Scholars from Aalto University, Chalmers University of Technology, Kulturlandskapet, National Technical University and Tampere University have proudly joined forces in organizing a session on compensation in architecture and archaelolgy at 27th Annual meeting of EAA within the global objective “Widening Horizons”.
This session is focusing on compensation as a concept, method, and professional practice in the conservation and development of cultural environments. Compensation represents a significant challenge reflected in a myriad of environmental laws and in local policies. The concept has many definitions and, from a planning perspective, can be defined as overall demands, specific measures, actions and changes of design taken in order to appease criticism.
The transformation of environments can be approached from two main perspectives. On the one hand, there is a risk of negative impacts on cultural heritage when exploitation interests are in power. Project developers, reinforced by political interests, can ignore the values and architectural qualities of cultural heritage in places subject to exploitation. A protected milieu, thus, can be perceived as an obstacle for the development rather than a common resource . On the other hand, there have been calls for a rethinking of compensation as means to recreate and safeguard cultural and architectural values and qualities affected by developments. In such approaches, how can issues related respect for the history and protection of cultural heritage, be combined with a reconstruction of the values associated with and the adaptive re- use of buildings?
This session calls for multidisciplinary approaches to compensation. How should it be understood as a concept, method, and practice by architects, architectural conservators, and archaeologists. The session welcomes papers discussing compensation as (a) a part of the measures and functions aimed at restoring lost cultural values and architectural qualities, (b)
conservation and protection through rules and regulations in city plans and urban planning, (c) requirements for design of new buildings, (d) tools and methods for balancing interests between exploitation and preservation and (e) problem solving approaches to modify proposals that impact cultural environments.
Tracks and approaches
The session has a multidisciplinary approach and invites scholars to present papers discussing compensation in planning processes, which involve exploitation in areas of cultural values and architectural qualities. Send in papers in the following five tracks:
• Compensation as a tool, method and measure for protection, restoration, reconstruction and relocation of cultural values and architectural qualities in areas of exploitation
• Compensation as national regulations and local policies for safeguarding cultural values and architectural qualities in planning processes and planning documents
• Compensation as professional practice (architects, architectural conservators and archae- ologists) in finding solution for regaining cultural values and architectural qualities
• Compensation as rethinking of values and qualities in planning processes and developing innovative proposals balancing damaged on the cultural environments
• Compensation as result of negotiations among key-actors about identified cultural values and architectural qualities in order to make the exploitation accepted by the authorities
Key Dates and Deadlines
Call for papers: 16 December 2020
Submission of abstract of 300-400 words: 11 February 2021
Notification of abstract acceptance: 23 March 2021
Early bird fee: 31 March 2021 (See: Deadline registration fee: 22 April 2021 (see: Scientific program announced at EAA2021 website: 12 May
Deadline preliminary paper: 15 August
Paper presentations at EAA2021: 8-11 September
After the session
A proceeding is planned to be published with peer-reviewed papers from the session entitled Compensation in Architecture and Archeology. The proceeding is going to be published by a Publishing House, ranked as a scientific publisher.
Session organiser
Magnus Rönn, Kulturlandskapet and Chalmers Univerisuty of Technology, Sweden Helena Teräväinen, Aalto University, Finland
Iida Kalakoski, Tampere University, Finland
Athanasios Kouzelis, National Technical University, Greece
Submissions Abstract
Submit your abstract (300, excluding keywords and references) by 11 February. Information on how to submit a contribution: Send a cppy your abstract to:, and,
Conference paper
Submit the preliminary full paper (6,000 to 8.000 words) for presentation at the session. The conference paper must be submitted by 15 August.
Send full paper to:, and,
The guidelines to the conference paper will be provided by 23 March 2021 at the same time as the notification of acceptance of abstracts is sent to the respective authors.
The organisers will acts as editors for the proceeding publication.
Information and website
There will be a special website at Kulturlandskpet for the following proceeding publication (see:
Practical and contact information for the session
Further practical information will be provided at a later stage
Previous discussion on compensation
For inspiration and previous discussion on compensation in architecture and archeology see the following proceeding at Kulturlandskapets homepage: compensation-in-planning-processes/