Si terrà Giovedì 11 Novembre ore 17:00 la lezione di Sarah Deutsch (LINK – Duke University, USA) dal titolo “The City as a Site for Gender Performance and Policing“.
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La lezione si terrà su piattaforma Zoom, è necessaria la registrazione per parteciparvi. Qui il link per iscriversi all’evento
The spatial organization of the city reflects, encodes, and sustains gendered relations of power—in the proximity of work to home, and the safe access to the streets for commerce, mobility, and protest. Spatial, social, and political order are imbricated, just as gender, racial, and class orders are. Gender policing is done both formally (by official police) and informally by ordinary citizens—by catcalling, wolf whistles, aggression, and vigilante action. In this paper I will examine two historical moments in U.S. cities in a bit more depth, to examine the performance and policing of gender in the city circa 1900 and 1950, and finally turn to an area that begs for more attention—how we understand the gender performance of the police in these matters.