Today, OurWorldHeritage launches OWHvoices, an open platform for interested and concerned citizens to comment on the 44th Session World Heritage Committee, 16 to 31 July 2021. We welcome your information and viewpoints on the State of Conservation and Sites in Danger reports under review at this meeting. Furthermore, you can open any other World Heritage related topic. Register to participate online and review the rules or participate through Instagram! Using this multilingual platform and social media during the 44th Session will improve community awareness, increase credibility, and provide for broader communication about the issues on the World Heritage Committee agenda.
OWH looks forward to your support in forwarding this message amongst your regional and local networks! We gladly welcome your participation should you choose to contribute to OWHvoices!
You may also be interested in the OurWorldHeritage Foundation (OWH) #2021debate, a series of twelve themes relevant to the 1972 World Heritage Convention and its upcoming 50th anniversary. #2021debate recently completed six months of seminars with over 600 speakers and panels engaging thousands of participants. In the month of July 2021, the OWH Sustainability theme is holding a series of very interesting webinars. To participate, please visit our website to register.
If you have further questions about OWHvoices, please contact