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Macrosession 5. The narratives of which voices? A afterthought critical of data, narratives and perspectives.

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Committee: Sara Abram (Fondazione Centro Conservazione e Restauro “La Venaria Reale”), Swati Chattopadhyay (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA), Ermanno Malaspina (Università di Torino, DISH Centro interdipartimentale di DH), Ines Tolic (Università di Bologna), Cristina Martelli (Università degli Studi di Firenze UNIFI), Cristina Trinchero (Università di Torino, DISH (Centro interdipartimentale di DH), Maurizio Vivarelli (Università di Torino, DISH (Centro interdipartimentale di DH).

Reporting: Swati Chattopadhyay (University of California, Santa Barbara, USA).

Which crisis are we really talking about? Any crisis affects population groups differentially. We therefore cannot discuss the adapatability of cities without specifically addressing relations of race, class, gender and sexuality. If we are committed to thinking about marginalized groups who have had scant representation in urban history, we need a methodological shift. This would require addressing the challenges of incorporating/adopting narrative voices of the marginalized, and a new scale of analysis for investigating crisis. The latter might mean abandoning the big scale of urban analysis in favor of the small scale of time and space.

Which narratives do we include in the investigation of urban adaptability and what kind of impact that might have on our understanding of urban processes, archives, and methods? How do we incorporate parameters and criteria from a postcolonial, critical race theory and gender/sexuality perspective?

This macrosession aims to critically survey urban history narratives and their impact. The goal is to reconsider the parameters and criteria of evidence and analytic method from new perspectives, The macrosession also calls for reflections on the adaptation of research approaches and methodologies to changes required by new theoretical, social, and technological developments. Presentations may use the case study approach or delve into methodological questions.

More specifically the macrosession will include (but it will be limited to):