Dear Members,
Dear Delegates,
On Wednesday 1 September 2021 the European Association for Urban History, in collaboration with the Centre for Urban History at the University of Antwerp, is hosting an online event:
Urban History. Old Paradigms and New Perspectives
Traditionally historical research is subdivided in broad strands (cultural, political, social and economic history) and in periods (antiquity, middle ages, early modern, modern, contemporary). Urban history, as a thematical strand, allows for all these subdisciplines and many others (archaeology, architectural history, literary history, art history, planning history etc.) to meet. This is at the same time a great strength, as all these discipline bring along their own paradigms and methodologies creating not only fruitful encounters but also new ways of looking at particular issues, but also a great weakness because it tends to fragment urban history in many different approaches. With this short online-meeting we want to explore some defining approaches in recent urban history and identify how they help to define what constitutes urban history itself.
In the meeting, three specialists will present their view on one particular approach (Foucauldian notions like governance and governmentality, global and comparative history, and environmental and social history seen through the prism of pandemics) and during the plenary discussion we will try to identify how these approaches and others may help to better define what urban history is about, and what its original contribution to historical science can be.
Wednesday 1 September 2021
Urban History. Old Paradigms and New Perspectives
14h/2PM CET
Introduction (Peter Stabel on behalf of the EAUH and Iason Jongepier on behalf of the Centre for Urban History, Antwerp)
14h15/2:15PM CET
Urban history and Urban Governance (Simon Gunn, The Centre for Urban History, Leicester University)
Comparative Urban History and Global Urban History (Rosemary Wakeman, Fordham University, New York)
Urban History and Pandemics (Tim Soens, Centre for Urban History, University of Antwerp)
15h30/3:30PM CET
Discussion (open to all participants)
16h/4PM CET: End of the online event
16h30/4:30PM CET: Members meeting (only members who registered at the EAUH conference in Rome 2018 allowed, on invitation via email)
* Registration is required, please visit: *
Kind regards,
Peter Stabel & Iason Jongepier, on behalf of the European Association for Urban History and the Centre for Urban History at the University of Antwerp
University of Antwerp