Registration via:
September, 15
Peter Larkham, Birmingham City University and David Adams, University of Birmingham:
Relics of war: identifying and mapping ‘destroyed’ churches in modern landscapes
October, 20:
John Pendlebury, Newcastle University
Conservation, planning and regeneration in the post-war British city: the case of York
November, 17:
Jaroslav Ira, Charles University Prague
Grand Narratives and Little Places: Deconstructing Small Towns’ Imaginaries in the Czech Lands and Germany (ca 1900-1940)
December, 15:
Gruia Badescu, University of Konstanz
Making sense of ruins: Approaches of post-war urban reconstruction and dealing with the past after 1945
January, 19:
Radosław Ptaszyński, University of Szczecin
Szczecin 1945: Between German heritage and constructing a Polish identity
February, 16:
Aleksandra Paradowska, University of the Arts, Poznan
Same spaces – new meanings. German urban planning for Polish cities in Wartheland, 1939-1945
March, 16:
Mykola Makhortykh, University of Bern
Digital maps of the conflict in the Eastern Ukraine