RESILIAGE Summer School is thrilled to announce the opening of its registration for the upcoming 6th edition, scheduled from the 22nd to the 29th of June, 2024 entitled “SHEroes Resilience Summer School: SHEroes Resilience Summer School: Empowering Women in Disaster Risk Reduction through Heritage”, a part of the programme “Cultural Heritage in Context. Digital Technologies for Humanities”.
This unique educational programme will be held at the prestigious Castello del Valentino, a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in the heart of Turin, Italy. This year’s theme, aims to bridge the gap between science and heritage studies, focusing on empowering women in these fields.
The Summer School
The programme will focus on societal resilience and explore cultural natural heritage drivers for enhancing adaptation and preparedness for Disaster Risk Reduction, the summer school focuses especially on natural disasters and Climate Change related risks. It aims to empower Women in Science by providing them with digital skills in heritage expertise for Disaster Risk Management and with a critical understandings of gender-sensitive approaches.
In a rich framework of interdisciplinary activities, within the Horizon Europe RESILIAGE research project, the Summer School will create opportunities of knowledge transfer and consultation based on the wide range of international experts at the intersection of Humanities, Social Sciences and STEM.
The programme is open to a variety of career levels in both academic and professional contexts. They include Early Career Researchers and any Practitioners with background in Disaster Risk Reduction, resilience, heritage, cultural institutions, Master and PhD students. For master students affiliated in European universities the programme is equivalent to 2CFU.
Information for Application
Participation fee: 450€ including accomodation, 300€ excluding accomodation
Send your filled in and signed Application Form, CV, Motivation Letter and copy of Passport (for non-Italian participants) to
Deadline of application: 14th June 2024
More information will soon be available on the Summer School official website here.
Don’t miss this chance to be part of an inspiring journey of learning, empowerment, and change in the beautiful city of Turin!
Stay tuned for more information!