waste in public places contributed to the spread of the pestilence. Although the Regimina contra pestis already provided for the isolation and removal from crowded places, it would be appropriate to evaluate how much the medieval urban structure, with the mainly curvilinear roads (which had reached its apogee in the 12th century), with blind alleys, narrow and juxtaposed blocks and the narrowness of public places contributed to the development of the plague. At the same time it would be interesting to evaluate how much the change in the urban organization in favor of straight paths, wider road axes, squares and public spaces, which began to be built at the end of the 14th century to become essential components of the urban structure from the 15th century, was also determined by health needs and to contrast with epidemics as well as by requests for urban decoration, renovation of building types and by theoretical elaborations. A series of specific cases, both referred to Italy and to the European context, placed in correlation, could lead to understanding how the epidemic was overcome through urban interventions, up to the configuration of a stable and solid network of cities between the end of the 14th century and the first half of the following century. Moreover, the most up-to-date studies on epidemics are trying to overcome the purely biological approach, trying to ""analyze the way in which the organization, the cultural norms of a society have been able to adapt to the constraints of the natural environment and cope with them» (A. Burguière).

Damiano Iacobone , Provvedimenti e misure contro la peste a Milano e nel suo territorio in età viscontea, ,

Gianluca Mete, Epidemie e urbanistica, dall’emergenza al cambiamento. Il caso di Cremona e dei centri vicini. (Epidemics and urban history: from the emergency to the changes. The case of Cremona and the other cities.)

Joana Pinho, Health environments and urban development in Lisbon (14th-16th centuries), ,

Paolo Storchi, Prevenire è meglio che curare. Accorgimenti urbanistici per rendere le città italiane più salubri e impedire la diffusione dei contagi nei XIV/XV sec. (Prevention is better than cure. Urban planning measures to make italian cities healthier and prevent the spread of the plague in the XIV/XV cent.)


Coordinators: Donatella Strangio (Sapienza Università di Roma), Elena Ambrosetti (Sapienza Università di Roma), Diotima Bertel (SYNYO Gmbh – Austria)

AISU Panel

Since COVID-19 emerged in December 2019, it has had a nearly unprecedented global social, behavioral and economic impact. The effects of the pandemic go far beyond physical health, impacting on “everyday life” and well-being, mental health, education, employment, and political stability. “Vulnerable groups” such as older persons, migrants, persons living with chronic illness, persons with lower socio-economic status, etc. have been disproportionally impacted by the pandemic and its socio-economic consequences.
To understand the impact of different measures on these groups, there is a need for more comprehensive and coordinated comparative research addressing sub- and supra-national as well as national responses and their impact and intended and unintended consequences (also historically). Measures implemented internationally, nationally or locally do not impact the entire population equally, with evidence highlighting the disproportionate impacts that the pandemic has had on different segments of society, affecting vulnerable and marginalized groups to a greater extent.
It will be important to compare findings on the responses initiated by national Governments, understanding the unequal impact and the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on vulnerable groups, the effective communication in response to COVID-19 heightened by the vast amount of false information and conspiracy theories online in European countries. Giving the above, the goal of this session is to provide preliminary evidence resulting from the desk and empirical research of the COVINFORM H2020 project. In particular, it aims to assess the impacts of national and local COVID-19 responses on human behaviour, social dynamics, and physical and mental health outcomes within both general populations and specific vulnerable groups.

Alessandra De Rose, Maria Felice Arezzo, Marta Pasqualini, Vulnerabilità e disuguaglianze nella salute mentale: una valutazione dell’impatto della pandemia di Covid-19 (Vulnerabilities and inequalities in mental health: an assessment of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic)

Sergei Shubin, Diana Beljaars, Louise Condon, Pandemic subjects in Wales: vulnerability, rationality, marginalisation, ,

Marco Teodori, Prima del Covid-19. Caratteri ed effetti a livello locale della prima grande pandemia influenzale del Novecento: la “spagnola” a Roma nel 1918-1919 (Before Covid-19. The local effects of the first great influenza pandemic of the twentieth century: the “Spanish flu” in Rome in 1918-1919.)

Marina Zannella, Giorgio Alleva, Elena Ambrosetti, Gloria Anderson, Massimo Fantoni, Rita Murri, Donatella Strangio, Alessandra De Rose, Sara Miccoli, Gli operatori sanitari durante la pandemia: risultati preliminari di un caso studio realizzato a Roma (The health care workers during the pandemic: preliminary finding of a case study implemented in Rome)

8.05 The representation of urban space in times of crisis

Coordinators: Anat Falbel (EAHN Urban Representations Interest Group), Conor Lucey (University College Dublin), Ines Tolic (Università di Bologna)

AISU Panel

To answer the discussion proposed by the AISU for its next Congress Adaptive Cities Through the Post Pandemic Lens. Rethinking Times and Challenges of the Flexible City in Urban History/Times and Challenges in Urban History, the EAHN Urban Representations Interest Group is proposing a discussion on the representation of urban space in times of crisis.
Considering the recent consciousness of the environmental vulnerability in the Anthropocene and the consequences of man-made destruction throughout history – from climate change and so-called “natural disasters” to the spread of disease in the urban environment – we suggest as the session’s main theme the iconographical representations of natural and man-made catastrophes and the responses (either public or private) to their impact on urban space.
This session is especially interested in papers that reflect on the representation of urban space during the late modern period, including our contemporaneity, considering different still and moving image media, from drawing to design, film and photography. We invite contributions that might shed interpretative light on the cultural contexts and the conditions in which representations were forged (reasons, codes, conventions, producers), considering representation both as an object of analysis and as a historiographical operation. Specific case studies should be considered as an opportunity to address broader historical and interpretative topics, fostering critical discussion on urban representation and its methodologies from a historical perspective but with an eye towards future challenges. Some of the questions our session will attempt to answer include, but are not limited to, the following: What have been the dominant modes of representing urban catastrophe in the Anthropocene? How were those representations produced and circulated within and among countries and continents provoking new urban strategies, as well as new visual representations? How did iconographical representations of urban space in times of crisis incorporate or appropriate the theoretical developments of other disciplines? How has the last couple of years shaped our views on the relationship between the city and disease, and ultimately how has this relationship been represented? How do representations of a city in times of crisis contribute to the shaping of that city's future?

Alessandro Benetti, 1979: fotografie di un quartiere in cantiere. La rénovation urbaine di Parigi come crisi pianificata (1979: photographs from a neighborhood in progress. Paris’s rénovation urbaine as a planned state of crisis)

Cristina Cuneo, La rappresentazione della città e la sua fruizione digitale: lo spazio urbano durante il lockdown. Il caso di Torino (The representation of the city and its digital use: urban space during the great lockdown. The case of Turin)

Lilyana Karadjova, The discursive spaces of natural disasters rephotography

Piotr Kisiel, 60%: war damage in a small town

Ines Tolic, Chiara Monterumisi, Fra crisi e progetto. Le rappresentazioni del Fiera District attraverso la lente postpandemica (Between Design and Crisis: The Representations of Bologna’s Fiera District Through the Postpandemic Lens)

8.06 In war and in peace. War threats and mutations of the European city in the contemporary era

Coordinators: Andrea Maglio (Università Federico II di Napoli), Gemma Belli (Università di Napoli Federico II)

AISU Panel

In contemporary times, war methods and the need for expansion and transformation of cities have interacted differently, conditioning cities’ shape, structure and image. In the Nineteenth century, the disappearance of the need for certain defensive elements, such as the city walls, offered an opportunity to rethink the urban configuration, in conjunction with the strong demographic growth and the new needs for modernization. On the other hand, if - in particular at the beginning of the century - new spaces for military functions arose, such as the Campo di Marte, there was a need to adapt garrisons and structures with military functions (ports, barracks, road infrastructures, etc. .). In the twentieth century, then, the different ways in which offensive actions were conducted implied a much more adaption tendency. The Second World War required defensive measures such as air-raid shelters, evacuation measures and proceedings for the safety of inhabitants, buildings and works of art, but also the rethinking of the structure of the territory, sometimes imagining the birth of small centers considered less vulnerable. The end of the war, again, marked the appearance of new studies aimed at preventing the effects of any conflict and then at dealing with the conditions of the 'cold war'. Finally, the end of the latter, involving a reorganization of alliances, such as NATO, in the face of cases of divestment created further opportunities for reuse and rethinking. The session calls for contributions capable of linking the theme of urban transformations of the contemporary era to the different ways in which European conflicts have been conducted in the last two centuries and, in the second post-war period, to the measures generated by fears of new possible, catastrophic war events.

Gemma Belli, Pianificare la città e paura del conflitto atomico. Il contributo di Domenico Andriello (1909-2003) nell’Italia del secondo dopoguerra. (Planning the city and fear of the atomic conflict. The contribution of Domenico Andriello (1909-2003) in post-World War II Italy.)

Ermanno Bizzarri, L’architettura italiana dei rifugi antiaerei durante la seconda guerra mondiale. Strategie di difesa sotterranea (The Italian Architecture of Air-raid Shelters during World War II. Strategies of Underground Protection)

Francesca Capano, Il castello di Ischia nell’Ottocento, e la reggia divenne carcere (Ischia castle in the 19th century, and the royal palace became a prison)

Martin Harutyunyan, Architecture of Stepanakert, the capital of Nagorno Karabakh, 1990-2020 (between two large-scale wars), ,

Andrea Maglio, Dalla guerra alla pace: il modello di città “articolata e diradata” nella ricostruzione tedesca da sistema difensivo a rappresentazione dell’occidente (From War to Peace: the “Articulated and Spread out” City in Germany, from a Defensive System to the Representation of the Democratic West)

Fabio Mangone, Da fabbrica bellica ad arsenale. Il complesso di via Campegna a Napoli, 1939-1960. (From a War factory to an Arsenal. The Via Campegna complex in Naples, 1939-1960.)

Giovanni Menna, L'”Istituto per i Figli del Popolo di Napoli” (1939-40): un collegio paramilitare in riva al mare (The “Istituto per i Figli del Popolo di Napoli” (1939-40): a paramilitary college by the sea)

Valeria Pagnini, Gli istituti di formazione militare a Napoli tra Settecento e Ottocento: modelli di educazione civica e trasformazione urbana (Military training institutes in Naples between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries: models of civic education and urban transformation)

Giovanni Spizuoco, Le città storiche indiane e la colonizzazione britannica a cavallo tra Ottocento e Novecento: sommosse, rivoluzioni e trasformazione urbana. (Historic Indian cities and British colonization at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries: riots, revolutions and urban transformation.)