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Macrosession 2. Cities’ adaptviness in the long term and in ordinary circumstances.

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Committee: Chiara Devoti (Politecnico di Torino – DIST), Filippo De Pieri (Politecnico di Torino – DAD), Marco Pretelli (Università di Bologna).

Reporting: Luca Mocarelli (Università di Milano Bicocca).

The issue of adaptiveness of cities looks really promising if tackled from a long-term perspective and, most of all, releasing it from the category of crisis or catastrophe. What seems worth investigating is the adaptability of cities to structural changes, that is, the way in which cities face "normal" circumstances. In other words, how cities experience, manage and cope with large-scale processes that can last for decades. The question might be addressed for any historical period on different aspects, through case studies or comparative approaches, but also by re-interpreting of phenomena.

More specifically the macrosession will include (but it will not be limited to):